Reviews for Into Equestria
shadowfan999 chapter 26 . 12/22/2012
please update this fic with a new chapter i cant wait to see what happens next
Anthony W chapter 18 . 9/13/2012

"CATCH ME FIRST!" Fairy Dust teased back and ran off. "SLOW POKE!"



Guest chapter 1 . 5/6/2012
This is very cliché. Not just this story, but all ' Human in Equestria' or 'Self Insert' Stories

I'm not flaming you, because, out of the ones i've read, this one is best.
Vessel42 chapter 1 . 5/1/2012
Dear NekyXyn:

This is the review for the majority of what I could actually swallow out of this story.

I have to ask: what were you truly thinking when you made this story? Were you actually putting effort into it? Were you thinking at random? Of course, any justification thaht you could give doesn't excuse for this rather lack-luster story. One of the story genres may have been humor, but the ridiculous amount of randomness and unpredictability just isn't funny. "Adamant jewel shard"? Discord being a part of "Black Chaos"? And as random as Discord is, I don't think even he would just pull a random human into Equestria and convert her into a pony just for the heck of it.

As for the characters... any good impressions I could've had of them were destroyed by their intro. A character who's a MLP fan is never any good, and it just screams "Mary Sue" all over it. And even that doesn't explain where she conjured up the "Black Chaos" bit from. The Mary Sue thing is also enforced by this.

''For those ponies that were watching, I couldn't explain to them my background of such knowledge. I had originally come from a dimension where I was a star-warrior; a protector of love and justice and sentient life-forms: a Sailor Moon dimension. I was used to fighting with magical – sometimes not so magical – energies. To me, this was your classic set up of good versus evil; magic-energy style. I knew I personally had power to give to the Mane Six, but didn't quite know how to work with the intricate workings and/or fundamental physics of this plane yet. So I made an effort to give my power and called out the first phrase in my mind.''

Seriously. What?

All-in-all, this is just generic and poorly written. If there is any chance of redemption for this, it would come in the form of extreme reconstruction and starting from scratch. Otherwise, it's just another reason for discrimination against the HiE genre.


House Jr.
BlackTearDrop13 chapter 17 . 12/7/2011
To be honest i don't know why this does not have more reviews :) the whole story is quite good a bit rough around the edges in some places and a bit random in places but hey! YOUR the author not me! keep it up *watching this space*

Update soon!

lovely fluffy bunny chapter 9 . 11/7/2011
TicTac chapter 4 . 10/25/2011
This is interesting. Looking forward to reading more.