When I Flew With You



Remember I told you, that my husband was a dragon? A charming one? And that his story was for another day?

Well, let me tell you...

Chapter 1

Free Falling

(Rosy POV)

Right now, I'm so mad, it's not funny.

My older sister just thinks she knows EVERY little frikin' thing!

As I storm away from my apartment building, I note with little interest that everyone seems to be aware of my nasty mood.

Good. if you know what's healthy, stay the fuck away from me.

In less time then it takes to tell, I'm parking my rear into my jeep with a vengeance as I take the keys and stab them viciously into the ignition, twisting them until the engine starts with a yelp. I growl as I back up and then storm down the road, driving like a maniac.

Right now, I'm pissed and I need a rush to soothe my frayed nerves. The evening air is cool, and I need to breath it in… from the upper levels of the atmosphere, of course.

I'm a pilot, in case you're wondering what I'm ranting on about. I have a license and I own a small airplane, a sweet 1948 Cessna 170. Even though it's an old model, I still love it.

It's like my child.

My own pair of wings.

As I arrive at the hangar, the sun starts to set, and I hurry to climb out of my car. As my feet hit the pavement, I SLAM that door shut, growling quietly.

Earth is getting old fast.

I need to be in the clouds again, to refresh my perspective on my position in life. If I stay on this wretched ground any longer, I'll go crazy.

Too late...

I go through the procedure for take off with great impatience. When I finally get into the air, I feel like all this weight has left me.

Freedom… Absolute and utter freedom. The pink and violet-lined golden clouds greet me with sweet, fluffy smiles, and the sun gently basks it's rays over the wings of my plane.

The roar of the engine hums in my ears, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

I love this.

I just wish I could stay up here, with this feeling forever. I'd do anything for that.

Dream on.

As I get lost in the clouds, forgetting my stress for a moment, I hardly notice as a little red light starts blinking. And my engine starts to sputter. And cough.

And then it becomes completely quiet.

Oh no.

I'm falling.


Hey guys! this is a sort of prologue to my story "Oh That's Just Perfect!" It takes place a year before Kanani's born and features OCs, with a guest appearance of Alexa Wood, who is not my character.

Enjoy... :) And please review! please!