Scroll 1: Into Equestria

My whole body felt completely off. My internal senses told my brain that my body wasn't human any more. Floating there in conscious darkness; I forced my awareness outward. First my hearing, then my skin, thirdly my nose and finally my sense of sight; all my senses tuned in to an environment that was different from what I was previous in. Which wasn't a complete loss, since the previous place I was in was completely polluted. The air here smelled and felt really pure and clean – untarnished by man-made pollutants. It smelled of plants, animals, terra-firma and fresh air.

The wind gently swept over my tingling skin, through my hair – hair that felt heavier than my short shoulder length cut I was so subconsciously used to. That was my first observation; my hair was longer; in a span of an unnaturally short time. The second thing to register was my center of balance. It wasn't where it normal was for a two-legged human. The reason I thought 'two-legged human' was because it now clicked in my brain that I had four legs.

Looking out from a set of eyes that seemed to be the only thing unchanged, I took in the environmental details. Green shrubbery-hedges grew, neatly trimmed, in lines and turns. Nothing was curved or rounded. I guessed the hedges to be some part of a huge garden maze. I was elevated off the ground, so I saw over the tops of the hedges and groaned. The garden maze seemed to go on forever. White features dotted here and there, I took them to be stone statues of sorts. There were no white-features nearby and the closest one was yards away.

Looking down, I further clarified that I was floating on my back, the brown dirt path beneath me. My four legs jutting into the air like rods. Yelping in surprise, I took in the sight of pony appendages. Four teal-aqua slender animal legs that ended in black hooves waggled in accordance to my surprised reaction. I was a horse-pony!

"Well, well, well, look who is awake." A masculine voice interrupted my mental inventory-taking and surprised me. "I thought I wouldn't have a play-mate to play with while I wait for those annoying ponies to find their way here."

"Wait, that sounds really wrong…what ponies?" I opened my horse mouth and spoke before my brain caught up. I let my head lower from its lifted position it had been while I viewed my new body. My eyes translated the sight, making me gasp. The owner of the voice had shoved a donkey-horse face into mine.

"What the…Hay." I tried to use a bad word, but it came out as another. The very fundamentals of speech in this dimension were different! It was like a censorship was in effect.

"That's not a very polite thing to say, Glittermind." The donkey-horse head spoke! I screamed again.

"WHAT THE HOE-HAY!" I spouted out, becoming very, very annoyed. "Why am I…how are you talk-…WHO ARE YOU!"

"I, my dear, am…" The donkey-headed serpent beast spoke before stepping back dramatically. I viewed the very realistic animal that had to be an elongated chimera.

"…Discord! You let that pony down this very instant!" Another voice interrupted his introduction.

We both looked up to the voice and both of us were surprised. Flying closer was a genuine pegasus; a beautifully black mare with a sheen of blue where the sun hit her well-groomed flank. Looking closer at her, I felt my eyes widen when I saw the natural, tattoo-like image on her rear flank. It was a jagged, bolt-shaped arch with the colors out of spectrum order. (red, green, yellow, blue, orange, violet, olive green)

That wasn't the first thing I saw, however; it was her tail and mane that caught my attention. It was a myriad of colors, all looking natural in their hues! Red, green yellow, blue, goldenrod, dark green, orange and violet strands of hair shot out of her rump and flowed down her horse's neck – her mane.

"Oh my gosh!" I muttered to myself. I finally figured out where in the cosmos I was…the 'My Little Pony' dimension. I already knew myself as not-human, but horse – pony. Seeing the oddly-colored pegasus with a flank-mark cinched it. This was going to be quite the adventure in finding the key that would get me back home.