
Chapter One


Disclaimer: They are not mine. It breaks my heart to see them apart. I want to hurt the writers…kidding…okay maybe just slightly maim.

Author Notes: This is a story for Denese925. I found the photos you were talking about for next Monday's show and even though this is a little late, Happy Birthday and some Kove just for you. The title for that episode, Ma'ema'e, means pure.

Her arm was so slight in his hand as he practically pulled her down the hallway to the interrogation room. She had lost weight. He looked down at her as he opened the door and pushed her inside. She refused to make eye contact as he shoved her roughly into the chair and stepped back running his hand through his hair. He crossed his arms. This scenario was not one he had ever thought he would find himself in with her. Not Kono.

He had always thought of her as being so pure. Everything he had ever seen her do had been motivated out of care and concern for others. Even her involvement with the evidence money, the thing that had cost her the badge she so badly wanted to earn, was because she loved her cousin.

She sat ramrod straight in the chair and brought her eyes up to meet his. He searched her face looking for any clue as to what she was thinking, but her face was blank. Not one emotion was playing out for him to read.

As he paced the room he remembered the day she graduated and missed her ceremony because of the case they were working on. He had been so proud to stand there in his dress uniform and congratulate her. Every day since that day she had given her all. Her loyalty and dedication to the team was stronger than anyone else on it. He had found himself caring deeply for her with each passing day, but he had been so caught up in his own disaster of a life that he forgotten all about the look they shared that day in booking. He knew in that moment he had failed her on a cataclysmic level. Would she ever forgive him? Kono, what have I done? He searched her face looking for anything that reminded him of the young woman he cared so deeply for. He loved that girl. She was full of life and fire and love. The woman watching him now was like steel. Where to start? Instantly his anger came back. He was mad at her. He was mad because she let herself get sucked into Ray Maples web. She was so much better than that. How could she forget herself like this? No matter what he and the team had or had not done, she was better than this dammit.

Two hours earlier they had surrounded a club that was running guns and drugs. They were involved in the shipwreck of gold the team was following.

Steve had frozen in his assault on the club when he spotted his rookie with that creep. The man was a disgrace to his former uniform.

He leaned up off the wall he had found himself propped against and launched himself at her with no warning. He stood towering over her chair.

"What the hell were you thinking Kono?"

"Excuse me?"

"You were practically wrapped around that sleaze bag Ray Maples. He's scum Kono and you know it. Why would you do that? Don't you know how much trouble you're in now? This is not the way to get your badge back. Why him? Is it the money? Are you in trouble? You know any of us would help you out financially. Why didn't you come to me first?"

"Oh like you've been there for me so far?"

Steve flinched. She was hurt and angry. Now at least he could see some emotion on her face.

"You're right and I'm sorry, but you don't get to hang out with low lifes like him. You are not going to piss your life away like that. Not on my watch."

"You know what "Steve"? You aren't my "Boss" anymore so you don't get to say what I do or don't do."

Her eyes were cold and hard again. This was not his Kono. This was not the earnest young cop who gave her heart and soul to the team at Five-0. He didn't even know this person.

"What is the matter with you Kono? It's like I don't even know you. We're supposed to be like family. You should have come to me, talked to me and let me help you."

"Oh yeah? I haven't even seen you for two months. Two months Steve! Out of sight out of mind, out of heart, out of family. So where's my Ohana now? Where were you when I was drowning, huh? Where were you when I really needed you? What? Were you too busy breaking in the new girl?"

Kono spat the words out as she glared at Steve.

Steve was stunned. She was right. Cases and the new detective the governor had forced on him had distracted him and he hadn't been there for her. He would regret that for the rest of his life. He had failed her on so many levels. Would she ever be able to forgive him?

The only indication of the pain this was causing her was a slight tremble of her chin. Steve wanted to take that chin in his hand and stop the trembling and take her in his arms and never let her go again. He couldn't lose the woman he'd known for so long, the woman he loved. He did love her. He had just been too stubborn to tell her…show her.

Danny entered the room.


There's some guy here from IAB and the governor says we have to release her to him.

Steve watched as Kono sighed and stood up. They were standing barely a foot apart. She lifted her chin and dared Steve to say anything else.

"This isn't over Kono. Not by a long shot."

"It's been over Steve. You're just too stubborn to accept it. Trust me. I'm not worth the effort. Or did you already figure that out? Stay away from me. I'm trouble, remember?"

It made Steve's skin crawl to watch the older man take Kono and lead her out of the room without another word. He never took his eyes off her back as she walked away. His heart was beating out of his chest as for the first time he realized he might have lost her. Then it happened. Just as they turned the corner out of the hallway Kono looked back at him and it was all there on her face. That was the Kono he knew looking back at him. She was scared, she was heartbroken and she was his. He knew she meant that look to tell him everything she couldn't say before.

It would never be too late as far as he was concerned. He would get her back no matter what it took.