
It is commonly perceived that the idea of a 'bull seeing red' comes from the blood as the pressure levels rise higher. This is probably untrue. As any artists or writer or director would understand, red represents danger. It's a striking warning colour that suggests violence and anger. So, bearing this in mind, it was no surprise to anyone when the same red missed Tavros' vision from the crime he committed the sound of his heart pumping loudly in his ears downing out every single cry and scream, plead and wail.

Now, before you place judgement on our protagonist, I'd like you to take another fact into consideration: among the many traits a Taurus typically has, it eventually boils down to one specific reoccurring fact- rage.

A Taurus usually isn't angered very easily, and when they are it's never anything major. However, when they are pushed past their limits, the only thing left to do is run. Very fast. The frenzy is usually short lived but violent and dangerous none the less. Now that you have this further understanding, you may continue to understand what turned Tavros Nitram from the stuttering, un-confident child to the vicious and murderous troll for that briefest moment.

Tavros curled up against the wall, breathing heavily, staring at his hands. He wasn't sure if it was the colour splattered across his clothes and skin, or the body a few feet away that disturbed him more. Certainly he could feel the thick blue liquid cooling down on his hands, and hear it dripping quietly onto the floor. It was still fresh and pooled around him slightly, but still seemed to be pouring from the body. Every time he blinked it felt like it had moved.

He held a breath, fighting down a scream. Quiet whimpers fought their way through his lips, his chest shaking as realization hit him. He leaned forwards; hands pressed against the ground and retched heavily. After vomiting once or twice, he looked up from the disgusting mess of blue and brown and fought to get his breath back, tears now rolling down his face.

He had to go. He had to get out. He had to run. What if someone found out? What would everyone think? Oh gog. Oh gog. Oh gog.