A/N: And here it is! The final chapter! YAY!

This is not a new chapter….it was loaded before, but somehow disappeared. Sorry if anyone got excited for a moment.


Ben and K-Unit were making their way back to the rendezvous point when they got the call over the radio, "Come in Wolf. This is Lion."

"Wolf speaking. What is it?"

"We uh, kinda found some note written on the wall."

"Written on the wall?"

"Yea, Wolf. In blood."

K-Unit could not help but shiver at the very thought of it.

"And what does this note say?"

"Well, Wolf, it seems to be written for Ben. But I have no clue what it means."

"Read it," Wolf commanded Lion, the unit leader of J-Unit.

"Ok. It says, 'Ben. Ryttere er overlevende.' I don't know. It doesn't make sense."

Ben had seemed to snap out of his daze at the message, "It's Danish for…No! It can't be!"

With that statement Ben turned around and started sprinting down the hallways. Wolf chased close after. He had been the only one to see what had entered Ben's eyes as he mentally translated the statement. It had been hope.


K-Unit found Ben madly searching through drawers in an office.

"Fox? What does Ryt-RytRytee- I give up. What did the message translate to?" Snake asked while they watched the man.

Fox waved a hand distractedly, "Just something that one of the guards said to Alex while I thought he thought that I was asleep. Apparently he knew that I was awake."

"Yea, but what does it mean?"

"Riders are survivors. I think he was trying to tell me that Alex is actuall-Here it is!"

Ben had pulled out a folder and after skimming the contents had become even more animated, "He's alive! Alex is alive!" Ben fairly shouted.

"What? Where is he?" Eagle questioned. It was the first time he had spoken since learning about Cub's apparent death.

"He's at some other compound. That's why there's no guards left here. They've completely moved. They heard the SAS was coming and so they knew that they needed to make sure you wouldn't go after Cub. That's why they faked his death and left me here instead of just killing me!"

The unit took a minute to digest all of this information.

"Well, where is he then?" Tiger demanded, wanting to save the kid from excessive amounts of harm.

Ben's face fell, "I don't know. This is the only file that has any information whatsoever. It doesn't list a location. But we'd better find it soon."

"Why's that?" Snake asked, wondering if there was some other reason besides getting him out of Scorpia's hold.

Ben's eyes looked slightly panicked as he looked at them, "because they want to wipe his memories. So that he doesn't remember us. They're going to turn him into some sort of killing machine for them. And he'll do it willingly because he knows nothing else."

Four pairs of eyes widened as they digested this information. It was Wolf who quoted one of the MI6 agents that had come for some training at Brecon Beacons. It had been a high level agent and someone who had personally worked with Alex before.

"'For whomever holds a Rider willingly in their possession has the power to rule the world.'"


It was two weeks later when the location was finally found. Although so much time had passed, Ben was confident that they'd still be able to rescue Alex in time.

"After all," Ben had said, "Even if they have started brainwashing him, it hasn't been enough time for him to fully turn. He'll still have most of his memories."

And so they had searched high and low for two weeks before having a final breakthrough. Which led them to the disaster that followed hence.

The SAS had just arrived at the compound and were on the edge of the surrounding woods about 100 yards away from the building.

And just as they were about to move in and attack, Ben's cell phone rang.




"Yea, it's me. I just wanted to tell you that…well…whatever happens, Ben, it's not your fault. So don't go blaming yourself for the rest of your life. Promise me you'll live life to the fullest you would've."

"What? Nevermind. We can talk about this later. Listen. The SAS has surrounded the building you're in. We're coming to save you. So just hang tight-"

"No, Ben. Too much blood will be shed. I won't have that. Not for me. I just called to say-well- you were an amazing partner and adoptive dad. One day, when you have kids of your own, you're going to be a great dad. Promise me you'll keep on living. Ok?"

"What are you talking about, Alex? What do you mean?"

"Just promise me."

"…sure Alex. I promise to keep on living. But why?"

"Just-nevermind. There's not enough time."

"Not enough time until what?"

"I'm sorry, Ben. You deserved better than a kid like me. Good-bye Ben."

Horror filled Ben as he finally realized what Alex meant and what he was doing.

"NO! ALEX! You can't do this!"

"I can and I will. It's the only way. Say good-bye to K-Unit for me."

Before Ben could protest further, the dial tone rang in his ear, telling him that Alex had hung up on him.

He turned around and started racing towards the building.

Wolf swore and started chasing after Ben, not knowing what had gotten into the man. And just as he reached Ben, they were thrown to the ground. The two of them could only gaze in horror as they watched the building blow up.

"ALLLLEEEEXXXXX!" Ben screamed filled with grief. He got up and started running towards the building, hoping to be able to find Alex alive in the wreckage.

Wolf, being the closest to Ben, once more chased Ben and tackled him to the ground. There was nothing he wanted more than to go and try to save Cub, but he knew it was too late for him. And there was no way he was losing Fox as well as Cub.

Ben fought against Wolf's grip and almost got free a few times. But Wolf held on tight. He was literally holding on for the life of his friend.

Ben was too filled with grief to see reason, and Wolf wondered how he was going to be able to convince the man to leave.

A medic from one of the units ran up to Wolf and grabbed Ben's arm. Wolf had no clue what he was doing until he saw the needle slip out of Ben's arm. Wolf nodded, grateful to the medic. Ben's struggles weakened as the drug took effect. He whispered one last "Alex" before succumbing to the sedative.

Wolf picked up his unconscious comrade before following the medic back to the woods and on to where their vehicles were parked. No one looked back at the collapsed wreckage. No one would have any issues with Scorpia anymore. Alex had sacrificed his life to make sure of that.

Not a single soldier looked back. But if one had, they might've noticed the lone figure stumbling into the woods a quarter of the way around the building. But no one did. And the figure remained left alone.

Sequal = Caught in the Act!