Early morning brought streaks of bright light through blinds that Mace Windu did not remember having in his quarters. He blinked his eyes to adjust them to the light, then he came to reconize Master Yoda's chamber. He then thought curiously, when did I decide to meditate here?
His ear twitched in self irritation at the thought that he confused Yoda's quarters for his own. It had happened before...
WOAH WOAH WAIT! BACK IT UP! His ear twitched? Last time he recalled, his ears don't do that! Alarm begun to surface and he started to lift his hands to see if his ears were the way they were, then he saw three fingered, green hands with sharp, slightly unkept nails.
Eyes wide as dinner plates, he screamed.
Outside the chamber, a few Jedi stopped in front of Yoda's quarters to hear the small Jedi screaming loud enough for the inhabince of the Outer Rim to hear him. But nobody dared intrude on him, last time someone did when he was in state of alarm, which was centuries ago, that man was found clawed up and down right horrified. They'd have to hope that he'd find his calm before he left this morning, or they would have to warn everyone to avoid him today.
Yoda sighed as he found himself twitch under the covers at an unfamiliar smell. It wasn't like his usually scentless chamber, it smelled of sweaty tunics... he groaned and buried his head in a pillow he didn't remember having. Something seemed very, very wrong.
He pushed up with his hands to sit but immediantly caught sight of dark skinned, five fingered hands that he could only place to Master Windu. His eyes widened in shock and he shook his head a moment to clear it. Was Mace in his body? And how was he going to react if he was? Or was this all some strange dream or a vision and he would find himself back in his own chamber and normal? So many questions, but he didn't have time to answer them all.
He stood up and found himself, unaccustom to the height and extra toes on his feet, stumbling for balance. When he managed to steady, he took a breath and pulled on Mace's boots and tucked the legs of his trousers in before pulling on the man's belt and robes, trying to appear as unsuspitious as possible so others would not question this matter.
He stepped into the hallway, and tripped and crashed straight into another Jedi, Luminara Unduli. Her vivid blue eyes studied him carefully. "Are you alright?" She asked before untangling herself from the clearly out of character man.
"Fine I-" He stopped himself aruptantly when he remembered that Mace did not speak the way he did. It took a moment to form the sentence as everyone else would. "I'm fine. Sorry." He even was surprised at how the vocal cords hadn't changed, even though it wouldn't make sense if they did. It was only the mind that changed.
"Are you sure?" She questioned in an even tone, clearly seeing through the lie. "I don't remember you ever tripping on your own boots before."
He found himself flash a nervous smile, or was it embarrassment? "I... suppose I am just a little distracted this morning. There are some issues I must see to." Yes that will work! Mace is always busy!
"You know," She responded. "For a moment, I thought you would tell me that you had put all your weight on your legs wrong and they grew numb over night."
"Yes, they are a little numb." Yoda lied, locking his knees to keep from falling over as well as to pretend he was uncomfortable with the lack of circulation in his longer-than-he-was-used-to limbs. "But I must be going."
"Alright." She nodded, not pushing anymore with finding answers. "Maybe if you stretch your legs a little you'll get feeling back in them."
"That I will," He replied. "Goodbye." He then turned and started down the hall towards his quarters, recenting Mace's too long legs every step of the way.