It was a busy time of year on the Barkley ranch. Spring plowing and planting to be done, new calves and foals being born, not to mention the endless task of keeping the fence lines intact. It didn't help that they were shorthanded at the moment, and that meant Heath and Nick rarely made it to dinner with the rest of the family. Jarrod's current case had been postponed, so he offered to go into town and pick up supplies, freeing up his brothers to take care of their other responsibilities around the ranch. Loading the wagon didn't take long, and, after a quick stop at his office, Jarrod was soon heading back home.

Up ahead, Jarrod spotted a buggy by the side of the road. One wheel was off and he could see the driver, a woman in a dark blue dress, stroking the horse's nose and talking to it softly. Jarrod pulled the wagon to a stop.

"Can I give you a hand, ma'am?" She turned and his heart stopped. It was Ella. He hadn't had any contact with her since she had been cleared of her husband's murder over six months ago. Jarrod hadn't been able to think of a legitimate business excuse for contacting her and besides, they had both agreed it would be better if they didn't see each other. But his thoughts often strayed in her direction and he wondered how she was faring. To have her turn up here, on the road to the ranch…

Jarrod got down from the wagon. She was just as beautiful as he remembered. "It appears you're in need of assistance, Mrs. Collins."

""I'm afraid so. It seems you're always coming to my rescue, Mr. Barkley," Ella replied, looking ruefully at the damaged buggy.

Jarrod extended her his arm. "Well, why I don't I take you back to our ranch?" he suggested. "It's not far and we can send someone out to repair the buggy."

Ella gave him a grateful smile. "That's very kind of you, Jarrod," she thanked him as he helped her into the wagon. "In fact, I was on my way for tea with Victoria Barkley. I'm afraid I'll be a little late."

"I'm sure my mother will understand," Jarrod assured her as he unhitched her horse from the buggy and tied it to the back of the wagon. He sat on the seat beside her and clucked to the horses. As they started down the road, Jarrod asked, "And what brings you to Stockton, Ella?" A nice, safe, appropriate topic of conversation.

Ella glanced over at Jarrod. "I just couldn't stay in San Francisco any longer. Once a country girl, always a country girl, I suppose." She smiled, a smile Jarrod couldn't help returning. Their eyes held each other, and, for a brief moment, Jarrod felt like he was drowning. Ella looked away, breaking the spell. She gazed at the countryside surrounding them for a moment before continuing. "I sold the townhouse and bought a small farm not far from here last week from Roy Jenkins. I moved in only a few days ago."

Jarrod forced his mind away from the image of Ella's soft blue eyes to concentrate on what she was saying. Yes, he remembered Roy Jenkins wanting to sell his place and move back east. "If I remember rightly, that farm grows citrus?" he asked. At Ella's nod, he continued. "And since it borders on our orange groves, I believe we've made a joint harvest the last few years. I'm sure my brothers would be happy to give you any advice you need."

"That would be very kind," Ella told him, "my uncle taught me about apple orchards and the farm manager stayed on, but any help would be greatly appreciated." They drove in silence for a few more minutes. "Is it far to your ranch?"

Ella mentally scolded herself for not coming up with more interesting conversation. It wasn't as if she and Jarrod were strangers, after all; he'd saved her life not that long ago. She also berated herself for not immediately realizing that Victoria Barkley, who had graciously asked her to tea when Ella met her at the store yesterday, was Jarrod Barkley's mother. She knew Jarrod was from Stockton, that was one of her reasons for coming to the valley, knew his family lived there, but for some reason her mind didn't make the connection until she saw Jarrod drive up. Back in San Francisco, she hadn't been sure if her attraction to him was only the result of the circumstances under which they met or if it was something more. Now, sitting beside him, Ella recognized her feelings did fit in the 'something more' category. She suddenly realized Jarrod was speaking to her.

"I'm sorry," Ella had to apologize, "my mind must've been wandering."

"No apology necessary," Jarrod assured her. "I was just saying you were already on the ranch when I found you and we should be at the house any minute." They rounded a corner and came upon the iron gate marking the entry to the Barkley residence.

"It's lovely, Jarrod," Ella said admiringly. She'd briefly travelled in the circles of the rich and powerful in San Francisco and their houses certainly had nothing over the Barkleys'. Plus, there was an undeniable air to the place that whispered "home" and "family", something most of the grand mansions in the city were sorely lacking. Jarrod pulled the wagon to a stop beside the house and helped Ella down.

"Here we are, my dear," he told her.

"I'm sure Mrs. Barkley will be wondering where I am," Ella observed as Jarrod escorted her through the front door.

"Like I said earlier, my mother will understand," Jarrod assured her again. "And here's the lovely lady herself," he commented as Victoria swept into the room. "I believe I've located your wayward guest, Mother."

Victoria smiled and took Ella's hand. "I was starting to be concerned, Mrs. Collins," she told the younger woman, "did you have trouble finding the place?"

Ella shook her head. "It was my buggy that had the trouble, I'm afraid. I'm just grateful Jarrod came along when he did." She bestowed Jarrod with a heart-melting smile, which he returned.

Victoria couldn't miss the exchange. "I didn't realize you two knew each other."

Jarrod continued looking at Ella. "I helped Ella out with some legal problems a few months back," he explained, not going into details.

"And you were her late husband's attorney," Victoria remembered. "Of course you would have met." She didn't add that their expressions bespoke a connection that went beyond the usual attorney-client relationship.

"Well, I should see to the unloading of the supplies and send someone out to fix your buggy." Jarrod tipped his hat. "Ladies," he said as he left the house.

Victoria showed Ella to the parlour and Silas brought tea and sandwiches. They spent a lovely hour, Ella talking about how she was sure she'd love living in the valley and Victoria telling Ella about the various charity and other goings on of Stockton society. Victoria couldn't help adding a few comments about her eldest son and from Ella's responses, knew that the beautiful young widow was greatly attracted to her handsome lawyer son.

It turned out that the axle of Ella's buggy was broken and would take some time to fix. Jarrod offered to drive her home and Victoria extended an invitation to dinner the next evening.

"And did you and my mother have an enjoyable time?" Jarrod asked as they drove along.

"Your mother is a very gracious lady," Ella replied. "She already invited me to join the new library committee." Ella glanced over at Jarrod, who was doing his best to pay attention to the road rather than the lovely lady on the seat next to him. "I think I made the right choice in coming to Stockton," she finished quietly.

Jarrod caught a glimpse of the captivating smile that Ella cast in his direction. "I think you did, too," his warm baritone equally quiet. They enjoyed the rest of the drive in silence, neither fighting the undeniable attraction between them.

When they arrived at Ella's house, Ella took a misstep exiting the buggy and Jarrod managed to catch her before she fell. Holding her in his arms, Jarrod made a decision. Ignoring all pretense of propriety, he leaned over and kissed her. Ella melted into his embrace and returned the kiss with all the desire he could have dreamed. They remained in each other's arms for what seemed like hours, exploring each other's lips, bodies close together.

"Ella," Jarrod breathed as they broke apart, "would you allow me to call on you?"

Ella reached up to touch his cheek. "After a kiss like that, I'd be extremely disappointed if you didn't, Jarrod."

Jarrod pulled her close again, lips meeting hers, with no intention of ever letting her go.