Okay, I know I have BITWBOTL to work on, and I'm super sorry that I haven't updated in a super long time. But school has been hectic and I need to keep my grades up if I want to get into a good med school. Anyway this idea had been plaguing me for a week now and if I don't get it out then I will never be able to concentrate enough on my USHIST test tomorrow.

This is just a one-shot….maybe two. Pretty much no plot just a side to Kurt that no one sees.

Pairings: Not really important but Klaine, single Finn, Britanna.

AU. Kurt and Blaine are together, but they haven't kissed, Kurt boards at Dalton.

Hope you enjoy and see you at the bottom. *less-than three*

Disclaimer: If I owned Glee….would I really be here? I mean really!

Sue's POV

People are stupid, chasing my Sweet Porcelain out of here. Out of these sticky, sweaty halls crowded with stupid, fat girls teasing testosterone filled boys with greasy, over dyed things on their head that they call hair. I'm at least glad that my Cheerios aren't fat. Stupid Glee Kids for not protecting him more, convincing him to stay, for not being a better friend.

Good on you, Porcelain, for getting out of here. Now how can I convince you to come back and be the best Head Cheerio that I, and the rest of the squad, know you can be?

The only way is to convince you that it's safe here now….

…and the only way to do that is to show these cow-eating, stupid, grotesque children the confident, successful person that they all wannabe. For my Sweet Porcelain is the only confident, successful person in this festering pheromone pit that our nation so gracefully calls a high school.

Q went and got herself knocked up by Puckerman.

Boobs McBoobjob, speaks for itself.

And Dumbo doesn't know the alphabet.

Porcelain the only one that wasn't a disappointment.

Then he ups and leaves.

OH! That's how I'll get him back. That should do nicely. It shouldn't be too hard to pull off either.

Outside General POV

"I had a really nice time tonight, Blaine."

"Me too!" Kurt though Blaine looked like an over excited puppy, his cheeks and nose slightly red from the bites and nips of the frost in the air. His eyes glistening with saltwater to protect them from the crisp air, his deep, amber, expressive eyes that Kurt could just lose himself in each and every time they were directed his wa…..no! Bad Kurt! Answer him! You can lose yourself when you're talking to 'Cedes tonight!

"I hope we can go out again, sometime?" Kurt asked timidly, carefully avoiding Blaine's openly admiring gaze, for fear of getting lost and never leaving, never wanting to leave the maze hidden behind those eyes.

"Yes! I'd love too! I mean," he quickly amended, now red more from embarrassment then from the cold, "If you'd want to, when you're free or if you don't want to that's fine too….." Blaine trailed off looking down and Kurt was able to breath more freely. Would Blaine never stop having this affect on him? Kurt kind of hoped not.

"Blaine," Kurt said, chuckling slightly at the other boy's fumbling, "I just said I wanted to, whenever you're free I'm sure I can make some time."

Blaine's smile was like the sun rising and Kurt couldn't help but return it with his own, tooth-hidden smile. "Weeeeelll," he drawled, "I'm free tomorrow, want to head over to the mall? I heard that Macy's is having a sale on scarves."

Kurt's smile faltered, being replaced by a panicked, guilty look, but just for an instance, and a less true smile covering it quickly. "I'm so sorry, Blaine, I want to so much but I wasn't able to do any homework today because I was getting ready for our date and you know I have an essay due in my AP History class on monday and I still have research to finish and I haven't refreshed my French for a while and Madam was thinking of doing a demo with me to show proper verb con…"

Blaine cut off Kurt's excuse loaded rant, laughing but wondering at his new boyfriends odd behavior, "that's fine, I'll call you, Okay?" Kurt nodded, looking down, something that Blaine was secretly thankful for. He found it hard to think when Kurt looked at him properly, always trying to figure out what color they actually were and what color his emotions were trailing behind those wonderful eyes glowing in the pale twilight zephyr.

Blaine lifted their intertwined hands to his lips and kissed Kurt gently, smiling at him before turning and leaving, humming Your Song to himself thinking that if Kurt was hiding something, it was for a good reason. Blaine decided to respect that…but maybe he'd have word with Mercedes about it and possibly let something slip to Wes and David, who would never leave it alone until they knew.

But of course Blaine would talk to Kurt about it first.

It turns out he wouldn't need to.

Kurt's POV

"White Boy, you'd better have a really good excuse to be calling past 10:30," Mercedes voice threatened over Kurt's cell phone, "If my mom"

"If it was anyone else but me your mom would have a conniption, but it is me," Kurt smirked at the phone, knowing 'Cedes would never be mad at him for calling.

"Alright, you're right, I wasn't really that angry. So what's up, White Boy? Did your Prince finally kiss you?" She tried to suppress her squeal at the thought of her boy gettin' some.

"It was only our second date, 'Cedes, were taking things slow…"


"but he did kiss my hand before he left."

"AW! That is sosososo sweet and gentlemanly! Was it good?"

"ohmygod," Kurt flopped back on his bed with a sigh and put his phone on speaker so he could start to get ready for bed, he knew it would be a busy day tomorrow, "his lips were so soft on my hand, it felt really good and his EYES, ohmygod his EYES, Mercedes, I could find myself wondering in them forever and never give a care to a thought of leaving. I really don't know what he sees in me, he so much more handsome and talented and, I'm only saying this to you, 'Cedes, but he is so gosh darn hot and sexy when he looks at me like HES the lucky one. I know he doesn't think of me as being sexy or hot, I'm just lucky he saw me worthy of being his friend and then he wants to date me? ME? I'm still slightly afraid that It's all some joke and one day he's going to laugh at me and his friends will start to exchange money for the bets they made on my feelings."


Kurt smiled wide, a real tooth showing smile that he knew would have his girls swooning over him if they ever saw it. "Yeah, I do know that, I just need a reminder every once and a while. I am so looking forward to tomorrow."

"Oh? What's happening tomorrow, White Boy?"

"Nothing! Um…homework, French, history. Look I have to go! Love you 'Cedes! I'll call you tomorrow! Bye!"

Kurt hung up quickly; he'd have to be more careful if he didn't want people to find out. He didn't know why he didn't want people to know, maybe because it was the last thing that he had just between his mom and him. And if people knew…it wouldn't be as theirs. He sighed and laid on his bed, curling upon himself as dreams came to his vacant mind, full of color and emotion.

The Next Morning, Sunday

Kurt woke at his usual time, 6:00 and walked downstairs without doing his hair or changing out of his pj's. he knew that Burt and Finn were both heavy sleepers and would never ever consider waking up this early. He started cooking them a breakfast and at 6:30 had pancakes and bacon staying warm in the oven and a note on the table for his father.


It's Sunday. You know what that means.

I'll be in the backyard till sundown at the latest.

Please don't let ANYONE go back there today.

Finn, this means you.

Food is in the oven. Have a good day.


It was the same not he left every Sunday. He knew it was unorthodox, what he did, but he had gotten used to making excuses and his friends had learned to not ask him to hang out on Sundays. They were always trying to trick it out of him but that just wasn't going to happen. His father was the only one who knew why he did what he did, but even he never knew what he did. And they had given up trying to figure it out. But now with Blaine in the picture…..uhg…boyfriends complicate things, but they were so worth it. Kurt smiled, remembering Blaine's lips on his hand last night. NO. Wrong, today was for him, for him and for his mother.

Kurt smiled wide again and grabbed the chest kept in the back of the hall closet for Sundays and carried it to the backyard, still in his pjs.

General POV

Yep, Sue thought to herself, this was perfect, after grilling the Powerpuff Girls about their friendship with her Porcelain she had discovered that he never hang out with any of his friends on Sunday. And according to Q, who overheard Frankenteen telling Midget, he just went to the backyard every Sunday but he didn't know doing what, he was never allowed back there, but the one time he was home during the day he heard load music that he didn't even think Kurt knew existed.

She had, in record time, gotten hold of some high quality spy cameras and had had them set up around the Hummel's high-walled backyard.

Blaine had called an emergency meeting of the Warbler's, (most of them boarded so that was no problem), after receiving an anonymous email simply stating that if he and his little band of so called singers wanted to see what their countertenor did every Sunday then he had better get them and his curly mop-head to Dalton's auditorium this Sunday no later than 8, because that's when the show starts.

The Warbler's where hesitant, especially Jeff, Kurt's roommate, but were also very curious to see what their newest member did get up to. They decided to show, but no one was obligated to stay if they felt like it was invading Kurt's privacy to much.

Mr. Figgans had sent out a phone call to all of the parents to have their son or daughter dropped off at the auditorium Sunday at 8 for an all day very very important assembly that simply could not wait until Monday. The parents were confused but complied.

And so it was that Sunday at 8, the auditoriums of both Dalton and McKinley were filled with people who knew Sue's sweet Porcelain and she hoped that he not disappoint.

This was going to be good.

Wow. This was the longest I'v ever written. I would have continued but it's late and I have a test tomorrow and want to sleep. Next: Sunday. Sorry for the cliffhanger.

What's Kurt up to? (Don't worry, kids, it's perfectly legal)

I don't know when I'll have the next on up but it should be this weekend sometime.

Thank you so much for reading,you honestly have no idea how much strength it gives me to continue.

I love reviews like a fat kid on a diet loves sugar free, low cal cake.

*less-than three*