A/N: Oh my! I am so sorry for the lack of updates. There's no excuse as to why I haven't updated in so long. I just totally forgot to update. Sorry. Anyway, here we go. The last chapter of iAm a Father. Reviews make me smile!
Disclaimer: I own nothing except Ryan.

I can't believe how ridiculous that must have sounded. He's never going to talk to me again. I frowned and headed home. My phone started to ring and I looked at the caller ID. Freddie. I didn't need to talk to him right now, so I ignored his call. As I began stumbling home, it started to rain. Like, thunderstorm rain.

I sighed. How could I have been so stupid? Freddie had only just got a divorce, why would he want to get in a relationship. Let alone with me. I arrived at Bushwell, and took the stairs to my apartment. I was still dripping wet. I opened the door to find Carly sat on the couch.

"Sam, you're all wet." She said.

"Thank you Captain Obvious." I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

She rolled her eyes, "Go and get dry and changed. I need to speak to you."

I walked to my bedroom, "If it's about Freddie, I don't wanna hear it."

"Just get dry, Sam." Carly sighed.

I went into my bedroom and got changed into a pair of Daisy Duck pyjamas, a white dressing gown and a pair of fluffy white slipper boots. I tied my hair up, after I had towel dryed it. Then I proceeded to make my way downstairs where Carly was.

"Finally. What happened at Freddie's? He called me frantic. He said you walked out of his." Carly said.

"I did," I sighed. "I confessed to him. That I'm in love with him. He didn't speak, so I took that as a 'I don't feel the same way so I left."

"Oh, Sam... If you don't give the guy time to speak, you won't ever know how he feels."

"I just... I didn't want to hear that he didn't feel the same. I wouldn't have been able to handle it, but I couldn't keep how I felt to myself either, it was killing me." I said, looking down.

"So why don't you call him?" Carly said, holding the phone to me and I instantly shook my head.

"I want to give it a few days. I can't handle the embarrassment." I said.

"Is this really Sam Puckett? The Sam I know can handle anything." She smiled, still holding the phone out to me.

I hesitated and looked at the phone, "Not happening." I smirked getting up. "I'm going to bed. It's been a long night."

Carly nodded, "Okay. But, before you go, will you come with me tomorrow to meet Brad for dinner? I'm really nervous."

I gave a small laugh, "Of course. Night."

The next day, Carly and I were getting ready for 'our' dinner date with Brad.

"I don't see why I have to be there."

"Because after the whole 'Gibby' thing, I want things to go well with Brad. Besides, I thought you'd want something to get your mind off, you-know-who." She replied.

"I guess. Which dress?" I said holding up two dresses.

"That one." She said, pointing to the one on the right. The one she had picked was a nude, long sleeved, studded, bandage dress. With it, I would curl my hair and wait a pair of black strapped heels, a sliver diamond necklace and a pair of black feather earrings with my black handbag.

"I'm thinking of wearing this." Carly said, holding up a purple bandage dress. "Then I was going to straighten my hair, and wear my black studded boots with it. I was also gonna wear my new cream coat with it, and some purple, black and white feather earrings with my cream bag."

"Perfect." I smiled.

We finished getting ready and headed to the restaurant to meet Brad. I was made to sit on my own, of course, so that Carly and Brad could be alone on their date. All I kept thinking was about Freddie. I hadn't heard from him since last night when he had tried to call.

I sat at a table by myself and ordered a lasagne. Freddie's favourite. I was so pathetic, I was going on like he'd died or something. Only he hadn't, because he was walking through the doors right now. I sighed and looked down.

"You've got to be kidding." I mumbled as Freddie headed straight to my table.

"Hey Sam. Can we talk?"

"I guess." I replied, "Look Freddie..."

"No, Sam. You listen, I'll talk." I was taken aback by that but Freddie didn't seemed to notice and just carried on talking, "Sam, I am sorry. I'm sorry that I didn't reply to you yesterday because I really wish I had. Do you know why? I love you because you bring out a side of me that I never knew existed until I met you. Even when we are not together, you are always on my mind. I miss you when you are not around. It's like you are there with me even when you aren't. You are in my mind all the time. Those years while I was away, when I married Rose and we had Ryan, I missed you so much. I feel loved with you, more than I ever did with Rose. That is best feeling ever. Most importantly, I know that you will never hurt me, I'll love you for as long as I live. I know it's going to be hard. I know that we will have up and down times especially the first years but I am confident we are good for each other and we are meant to be together. You mean so much to me. I am completely, deeply in love with you. So, Sam Puckett, will you marry me?" He smiled, getting down on one knee and opening a velvet box to show the most beautiful ring I had ever seen. It was silver with a big diamond in the middle, and smaller diamonds trailing down it.

"No." I replied and he looked crestfallen. "Just kidding, of course I'll marry you." I grinned standing up. I jumped up on him and wrapped my legs around his waist, I kissed him. All the while, he slipped the ring onto my finger.

The whole restaurant erupted in cheers. I got off Freddie, and looked over to Carly and Brad. Carly was grinning like an idiot and Brad was clapping. I walked over to their table.

"You set this whole thing up, didn't you?" I asked her.

"Me? Never!" She said, Carly never was the best at lying. I gave her a look, "Maybe. Aren't you glad I did?"

"Never better." I grinned, and kissed Freddie again.

"AUNT SAM!" I heard someone yell. I looked away from Freddie and in the direction that the yelling came from, a little boy that goes by the name, Ryan, was running up to us. I caught him in my arms and picked him up. "What was your answer?" he grinned.

"Yes." I smiled. Ryan grinned back at me and hugged me. I span him round.

"Does this mean I get to call you mom now?" He asked, innocently.

"Of course it does." I grinned and hugged him once more before hugging Freddie again. My boys. No, let me rephrase that, my men.

A/N: So there it is. The end of iAm a Father, I really hoped this chapter will satisfy you! I will let you guys decide if there should be an Epilouge. Remember guys, reviews make me smile. :)