Reviews for Lost and Found (original version)
LeifYcrown chapter 5 . 5/31
Dominoes hq is in Japan :)
ownitlikeaboss chapter 25 . 2/20/2015
I would like to think that I'm actually reading these closer to the release dates than before... Although it doesn't make change much since I'm just THAT far behind.
Oh well.
In any case.
I actually really like Sonika.
I don't know why but I really like her.
Maybe it's cuz I don't really like Gumi and Sonika torments her...
Yeah that's probably why. -'
But yeah. This is just my opinion again.
It's pretty much the same thing with Dust in the Corner.
Miku in your other story is pretty similar to Gumi in this one. I found that I just don't like those kind of people...
Somehow they annoy me. :/
And idk.
It's hard for me to write a review cuz I read this over the span of a week so things that happened in the beginning are a bit fuzzy.
Also is it bad I kinda wanted to read M rated version of the Piko scene? XP
Haha maybe.
I look forward to the next chapter!
And hopefully it won't take me as long to actually getting around to reading it.
Until next time
DaniChibari chapter 6 . 11/30/2014
Wow that was a lot of near death experiences. Oh! And I would love to hear your riddler theory (I have one of my own as well).
Dani chapter 3 . 11/30/2014
I like where this is going!
Dani chapter 1 . 11/30/2014
I really like this relationship for Rin and Len. It reminds of Kaoru and Hikaru from Ouran high school host club, except a lot more innocent.
theunhappytwins chapter 25 . 8/21/2014
It's clear. Gumi decided to revenge. (Piko-san is very amazing prostitute?)
Obligatory Muzzle of Nemesis joke aside, I'm glad you're happy! Overall, it's better to be happy than sad.
And I'm just waiting for Miku to ditch Kaito for Luka, and Kaito can cheer up Meiko because their love has been fated forever. Whenever Meiko enters the scene, that is.
Guest chapter 25 . 8/9/2014
You may or may not have noticed that I am also YumenoMakishin. Meh. Oh well. When I first saw that it was FINALLY updated I was like, OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD HOLY SHIT ITS FINALLY UPDATED! *insert crazy fangirl scream here* Keep up the good work! Love ya 5ever! Hahaha

And actually, (And I love you when I say this) I feel like the emotion that you could feel in there was kinda shallow. I mean, it's there when you read it but it's not the same gut twisting feeling I always get whenever I re-read your previous chapters while waiting for updates.
Then at the end I was like..."Wait, what happened? Did Gumi die? I feel like Gumi just died...SHE COMMITTED SUICIDE DAMNIT. _" And high school has not been kind to me. Not at all. I want to publish a fanfic but I still have to make a thesis by december (in my second year in junior high. A thesis. In junior high. Can you believe it?), and review for exams, and all that shit. What happened anyway?
Do update as fast as you can. I'm not forcing you to but the suspense tends to kill me so...yeah.
Try eating a cookie or listening to depressing music. Like the kind of music that make your heart break and your tears flow out like piss. Oh, have you heard Hello Again by Rin and Len?
My heart broke during the first notes. Meh. LET THE IMAGINATION FLOW!
Keep up the good work! FIGHT! GAMBATTE!
Gay British Kid chapter 25 . 8/4/2014
I couldn't be bothered to log into my account again but you know who I am IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME I READ THIS BUT NOW MY EYES ARE BURNING IM SO TIRED.

I loved the Piko and Len bit, not because of how wonderfully almost gay it got, but because Piko just felt more normal and I feel sorry for him ;; he needs a hug.

Oh man my memory is going I can't remember things other than Piko and Len -.- lets see... Hmm... OH I WAS SO HAPPY TO SEE SONIKA DIE AND THEN YOU TROLLED ME I hate her, she's being such a bitch to Gumi, I swear to god if I was in this story she'd be number 2 on my hit list, after Piko's ass ;)

Guest chapter 25 . 8/3/2014
Honestly I don't know if I like this story. I really hate Gumi x Len and Mikuo x Rin. I like your writing etc. but I think, this story is more Gumi x Len & Mikuo x Rin with slight Rin x Len. Sorry, but I think I'm not the one who thinks it.
Toolazytologin chapter 25 . 8/2/2014
Ok i prolly sound crazy but i had to cover my mouth and stop laughing at the piko part bc my parents are asleep and i dont want them to know i'm reading a fanfic which involves a prostitute gay shota flirting with another shota /laughs

Ok seriously though gumi is my favorite and no matter what i can't seem to hate rinny. I HATE SONIKA'S GUTS THOUGH

But what's with that cliffhanger/cries

and i seriously have no clue what pico's sickness is i
mirrors02 chapter 25 . 8/1/2014
So, today I was looking for some LenxRin fics and I found out this was updated!
And I was like: YAAAY!
This chapter was pretty confusing, for me, I guess
I think I'll re-read this to... I don't know, get situated?
kagamination524 chapter 25 . 8/1/2014
Yes! Another chapter! I was sooooooo excited when I saw the story had been updated, and I think it was worth the wait- especially with whatever happened at the end. This was a really good chapter in my opinion, can't wait for the next!
s.STORM chapter 25 . 8/1/2014
Woooo it's been a long time since i saw this thing on the first page of the vocaloid section. I actually almost thought you were just going to discontinue this one actually, but it's honestly been such a long time since i was this excited to read something.

Well i guess it's time for my review of this chapter. Most of the story and development seemed to be the same as the previous version, but that last part was completely different. It's different in a naty kinda way, as in a cliffhanger that makes me wanna rip someone head off. Also, my hatred of this rin is boiling again. You remember that warning you made for gumi? i think thiss time you actually need it.

For the piko part. I like it actually. The message piko made was the same, but the delivery is way different. The last one made piko look weak in kinda a bad way imo. Like a kicked puppy. But this time he seemed weak in an unbalanced sorta way. Like he knows it's coming, he knows he's going off, but he can't help it. Someone who's right at the edge. It was funny reading the flirting as well. So i do like the piko scene better now.

Then the gumi scene, aaah the gumi scene. The bar one was the same, but the sonika ecounter, now that was something that had me reading tensely. It feels right in it's place to be simple. In the last one i couldn't understand the point of the meeting, but this lead to something more interesting. It feel like it clicked with the previous build up. I will agree with what you say though, gumi could've been angrier. It seemed like she was mad, but it wasn't like she was mad at something so deeply rooted as this. But i think you still managed to get the point across...and i'm kinda afraid how long you might try to re-make it if i tell you it's bad. Then there's the twist at the end, *sigh*, been a while since i got a gut wrencher like that. I can think of two maybe two likely scenarios about what happened in the end, but right now it feels like i'm leaning to the one where it isn't so pleasant for gumi.

Well that's it for now, and i hope you can get the ball rolling for this story again. But at the same time i think it's good that you're getting more comfortable in your life. I wish you luck and wish all the worst for this rin.

CrashBreaker501 chapter 25 . 8/1/2014
I'm writing this review at the same time I read the chapter. Let's do this:


I noticed I have a friend that acts around me the same way Piko acts around Len. I'm legitimately scared now. But he's more "vanilla" than Piko. Or at least he isn't a prostitute. Hopefully.

I'm pretty lost here. I am not understanding the conversation. Maybe it has been too long since the last update and I can't really remember anything? Damn.

Gumi, a, what, 13-14 years old? in a club? A quite possibly ilegal club? I'm not sure if I want to look.
And now Rin is getting totally wasted. I'm not sure if I love you or hate you for changing the scene.

No one cares, Luka.

Well shit.

Okay, I do hate you. And Rin. And you again, for leaving us for maybe the rest of the year with a cliffhanger. Evil.
An okay chapter.
frosted flaky chapter 7 . 7/7/2014
Why does Len have to be hidden? Is someone going after him? Or are they going after Lily? Vengeful husband/boyfriend/personthingy? I'm curious!
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