NOTE: The following story will follow canon for Altaïr.

Chapter 1 - The Downed Helicopter

December 23, 3077. It is 8:57 AM. Finn and Jake are sleeping profoundly, as the morning sunshine begins to lay its warming rays onto the two like hands. As it became 9:00 AM, a buzzing sound emanated from the corner of the bedroom.

"Uhh…" groaned Finn and Jake. They got up, and walked towards the source of the sound. As they realized, Beemo was producing the sound.

"Damn it, Beemo!" said Jake. "Why'd you wake us up?"

"Don't you guys remember?" replied Beemo. "You and Finn set my alarm system on this time because you have important business to do with…"

"Ah, crap!" yelled Finn. "Now I remember! We were supposed to meet up with Princess Bubblegum and Marceline!" Turning his head towards Jake, he added, "C'mon, Jake! Let's get our stuff and go!"

"Alright, Finn!" said Jake. "Let's pack it and run!"

Finn began to change clothes as Jake grabbed the supplies and placed them inside of Finn's backpack.

As they turned their heads around, Finn and Jake wave at Beemo as they said, "Bye, Beemo!"

"Bye, Finn! Bye Jake!" said Beemo.

As the duo head outside, Finn takes out a map of the Land of Ooo.

"Okay, we said that we were meeting at the eastern coast of Ooo, right?" asked Finn.

"Yup." assured Jake. "That's where we're headed."

"Okay. Let's go!" yelled Finn.

"YEEEEEAAAAAAHHH!" roared Jake, as he used his stretchy powers to become colossal in size, allowing Finn to ride.

As they make their way towards the eastern coast of Ooo, Finn and Jake see that no one was there.

"Hmm." said Finn. He takes out a pair of binoculars and scanned the immediate area for any signs of the princess or vampire.

"Aha!" announced Finn. As he pointed towards the north, he said, "They're up north! Let's not keep them waiting!"

"Okay!" said Jake.

As they went to the northeastern coast area, they found Princess Bubblegum and Marceline talking to each other. Princess Bubblegum was wearing a pink sweater and jeans, while Marceline was wearing a plaid red and black shirt and dark blue jeans, along with an umbrella to protect her from the sun.

"Hey!" screamed Finn at the top of his lungs. "Sorry we're late!"

"Finn!" exclaimed Princess Bubblegum. "Why are you so late? It's 11:19 AM!"

"We woke up late." said Finn. "Sorry for the delay."

"Don't worry, Finn." said Marceline. "I came late too. Man, you should have seen the look on Bonnibel's face! She was like, 'where is everyone?' and I came and scared the pudding outta her!" She began to howl with laughter.

"Shut up, Marceline." muttered Princess Bubblegum. Turning her head towards Finn, she asks, "So, Finn. Why'd you bring us here?"

"Oh, Jake and I found some kind of machine." said Finn. "We don't know if it works or not, but I wanted to show you this machine we found here."

"A machine? As in an old technological machine?" asked Princess Bubblegum eagerly.

"Uh, yeah, I guess." said Finn.

"That's awesome!" gleefully exclaimed Princess Bubblegum. "Please, Finn. Show us the way."

"Alright." said Finn. "Follow me."

The group began to follow Finn to the point of interest that he found. The machine they found was a downed, but low-damaged helicopter. On both sides of the helicopter, a logo is seen. It is the shape of a triangle; more suggestively the shape of a white stylized Penrose Triangle.

"Well, here it is." said Finn as he presented the helicopter. "I have no idea what it is though."

"It looks like a helicopter." stated Marceline. "I remember seeing them fly in the sky before the Great Mushroom War."

"Hey! I was going to say that." responded Princess Bubblegum. Inspecting it further, she stated, "Well, it is in pretty good condition. If we can find the replacement parts for the rotors, elevators, and fin, we can make this baby fly!"

"Cool! I wanna see how it is to fly another way besides riding Lady Rainicorn." said Jake.

"Alright guys!" said Princess Bubblegum. "We've got to find the parts for the helicopter." She begins to point at Finn, Jake and Marceline, and continues to speak. "Finn, you find the main rotors. Jake, you find the tail rotors. Marceline, you find the tail fin. And I will find the elevator."

"Question." said Finn in an inquired tone, raising his hand. "Are the rotors big or small?"

"They are big, Finn." answered Princess Bubblegum. Looking around, she said, "Are there anymore questions?"

No one else answered. "Good. Now, let's find those parts!" exclaimed Princess Bubblegum.

Marceline and Princess Bubblegum left solo to different areas. Finn and Jake departed together as a group to another area.

"Alright buddy!" said Finn to Jake. "Let's go find those rotors!"

"Cool deal, bro!" replied Jake.

A/N: This is the begining of the story of Finn finding some type of connection to his roots. I am planning to finish this story before my other story, The Ooo Conspiracy. But first, he and his friends plan on fixing up a helicopter. Hope you people enjoy what comes next! The real action won't begin until much later! Also, there may be a possible change in both the title and rating in the future.