Lost and Found

So, this is my new (Edit: and first!) Vocaloid story! It's for Rin and Len, my two favorite Vocaloids! This will be my first long Vocaloid story, so I'm really excited! I really hope you all enjoy it!

Small Note: This may become a lemon in the future, but for now, there isn't anything rated higher than T, which is why the rating I gave it is T for teens. If I do decide to make it a lemon later, I'll change the rating to M.

Edit: Since chapter 5, I've been saying I should redo these first chapters. Now, I'm starting on chapter 14, and I STILL haven't done the edits I've been talking about doing. So... here I am! I won't change much; I'll just try to make things sound less amature-ish.

Now… shall we begin?

Chapter 1 - Prologue

"Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!"

With a groan, the young girl reached over to the other side of the bed, and pressed a small button to stop the shrieking of the alarm.

"No…" Came a muffled groan from the body under her reached out arm, as he rolled over.

Rin laughed softly, and lay on her brother's blanket-covered body. "Wakey-wakey!" she chanted quietly, poking his cheek through the blanket.

Her brother's body remained motionless. Rin pulled the blanket down to his neck, so his head was revealed, and bent down to his ear.

"We have school this morning!" she whispered.

"No we don't…" Len replied, trying to re-cover his head with the white sheets.

"Yes we do!" Rin said with a giggle. "Come on, wake up already!"

Most would think that the interaction between the two kids was a little too intimate for twins, but Rin and Len wouldn't hear it. They loved each other as siblings, and nothing more, and they had made that clear to everyone. Or, at least, they had tried.

But people could think what they wanted. To them, the only opinions that mattered were each others.

"We're almost done our last year in Junior High, Len. Might as well finish it."

Her brother sat up.

'Finally!' Rin thought. Waking her brother was always such a pain. Len had always been a real sleepy head. And he snored…

"But we have all our end of year tests and stuff…" Len muttered.

"No we don't! Len, it's the last day of school! We don't have any more tests!"

Len frowned, and without another word, got out of bed, and headed towards the screen in the corner to get changed.

Rin giggled, and started making the bed.

Why did they have a screen in their room?

Well, come on. There was such thing as taking things too far! Their parents let them sleep in the same bed like they had always done as children, but they had never ever let the twins see each other naked.

This, though, Rin could understand. They didn't want their children growing attracted to each other, much less developing a sexual relationship. Even if they may have exaggerated this a little by enforcing the rule when they were children, Rin knew they just didn't want the twins to grow used to it.

And she accepted this. It didn't really matter to her either way.

Len emerged from behind the brown colored screen fully clothed in his school uniform. A navy blue jacket with white lining, black and white pinstriped dress shirt, and gray pants, complete with black leather shoes (1).

"Rin, can you help me with this?" Len asked, holding up a navy blue tie.

Oh Len… Three years of having to wear a tie in Junior High, and he still couldn't tie it properly.

Rin walked over, took the tie from her brother's hands, and wrapped it around his neck, being careful not to choke him in the process. She tied a small knot, and smiled.

Even if Len couldn't do it himself, she would always be there to help him… right?

She breathed in a whiff of his cologne. She could never tell what it really was, and could never really describe it, but she loved the smell.

She stepped away from him, and looked up at him. She still couldn't remember when he had gotten that much taller than her.

"I still don't get why you wear perfume." She said with a small teasing smirk.

"Well, you don't seem to ever mind it." He pointed out. "And besides, I'm not the only one who wears cologne in the school."

"True, true…" she said, tilting her head, and tapping her lower lip thoughtfully. "I'm guessing you wear it just to please your lady friends, neh?"

Len was a real ladies-man at Subarashii Academy.

Well, maybe not exactly; he wasn't a womanizer of any sort; he was just good looking, with a nice personality. A gentleman. The girls naturally flocked to him.

Rin didn't mind too much, as long as it went no further then kissing. She certainly didn't want her brother to lose his virginity at 14!

As for Rin herself? She wasn't that popular with the boys. Unlike her twin, she hadn't even kissed a boy, much less dated anybody.

Most of the boys in her school thought of her as perhaps a little sister, and the few who did possess slight feelings for her would either be too shy to admit it, or would get threatened by Rin's friends, should they ever find out.

"Well… maybe." Len smiled.

They just stood there, grinning at each other, until Rin hit his shoulder playfully.

"Come on, we should get some breakfast."

After a quick goodbye to their parents (3), Rin and Len were off to school.

"Don't you just love spring?" Rin asked Len, running ahead.

"Sure, I guess." Came Len's quiet reply from behind her.

"I don't like being born in December… It's so gloomy…"

"You do realize that you said the complete opposite in December, right?"

"Well… that's true…" Rin admitted. "Well… I guess both seasons are beautiful in their own way, aren't they?"

Len sighed. Rin had always been an optimist. She saw the glass as half-full, and although she was self-less most of the time, she could be very naïve when she wanted to be.

"I can't believe it's our last day in Junior High… Next year, we'll be done middle school, and we'll finally be in High School!" Rin ranted on. "We'll be with Miku, Kaito, and Luka!"

"I know, Rin."

"And who knows? Maybe I'll even get myself a boyfriend!" she giggled.

'I hope not.' Len thought discreetly. But, of course, he wouldn't say this to his sister out loud. "Yep, maybe."

"Hmm… do you think Mum and Pa will treat us more responsibly when we get to high school?"

"I don't know."

"I hope so… Adults always treat me like a kid. I feel like they think I' m dumb."

Len stopped. "Rin…"

Rin stopped, and turned, so she was facing him. "Hm?"

"Rin… You… You don't think that… that I treat you like a child, do you?" Len asked. He admitted that he kind of babied her a little because of her naivety.

Rin smiled sweetly. "You're different. I like it when you baby me! You're special; you're my twin!"

Len smiled back, and started walking again. This time, though, Rin waited for him, and walked alongside him.

"There are our favorite Kagamine twins!" Miku yelled out, waving.

Rin ran up to their group of friends. "Hi!"

"Can you believe it?! It's almost summer!" Miku yelled out in disbelief.

"I know! I can't wait!" Rin replied, hugging her older friend.

"And then you're finally going to be in High School with us!" Miku squeezed the girl tighter.

While Rin and Len were only 14, Miku was 16, as were Kaito and Luka. Small group, was it not?

They had all met in the school's Glee club, when they were in Elementary. They became good friends, but the club only lasted a year, because of lack of members. But even so, the five friends still joined each other, and sang their hearts out to random songs.

"Stop babying her, Miku." Luka said with a small smile. "And you're going to squeeze her to death! Let go!"

Kaito laughed as Luka tried to pry Miku off Rin.

"I'm gonna miss them when we graduate…" he said sadly.

Of course he would. Next year, they'd be high school third years. Then, they'd graduate, and the Kagamines' would probably never see them ever again.

"Them, huh?" Len said with a small smirk. "You won't miss me at all?"

"Hey, don't say that!"

"You hurt my feelings, Kaito!" Len teased, pretending to wipe away tears.

"Hey, stop! You're just twisting my words around now!" Kaito laughed, pushing Len's shoulder.

"Oh, you wanna go!" Len raised a brow.

"Yeah, you bet!" Kaito raised his fist. "Let's bring it outside, little shota! (4)"

"… We are outside, Kaito…" Len pointed out. "… And I'm not a shota…"

"Yeah you are, little shota!"

"Baka. (5)"




"Would you two shut up already?!" Luka yelled at them. Miku was glancing discreetly at Rin behind her back, probably wondering if she could risk glomping her again.

As if reading Miku's mind, Luka turned around and glared at Miku. "Don't. Even. Think of it."

"Only I can hold onto Rin like that." Len said, motioning for Rin to come into his waiting arms. Rin smiled, and held onto her brother tightly, while his strong arms wrapped around her protectively.

She just loved it when Len hugged her.

"Dude…" Kaito said with a slightly disgusted face, even though he'd seen this display many times before. "Are you sure this isn't twincest I'm witnessing here?"

"No. We're just brother and sister!"

"Yeah…" Kaito said sarcastically. "Just brother and sister…"

Len cocked his head to the side. "You're such a pervert, Kaito-senpai. You probably wish we really were in a relationship!"

"Hey! I'm not a pervert!"

"Len, watch your mouth." Luka ordered. "And… let go of your sister, 'kay? We don't need Kaito to get any more bad thoughts in his head…"

"For the last time, I'm not a pervert!"

"And I'm not a shota."


"Didn't think so." Len said, satisfied.

"Whatever." Kaito mumbled.

"Anyway, are you guys gonna be spending the summer here?" Luka asked.

Len and Rin glanced at each other. "Probably." they answered in unity.

"Oh, us too!" Miku announced happily. "We'll be able to spend summer together!"

"Yay!" Rin cheered.

"Driiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!" the bell rang.

"Well, it's time we go, I guess." Luka said, grabbing her book bag from the ground.

"Aw! Okay, see ya after school!"

And with that, the group of friends parted, Miku, Kaito, and Luka heading towards the High School section, Len and Rin, towards the Junior High section of Subarashii Academy.

Len dropped his backpack to the ground.

"Ugh... school is exhausting..." he groaned.

Rin dropped her bag beside his. "Agreed."

"Well… at least school's done. That is, until September…" Len mumbled with a sigh.

Len was smart, he really was. But even if he was smart, that didn't mean he necessarily liked school. In fact, he found it boring enough to die of. Metaphorically, of course.

"Oh, come on. Don't be so depressed over school being back in September. It's summer, for God's sake!" Rin said, dropping her bag beside Len's.

Then, Len frowned, realizing something. "Where's mum and dad?"

Rin had just noticed this too. Normally, their parents would be there to greet them when they got home.

"Maybe they're in the kitchen?" Rin suggested.

The two walked over to that room, and noticed the door was closed. Strange… the kitchen door was never closed… Rin hadn't even realized it had a door!

"Yep, they're in there." Len affirmed, and began to walk away into the living room. Hushed whispers could be heard through the wooden door.

"Wait, Len!" Rin called out in a whisper. "Aren't you going to listen to their conversation?"

Len raised a brow. "You mean eavesdrop on them?"

"Well, it should be interesting, shouldn't it? They wouldn't close the door for nothing, would they?"

Len stared at her in disbelief. She judged a conversation's importance by if or if not the door was closed?! He sighed, shaking his head, and pressed his ear to the door, beside Rin.

"Are you sure we shouldn't tell them yet?" Their mother's voice echoed.

Huh? Who? And what?

"No. They don't have to know." Their father's voice answered.

"But… it just… doesn't feel right…"

"Well, what's the worst that can happen? Nothing will change if they don't know. If anything, telling them would ruin everything for them."

"Yes, but they're old enough, aren't they? They can't just live the rest of their lives without knowing… can they?"

'Are they talking about us?' Rin wondered, eyes widening, as she kept on listening.

"What difference will it make?" their father answered.

"B-But-" their mother tried again to protest.

"Come on, Miriam. The kids must be back by now."

Footsteps. Not good.

Rin looked at Len in panic, but then realized he was already sitting on a couch in the living room, reading a magazine.

Rin ran towards him as quietly as she could, and plopped herself down beside him.

Len glanced at her quickly with those beautiful blue eyes, and held the magazine further away, so it looked like she was reading it too.

But they weren't reading. They were listening carefully to the opening of the kitchen door, and the footsteps coming towards them.

"Rin, Len! You're here already!" came their mother's voice.

Len turned, and smiled casually. "Oh, hey mom!"

He discreetly whispered something into Rin's ear, while he was turned, in a way their mother wouldn't notice: "Act normal…"

"Mom! Dad! We… didn't… know where you were!" Rin said. She mentally pinched herself. Len was an amazing actor, compared to her. And an amazing liar…

"Really…?" Rin's father narrowed his eyes suspiciously. Rin gulped, and avoided his gaze.

"Yeah. Was something wrong?" Len asked.

Rin stared at her brother with a hidden panicked expression. 'What are you doing? You're going to get us caught!' she thought, and hoped twin telepathy would work its charm.

"Oh no, nothing's wrong, hun." Their mother said from behind their father. She shot a sly glance at their father, that didn't go unnoticed by the twins.

It was obvious, what she was trying to tell him: 'Ease off. Don't make them suspicious.'

Their father sighed.

"So… how was your day today?"

Rin sat on the bed she and her brother shared.

Her mother and father always told her everything. There weren't any secrets in their family. Or so she thought…

What was so important that it had to be kept from their own children? Didn't they trust her? Had she done something to disappoint them?

Were they… embarrassed of her?

"Stop thinking so negatively, Rin." Rin jumped at the voice behind her.


"I can feel your negativeness from over here." Len said, walking over to his twin, and sitting down beside her.

"I don't think negativeness is a word, Len."

"Well, it is now. Don't change the subject."

"Well… what did we do that was so bad, Len?" Rin asked.

"We didn't do anything wrong, Rin. Stop worrying."

"But they never keep secrets from us!"

"Well, then there must be a reason. That, or it's not important. Maybe grandpa died, or something, and they don't want to tell us yet."

"But why?"

"Maybe because they don't think we'd be able to handle it." Len explained, and stretching his arms. "Although I wouldn't really approve of that method..."

"But they clearly said, 'They're old enough to know'. They had to be talking about us! And what's so bad that they haven't bothered telling us since birth?"

"Something was."

"But what?"

"Rin, we can't even be sure they're talking about us."

"But what if they are?"

"Well then, it's a secret, and we shouldn't try to find out what it is."

"Why not?"

"Because maybe if we did know, things wouldn't be the same." Len said, taking Rin in his arms. "You're only over exaggerating things."


"Come on, let's go to bed." Len said, in effort to get Rin to think of other things.


"Rin…" Len kissed his sister on the forehead. "Rin… No matter happens, I'll always love you, and I'll always want to be by your side. I'm your brother! Brothers and sisters stick together."

"… I love you Len…" Rin whispered, clinging on to her brother's shirt.

Len kissed her cheek. "I love you too, Rin."

That summer they spent with their friends was filled with happy memories. They were just spending their days as teenagers, not worrying about a thing.

Little did the Kagamine twins know, after that blazing hot summer, right before school started, they would find out something that would completely ruin everything.

They'd find out the secret that had been kept from them for 14 years. And that secret just might tear apart the once tight bond between them.

'Kay, so this chapter was just a prologue, so it was probably kinda boring, wasn't it?

Oh! I almost forgot to introduce myself!

Dear Vocaloid fans, I am Naty17! This is my first long story for Vocaloid, but I have one other really crappy oneshot for Gumi, based on 'The Last Revolver'. But, like I said, it was really crappy, so I barely got any views.(Edit: I ended up removing that oneshot from Fanfiction, due to its immense crapiness.)

Anyway, normally I write for the game Harvest moon, but I have decided to put some of my time into a Vocaloid story, because of my newly-found obsession for them. I really hope you all like it, and I thank you all for reading this story out of the 5000 there are! (Edit: This shows just how long this story has been here... Today is September 28th, 2012, and the Vocaloid fandom now has about 10 000 fanfictions.)

Anyway, like I was saying, this was the prologue, so it wasn't that interesting. I just wanted to… how should I say this… display? Meh, I'll just say display. I just wanted to 'display' the characters personalities, before we start the main plot. So there will be a big time skip next chapter.

We'll go from the end of June to the end of August. (Edit: I don't really know when the Japanese school year starts, so I used the regular Canadian-American school system. I believe the Japanese school year ends somewhere in April, but I have no idea when it starts.) So basically, the summer they were looking forward to so much… well, it basically didn't happen. Hahaha.

Speaking of the characters and their personalities, I'd like to maybe explain my choice a little.

So, at first, I was gonna make Len and Rin's little 'group of friends' a lot of people; meaning Rin, Len, Miku, Luka, Kaito, Meiko, Gakupo, Gumi… basically, all the MAIN Vocaloids. But then, I thought… hey, wouldn't I need some other Vocaloids in the story later on?

So now, their 'group' suffices of only 5. ;) They lost quite a few friends, didn't they? Poor guys…

I also had trouble finding parents for Rin/Len. I seriously spent an hour and a half looking for blond Vocaloids! … And I still haven't decided completely…But… bleh. (Edit: Their parents are Miriam and Rei Kagene. It's official.)

Rin and Len's birthday is coming up too! 2 days after Christmas, the 27th of December!

Anyway, thanks for reading, and please, please, please review!

(Edit: Sorry if these edits are annoying, but you have to know that a lot has changed, both with me, AND this story in the year I've been writing it. Not only is this my first Vocaloid fic, however, it is also my favorite of the ones I have. So! I'm going to ask you, even if you didn't really like this chapter, to please stick with me. I promise it gets better, or else I wouldn't be editing this to try and improve it. Please, at least read a few more chapters before you definitely decide you don't like it. Please?)

(1) I tried describing Len's outfit from Spice, but…

(2) Okay, don't make fun of me… I couldn't find a good name for their school, seeing as I know no Japanese whatsoever. So… I started scrolling through different Vocaloid vids, trying to find a name… and I ended up with Roshin Yuukai Academy. Roshin Yuukai is Meltdown in Romaji/Japanese.(Edit: That was the old name. Then, I figured out Roshin Yuukai meant something along the lines of 'Kidnapping a child'. So I changed it to Awesome Academy. XD Well, the Japanese translation of awesome, and then Academy. I can't remember its name right now, though, which is why you don't see it mentioned here. … Oh. I remember now. Subarashii Academy. XD)

(3) Sigh… So I spent nearly 2 hours auditioning different Vocaloids for Rin's parents, and they're barely even mentioned… Anyway, her parents are supposed to be the Engloids Leon (Edit: This was changed to Rei Kagene) and Miriam. But it's the blond version of Miriam. I personally don't really like any of the Engloids' voices, Leon being my only exception, so it was hard to decide on Rin's mother… Believe it or not, my final choice was between either Blond-Miriam, or Sweet Ann…

(4) I didn't know what shota meant at first, but that's what people keep calling Len; a little Shota. At first, I thought it was some sort of pun (get it? A little shota = a little shorter?). Anyway, to anyone who doesn't know, a shota is basically a term to describe a girly-ish boy. You know... a boy that most would describe as 'cute'.

The opposite of a shota is a loli, which would be a cute girl who looks, or acts younger than she really is. Rin is a perfect example of a loli.

(5) Baka is Japanese for the following terms: Stupid, idiot, retarded, and other adjectives along those lines. So basically, a perfect way to describe myself… :)