Disclaimer: I do not own Phantom of the Opera. I only own some of the minor characters that you don't recognize.
A/N: This is not a E/OC story. There will be an Erik and Christine relationship. Obviously not the original Christine Daae, but a descendant of her.
Summary: Right after the disaster at the Opera House, Erik is found by a mysterious woman. She turns him into a different kind of monster, a vampire. After decades of composing music and drawing up blueprints to sell to the highest bidder he finds himself in 2011. He decides to take his knowledge and teach students everything he knows. At Julliard he meets the one girl who can change his whole life, Christine Dawson, descendant of Christine Daae.
Chapter 1: Sophia
Paris, 1870
"Pitiful creature of darkness what kind of life have you known? God give me courage to show you, you are not alone." Christine sang as she descended into the misty lake water towards Erik. Once she finally reached him she put the sparkling ring onto her left ring finger and lifted her face to his.
The first kiss was soft and sweet to show that she was ready to live in darkness with him. She was surrendering to his control and saving the life of the one man she always loved, Raoul. She broke away from Erik and looked deeply into his eyes. They were tear- streaked and full of astonishment. He hadn't expected her to kiss him.
More passionately she placed another kiss on his lips. She held his disfigured face close so she could give him a kiss that they would both enjoy. In the end Christine thought back to all there times together even when she thought of him as her Angel of Music. He did take her mind and use her memory of her father and make it a nightmare in the end. But when she was young he was kind and loving towards her. They would talk and laugh about anything. He helped her get over the sorrow of losing her father, for the most part.
Coming back to the present, she pulled away from the passionate, pleasurable kiss with tears running down her cheeks. She felt guilty for liking the kiss when she knew she should hate Erik. She only kissed him to save Raoul's life, not to enjoy it and satisfy her desire of what it would feel like. She looked into Erik's eyes and he was out of breath and speechless. His face showed happiness, the first smile she had ever seen on his face. It soon changed to depression; his hatred of himself and what he was doing. He started to cry even harder and couldn't look her in the eye. He felt horrible and knew he could never have her love after what he just made her do. Without another look at her or her lover he stumbled away from them spitting out words:
"Take her, forget me, forget all of this. Leave me alone, forget all you've seen. Go now don't let them find you. Take the boat; swear to me never to tell. The secret you know of the angel in hell."
He turned to see his love one last time. She had removed the rope around the boy's neck and they were holding each other in desperation instead of running. In one final plea for them to leave before they get caught he yelled, "Go now, Go now and leave me." He started tripping back into his bedroom as the mob was searching through the catacombs, knee deep in muggy water with torches, searching for him.
He gave himself up and was ready to surrender. He sat on the edge of his swan bed staring at his monkey musical box softly singing in between sobs, "Masquerade, paper faces on parade, Masquerade hide your face so the world will never find you."
From the corner of his eye he saw a flash of white in the darkness. He lifted his eyes and saw Christine standing there looking at him with sadness in her eyes. He knew this would be the last time he ever saw her and wanted to tell her the one thing he felt for her since the moment he met her.
"Christine, I love you."
Her eyes started to tear up more and before the emotions could take over again she started to step forward. Erik's first thought was, 'What is she doing? Has she decided to stay with me?' As she stood in front of him her eyes drifted from his to her hand. His eyes followed and he saw her remove the engagement ring he gave back to her after ripping it from her neck at the masquerade ball. With the ring in one hand she reached for his hand with her other. She held his hand palm up and placed the ring into it. She held her fingers in his closed hand to hold on for a few seconds longer. He lifted his eyes back to hers and saw the grief on her face. She started to turn away without taking her eyes from his and without letting go of his hand. She finally released his hand and turned completely away and out of the room. He looked down at his hand that now held the ring and more tears started to descend.
"Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime." Erik heard in the distance the echoing purity of Christine's voice singing the love song she shared with Raoul on the rooftop.
Raoul's baritone came in right on cue. "Say the word and I will follow you."
Erik stood and started to walk out of his cavern to see Christine and Raoul leave on his boat and disappear into the distance.
"Share each day with me, each night, each morning." Christine's head turned to see Erik one last time. It was as if she was singing the words to him and him alone.
Erik sang one last time to his angel. "You alone can make my song take flight." The boat disappeared around the corner and his voice burst forth as he took hold of a candlestick holder. "It's over now the music of the night." He smashed all the mirrors left uncovered in his home and the last one held a secret passageway. He turned one last time and then disappeared into the pitch blackness before the mob could catch him. He left everything behind, his clothes, his music, and his mask. Nothing mattered to him at that moment. He lost everything he cared about.
After a couple of weeks of sleeping in alleys under discarded newspapers and eating crumbs outside of café shops, Erik had enough. He wasn't going to live the rest of his life like this, he couldn't. He would end up back in that hellhole of a circus, being shown for amusement or in a prison somewhere waiting to be hanged for his crimes. He had to get out of Paris and he had to have money and clothing to be able to do so.
When he left the opera house he was only wearing his brown Don Juan trousers and a white flowing shirt that was as thin as an old rag. He didn't even have a mask or a hood to cover his disfigurement. At least he had the ability to hide and get away without anyone seeing him. He had to get back to his home and gather some things together so he could leave.
It was midnight on a weekday so no one was on the streets except for the homeless people that had nowhere to go. He walked through the shadows of side streets on his way to the opera house that was now a burned, destroyed mess of a building. As he approached the once magnificent opera house he felt shame for ruining an old landmark such as this. Before anyone could see him he entered through a side door that only the cooks used to dump old, unused food out of.
When he was young and he had only lived there for a few months he knew he couldn't make Annette Giry go through the trouble of bringing him food every day. She had saved him; she shouldn't have to do anything else. So to go about getting things on his own he couldn't walk through the halls in case he got caught. He made secret passage ways in the walls leading from his home to the kitchens. Over the years he made more that led to different places around the opera house. It became a maze of passage ways that only he had the knowledge of using.
As he entered the kitchen he found the secret door and opened it. It made no sound and he walked slowly into the darkness. He was blind in the dark, but soon his eyes adjusted and he could see well. After a few minutes he made it to another door that led into his home. He opened it slowly to make sure the police weren't looking around inside. Once he made sure it was empty he walked in.
His home was a complete mess. His music was scattered all over the floor, drapes were pulled off the walls and mirrors and laid in piles on the floor. Candles were burned out and on the floor. His books and paintings were thrown around. He entered his bedroom and the scarlet blankets on his bed were gone, his clothes that were once nicely folded and placed in chests and drawers were now scattered and wrinkled. His chests were knocked over and emptied.
He hid his feelings, nothing was destroyed, and everything could be replaced. He grabbed one of the discarded drapes and laid it on the ground. He gathered a few shirts, pants and shoes from the floor of his bedroom. He went over to the sitting room and grabbed a couple of masks from a drawer that luckily the searchers didn't open. He grabbed his cape from the chair it was hanging on and put it on. He grabbed the money he had that was hidden in a small wall nook and put it in his pocket. Before leaving he looked at his home one last time. Something caught his eye and he walked over to it. He entered the small room that once held the Christine model and saw the mannequin tipped over and broken into pieces.
That was the last straw; he broke down into sobs and couldn't contain his mourning any longer. He sat there on the ground holding the wedding veil that was lying next to the head of the mannequin. He was holding it close and didn't want to let it go.
After a couple of hours he got up and assembled the edges of the fabric and folded it so it would hold all the items he gathered. He picked it up and left the way he came. Once he reached the kitchen he grabbed leftovers from the counter and a loaf of bread. Luckily the kitchen didn't get a lot of damage so the food wasn't ruined, just a little old. After putting the food in another pouch he left the opera house and started walking down the street, east out of town.
Erik had left Paris a month ago to get away from the pain. He also wanted to go to a place where he wouldn't be noticed and arrested. Although he soon found out that he would have to leave the country in order to be safe from everyone. He didn't have it in him to go any farther from Paris, his home, his Christine. The only way he would be able to leave the Paris area is if Christine was gone or he became a danger to her.
After a week the food he gathered at the opera house was gone and he started to use the money he had on small amounts of bread to keep him from going hungry. He would sleep outside on the street and sometimes even enter an inn through an open window and sleep on the floor hidden from innocent eyes.
The only thing that made him happy now was a good bottle of rum. He spent almost all of his money on alcohol. He would spend most of his time drinking in the shadows. One late night he was sitting in the back corner of a tavern with his cape covering his face and a bottle of rum in his hand. He had the barman leave the bottle an hour ago and he discarded the glass half an hour ago. Now all he had was a bottle of alcohol and a broken heart.
Moments past when he was lost in his thoughts of his angel of music and suddenly a woman stood in front of him, staring. He looked up to see a woman in a black dress with striking blonde hair flowing in soft waves down her back. He was entranced in her beauty and was shocked to see a woman of her stature in a dark pub such as this. She had to be married to a wealthy lord for she had jewels adorning her neck and ears and was wearing a popular dress made of fine fabric.
Before he started leering uncomfortably he put his head back down and hid his face more. All of a sudden he heard the chair next to his scoot out and looked up to see the woman sit down. She looked at him and reached for the bottle of rum. He pulled it away from her grasp with a hiss. The woman then lashed out faster than any human could and grabbed the bottle from his strong grip and threw it across the room. The smash could be heard in the distance and he looked at her with hatred and shock.
"Why would you dare take a bottle of rum from a man in my state?" he said in between teeth ready to shoot forward and grab her around the neck. He never thought of killing a woman until this moment.
"Because I can tell drinking away your life isn't going to change anything. You need to realize that and get on with your life. Is it a girl?" After getting no answer from the dark creature she knew. "It is a girl. What's her name?"
"I choose not to tell you." He said. He knew he was being rude, but he didn't care.
"Alright, that's fine. You don't have to tell me. Just answer one question. If you could, would you want to completely forget about her? Lose your memory of her so you wouldn't feel this way?"
His head shot up and his eyes were round in astonishment. He could never forget her, he would never want to. He told the strange woman, "No, never. I don't ever want to forget about her. She was my life for ten years; I don't want to ever forget the best moments of my life. She was the best thing in my life."
"You are still caught up in her. Why did you leave? Or I should ask, why did she leave?" she asked.
Without another word he got up and ran out of the tavern. He ran as fast as he could. The strange woman had brought him back to the last moment he saw Christine and his heart was ready to plummet and die. He had to see Christine again even if it hurt him more; he had to see his precious angel again.
He had run away past all the buildings and now only fields, barns and farmhouses surrounded him. It was very late and he was out of breath from running. He ran into the closest barn, unseen, and found himself a horse. The one he picked was black and large; it would easily be hidden in the night. He grabbed a saddle and reins and put them on the horse. He then grabbed the reins and guided it to the barn doors. Once he was safely outside he mounted the horse and rode off into the night towards Paris.
He made it to Paris in the late morning and kept to the shadows for the rest of the day until it became dark again. He couldn't go to the Chagny estate in the middle of the day or he would be caught by the guards.
The sun had set and he made his way to the Chagny estate on Midnight, he named the horse because he didn't see himself returning him anytime soon. He left the horse tied to a tree branch and walked over to the gates. He noticed two guards standing by the bars and he made his way over to the stone wall at the side of the building. He climbed the wall and landed on his feet in the tall bushes. He cautiously made his way to the closest window of the mansion. He hid behind a gargoyle that sat on the ground next to the window he was looking in.
He looked into the glass and saw books covering the walls. There were books everywhere and a fireplace situated to the left. Sitting in a soft green chair was the object of his desire. Christine was sitting with her feet curled under her legs in front of the fire with a book in her hand. He couldn't read the title, but could see she was captivated with it the way she laughed and then moments later cried. He could watch her read a book for hours, but a certain man came up behind her to place a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see it was her fiancé and smiled. She got out of the chair and gave him a sweet kiss.
Their happiness made him angry and jealous. He wanted to have that love with Christine and he hated Raoul for taking that from him. He wanted to stay longer and watch her, but knew he couldn't watch her kiss that boy and have him hold her the way he wished he could. He backed away from the window and turned towards the stone wall. Once he reached the other side he saw a strange figure standing by Midnight staring at him.
Before he could run, the figure was before him in the blink of an eye. The being removed its hood and he noticed who it was. It was the woman from the tavern. 'How did she find me? What does she want?' he thought.
"I knew you would go to her. You still love her, you can't let her go. I want to help you feel better and hopefully get over her." She said. She looked serious and trustworthy. She had followed him to Paris and saw the way he looked at the girl in the window with love and compassion. She could see the way he paled when a man came into view and held his girl.
She wanted to help him and knew exactly what to do. She took his hand and guided him to the horse. He was confused and wondered why this woman was trying to help him. He didn't want help, but knew that he should go on in order to live his life.
"What is your name?" the woman asked.
He hesitantly said, "Erik." He hadn't told anyone his name before, not Madame Giry or Christine, but now he told this complete stranger. "What's yours?" he asked.
"Sophia." She said with poise.
They left Paris yet again and made it to an abandoned shack right outside of society. They entered and Sophia moved to light a few candles so Erik could see. Unknown to her, Erik was very accustomed to darkness. Once there was enough light in the room they sat facing each other on the ground.
Erik was the first to talk in their long silence. "How are you going to help me?"
"Before I do anything I need to tell you that once we are finished you will never be able to see Christine again." She said confidently and with much sternness in her voice.
Erik thought she sounded like Annette Giry for a moment. He was unsure about wanting help once Sophia said he would never be able to see Christine again. He didn't know if he could survive any amount of time without seeing her smile or the flow of her hair. After a moment he agreed to Sophia's demand. He knew it would be hard, but if it became too much he would go to her for a moment and watch her from a distance without letting Sophia know.
With that said Sophia leaned forward and removed the hood from Erik's face. When she saw the mask she didn't flinch or run screaming 'Phantom'. She simply placed her hands on either side of his face and kissed him on the lips.
He pulled back the moment her lips descended on his. He did not think she would do that and was shocked. He looked at her face and saw her eyes were glowing red and she looked demonic. She opened her mouth to show two pointed fangs forming from her gums. He pulled back farther to run from her, but she jumped on him to hold him down.
The next thing he knew there was a sharp pain in his neck and he blacked out.
He woke in the morning with an excruciating pain in his neck. He sat up and reached to feel his neck and felt two punctures in his skin covered in blood. He got up from the floor and noticed blood on his white shirt. Before he could remember what happened Sophia walked in to the shack and said,
"Morning sleepy head." She had a cheery voice and looked happy for some reason.
"What happened?" He still didn't really remember; it was all fuzzy.
"You passed out. You probably have a bit of a headache. Here take this and drink up." She said as she handed him a dirty glass with a dark substance in it. He didn't think about it and took a sip. He spat it out completely disgusted with the taste.
"What is this?" he said with revulsion holding the cup away from him.
"My blood." She said as if it was obvious. He looked at her in surprise. Then he threw the cup across the room and it shattered on the floor.
"Why would you give me your blood." He asked as he tried to wash away the taste from his mouth.
Instead of answering she went over to the front door and opened it. An innocent farm girl was standing there as if she was stuck to the spot.
"Hello, darling come on in." Sophia said in a sweet voice. The girl entered and looked over at Erik with a blank face. "Now darling, I need you to sit with me right here." Sophia said as she sat next to Erik and put the girl in between them. Erik looked confused and wanted to know what Sophia was planning.
"What are you doing, Sophia?" he whispered.
"Erik do you feel a pain in your gums?" she asked without answering his question.
Just as Erik was about to reply 'no' he felt this throbbing pain above his teeth. As he reached up to feel his gums he felt points coming out and grow. He jumped back and became scared. He didn't know what was happening and wanted this nightmare to end.
Sophia then took the girl's wrist and punctured it with her own fangs. The girl didn't even flinch, she seemed to be hypnotized. As the blood poured from the wound Erik smelled the air and stared at the wound. He smelled the blood and his vision turned red. His mouth started to water and he crept closer to the girl's wrist. He didn't know what he was doing and couldn't help himself. He grabbed a hold of the girl's hand and started to suck on the blood. He drank as if he was starving. He couldn't stop and the girl went limp in Sophia's arms.
Erik killed his first girl. He became a vampire.