SoUl EaTeR



Aya's PoV

I feel so comfy and warm. I just want to sit here all day. But I gotta wake up Kain. Or not. I felt something shift next to me and an arm drape over me. Wait . . . an arm? My eyes flew open and I saw a plain white shirt. Kain wears plain white shirts. Why is Kain in my room! "Kain! Get UP and GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" "Your room? Your in MY room. I know cause I didn't hear your alarm clock blaring FRICKIN IT'S FRIDAY, FRIDAY, GOTTA GET DOWN ON FRIDAY!" he shouted. "It's saterday stupid." I said and pushed him off. Turns out we were in his room cause he landed on a pair of head phones. "OWWW!" he screamed. "You scream like a girl," as I left to make breakfast.

Kain's PoV

Did she forget what happened yesterday? Maybe that's best. I better go and tell Lord Death about this. "I gotta go pee," I stated. "Didn't need to know that!" Aya shouted back. I smiled. I walked into the bath room and glanced in the mirror. I saw my dark blue eyes and remembered that the first time we resonated, my eyes darkened from light, light blue to a slightly darker blue. when we merged they reached their current state of almost-black blue. Sigh, my hair is all messed up. After I fixed it I breathed on the glass and wrote 42-42-564 "When ever you want to knock on deaths door" "Kain, Hai, I didn't expect yo-" "Aya's doesn't remembered what happened yesterday and I don't want you to tell her, bye." I cleared the window. "Kain, breakfast is ready!" "CRUUUD!" I ran into the kitchen and saw burned toast, frozen waffles, burned of course, burned eggs, and burned coffee. "How'd you burn the coffee?" I asked. "Like this!" Aya yelled as she aimed her blowtorch at me. "WHO GAVE YOU THE BLOWTORCH!" "I did, I had no idea she would do that," Maka said. Today its breakfast at our house cause i make good food. Aya burns it with a blowtorch. "Sigh, it's O.K. Aya give me the blowtorch." "NEVER! HAHAHA!" I leaped at her and she jumped over my head, screamed "MISSED ME!" and took off. "Alright, did she get ahold of the soda again?" "Yep, so not cool," said Soul. "Your tellin me." "HAHA! YOUR GOD AS ARRIVED! NOW FEED ME!" BlackStar yelled. "Sorry." said Tsubaki. "It's okay. HERE STUPID!" I yelled at blackstar shoving Aya's food at him. "Aya got ahold of the blowtorch again?" said Kid, walking in with Liz and Patty. "Yep, and a soda. I'll be right back, I gotta go catch her. Tsubaki, Maka, I'm really sorry but will take this money and buy some more breakfast food while I get Aya?" "Sure." "Of course." "Thanks you guys are life savers." I said as I ran to my room and lept out the window. Hmm where'd she go this time. Better go check the regular places.

Aya's PoV

I feel like I'm forgetting something really important. I can tell that Kain doesn't want to tell me so I'm not gonna get it out of him. Sigh, I want to go back to the begining of the day when Kain had his arms around me, and i felt so . . . happy. Like I didn't have to worry about anything. After that though the was pretty fun. I tricked Maka into telling Soul to cut open the lock on the cupboard with my blowtorch in it, and then I found Kains secret cafine stash. Now I'm out here in the best hiding spot. The eye of the skull in the DWMA. I like the wind and the view, and it's the one place I can be alone. I'm so confused. Kain's hiding something big, but what? It is connected to the DWMA, that much I know. Oh well, he'll tell me eventually. Hmm, how did I end up in his bed, cause I don't remember coming home. In fact, I don't remember anything after we told Lord Death the truth about us. I remember we were planning on showing him soul merge. "Do you really want to know?" asked a childish girl voice. "What do you want?" I said peaking an eye at her. "Little Me." "Noooothingggg. I just was wondering if you really wanted to know what happened yesterday" said Little Me. Lord Death, I hate her. she looks like me when I was younger, she had lighter brown hair, with dark green eyes, with undilated pupils. "Hmm . . ." I said. "Do I have to give up my reason?" "Nope!" "Fine then sho-" "GET AWAY FROM HER!" Kain screamed. Kain is the only other person that had ever seen Little Me. And he HATES her. "Why should I? After all your the only reason she doesn't know all ready. Oops! looks like I don't have to any more. BYE!" Little Me said with a mad smile and a wave before she vanished. "Aya . . ." Kain said with a pained look. "I didn't mean - I mean- I din't want to-" "TO WHAT, KAIN? TO HURT ME! TO LATE FOR THAT DON'T YOU THINK!" I screamed as I felt burning behind my eyes. "I didn't want you to remember cause I would kill myself if you got hurt again because of me." "I DON'T CARE, I'M NOT A DELICATE FLOWER!" "I DON'T CARE! YOU MIGHT NOT BUT I DO! I HATE SEEING YOU LOOK SO WEAK!" "Why don't you just tell me already?" "Please Aya, don't make me. Oh no, Aya please don't cry! Plese . . ." "Sniff wh-why not! sniff y-you be-be-betrayed me." "Aya . . ." I closed my eyes and suddenly felt something soft brush my cheeks. I opened my eyes, stunned. Kain had just kissed my cheeks. All the thoughts I pushed aside came back. All of them added up to three simple words. I. Love. Kain. He looked at me, as though he was scared I'd reject him. Then I kissed him full on the lips. I laughed as his eyes seemed to lose all doubts, his arm snaked around my waste. Huh, when did my arms get around his neck? He pulled back and laughed at my pitiful whine from the loss of contact. He put his forehead on mine and said, "Aya . . . I would never betray you I frickin love you to much, do you understand? I. Love. You." "No worries, cause I love you to." We turned and let our legs dangle over the edge. I don't need to worry about what happened, if Kain's trying to protect me, then it doesn't matter. "Umm . . . Ragnerock? I don't know how to deal with killing them!"

GUESS WHO! So medusas sent her pawn oh and i should tell you that all of this happened in 10 mins in the story. so i should probably tell you that it gets less fluffy after this

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