A Way of Escaping
Authoress: Wee-Me
DISCLAIMER: I don't own "Smallville" or any associated characters; I don't even really like the show so sue me not.
Note: Set just after the Davis/Doomsday arc.
There's something wrong here, she thinks as she listens to Jimmy go on about this place and how he loved (loves?) her. How did he afford it? Why hadn't he mentioned it at a time she'd been more likely to care? Why couldn't she seem to make all her questions leave her mouth? The only words that come out are in praise of Jimmy and the space around her. She needs Davis awake now, something's wrong. If he wakes up he'll know something is wrong and help her, and then they can get out of town and back on the road. Davis will need time to adjust; they need to get away in case the cops come looking. They were something like happy out on the road. She just needs Davis to wake up now.
Her mouth says words like "all for Clark" and "only missed you", but her mind is screaming. This isn't her, this is crazy. If nothing else, Davis was her friend and she doesn't want to say things like this about her friend. Nothing coming out of her mouth makes sense, but she can't make it stop, can't control her body at all. She doesn't want Jimmy back in her life like this; she'd be his friend, but nothing more. She's almost relieved when Jimmy is out of the way and Davis is there, Davis would help her if he could, if she could just let him know something was wrong. Then she can see the blood and the hurt, she knows Davis won't be able to forgive himself for this when he is calmed down. She tried to tell herself that it was another nightmare, that was the only explanation, but she can't wake up anymore than she can explain herself. Her mouth just goes on lying and her body cowers and cries.
Please Davis, she screams in her mind, please help me. You know this is wrong, just look! You know neither of us is like this, just fight past the hurt and see that something is wrong. Please!
She's losing her grasp on herself, feels herself being buried at the back of her own mind, but she fights to get through to her friend. She sees him raise the pipe and tell her he has nothing left to save like it's happening to someone else. She did want to save him, but she also cares about him- now it looks like she failed at the first and her body is killing any good the second has done. She wonders if he's trapped the same way she is, watching his body do things he would never do, something that was supposed to end with the separation from Doomsday. Jimmy intervenes before Davis can do anything. She feels them both die, feels her body cradle her ex while her heart wants to hold Davis' hand while he dies maybe for real, she should get to comfort him at least once. This time when the force in her mind pushes her under she doesn't fight it, just whispers a goodbye to the man she couldn't save and goes into a place where they're on the road fighting over radio stations and laughing.
By the time Clark comes to abandon her again his dramatic speech is wasted on a fairly realistic doll, a living incubator for Zod's plan with a lifelike Chloe cover. Clark might be leaving her and everything that made him seem human behind, but everything that made Chloe human can't hear him try to shame her over the song she and Davis are singing along with on the radio.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This has been bouncing around in my email for a while. No, I don't know why Smallville either.
The title is based on a quote by Edith Piaf: "Singing is a way of escaping. It's another world. I'm no longer on earth."
Part of my 2011 13 Posts/Days of Halloween.