A/N - Oh gosh so many apologies - I'm late and I don't think I've replied to a single review but ugh life etc: Uni applications are driving me crazy! So this is mega short. But longer ones are coming...

Victoire On Monday Afternoon

"We have to go."

"Dom, I can't just take off and leave, I have-"

"No. It's Lily, 'Toire. We have to go. Now."

The sisters stood either side of the worn kitchen table, Dominique stiff and unmoving, Victoire obviously distressed and confused.

"I can't take Poppy to Hogwarts, she's too young for the journey! Even if we go by floo powder it could make her ill."

"So leave her with grandma!"

"They aren't there! They went to visit Charlie last weekend and they don't get back for another two days."

"I'm going to grab some stuff." Dom pushed her hands down on the table as she rose "if you can't leave then I'll go alone." She called back, climbing the stairs quickly.

Victoire sat down heavily in the chair, lost in frantic thought and silent until her slight sister came back through the doorway, backpack and coat on.

"Are you coming?"



"No." she replied at last, her voice low and heavy and full of self-recrimination. Dominique stared at her in shock for a moment, before an expression of disgust fell across her face, obscuring any flicker of sympathy or understanding that might have lurked there.

"Typical, Vic. You always cared more about your perfect little life than any of us. I'll tell Lily you say 'hi' when I see her – if she's conscious, that is." She spat the words like a curse, whirling to the living room door. Victoire rushed after her, grabbing the younger girl's arm as she stepped towards the fireplace.

"Dom, you can't go so far by yourself, you aren't well enough-"

"I'll manage."

"You're not recovered, what if you-"

"Victoire, I had an eating disorder, not a broken leg. Recovery isn't always something you can see."

"Exactly! You aren't strong enough to go back!"

"I think I'm most familiar with my mental state, thank you."

"But Dom-"

"I am going to be fine. I wasn't assaulted and left for dead. Unlike Lily."

Victoire dropped her hand to her side, shocked. In a flash, Dominique was throwing the powder into the flames and disappearing to Hogsmeade, leaving her sister speechless.

Please review!