Thank you for reading. Been meaning to make this post for months. This story won't be finished so you can use your imaginations and think how they end up together.

My version is Charlie wanders by the shop and thinks Quinn has taken over his life but made it better, improved it and he feels more like a loser. But weeks later after he and Quinn experience more headaches and nose bleeds (why not? drama.) they end up in the same hospital and he starts talking to her saying she did a better job at his life than he did and she said don't worry-Rachel likes losers, its her type. But they can't talk anymore because they switch bodies and then Rachel comes in and kisses Leo thinking Charlie is Quinn and Quinn leaves quickly without Rachel knowing. She goes back to her apartment, broods as brooding goes after she takes care of herself by showering a lot, and tries not to think about Rachel. So she talks to Santana and her sister who gets it all and point blankly says-so you fell in love with Rachel and Quinn just glares at her. The sister (I forget her name...) says everyone knows that look means yes.

Course Quinn and Rachel have been going on dates without calling them dates and they get closer but Quinn and Rachel don't sleep together. Not until Rachel goes to Quinn's apartment after asking Santana and pulling the info out of her. So imagine some dramatic dialog when Rachel knocks on the door and Quinn opens it and says I miss you, I've missed you. Quinn gets tense and says-well you have your boyfriend back and Rachel stands there stunned at being dismissed but says-you think I couldn't tell IMMEDIATELY that it wasn't him. You don't kiss the same. You don't even hold me the same. And Rachel slowly puts her hands on Quinn's shoulders until she pulls her closer (I'm not worried about writing quality right now, I'm simply picturing it.) Quinn slowly lets herself be pulled closer and her hands go to Rachel's hips gently with trepidation and hesitancy. Slowly she moves Rachel's shirt out of the way so she can lightly press her hand against Rachel's lower back and feel her skin. Rachel says-that, only you do that. I want this.

Quinn blinks slowly at her, trying to wrap her mind around it and lets out a slow breath as if preparing herself for Rachel and everything that comes with Rachel. She lightly smiles knowing full well no one can prepare for Rachel Berry.

The end. That's all I got, they stay together, they learn 1 another more, the sexual tension lessens by actually being together and it feeling natural.

Charlie goes back to his hometown, Santana informs them after she asks a friend to track him. Her sister and she sister's boyfriend end up running the cafe. Santana is how she is-however you want her to be. With Brittany or whoever. Charlie and Quinn don't establish a friendship.

Clearly I don't care about this story anymore. I'm semi-sorry. Stay well people. The reviews to this ending have been amusing. I laughed contently at some, thank you. No, no, I didn't base this story on my life at all. Cause I don't switch bodies with people...
but really-in no way is this story similar to my life. Thanks for reading this junk. (Pure junk!)