Dalton-verse. Kurt for some reason isnt at Windsor, maybe he was having a 'family weekend' or something, I dont know. Use your imaginations :D

Kurt smiled. "Skype you later?"

"Skype you later," promised Blaine. "Bye! – wait a second, don't hang up…"

Blaine watched out the window as two freshmen, who had been chatting on the steps of Windsor House, jumped when a sudden voice screamed out to them, "GET OUT OF MY WAY, MIDGETS!"

The boys jumped and scurried away in as a leggy brunette stormed up the steps, shaking with fury. The doors of the House crashed open as she entered and screamed some more, mainly involving a certain boys name, before there was an unbelievably high pitched shriek lasting for several seconds – her trademark, you could say – as she ran out of the building and down the stairs, followed by two blond boys. One was armed with a massive NERF gun which he was rapid-firing at the girl and the other with a bucket of water bombs which was chucking at her, both with the hugest of grins on their faces.

They chased her down the steps and halfway to the main building before, satisfied they had chased her away, turned back towards their own House returning to the conversation they were having before like nothing had happened.

Blaine, who had been chuckling and recounting what was going on to Kurt as the events played out outside his window, finally said, "She's gone. The twins chased her away; quite successfully I have to admit. So, Skype later?"

"Skype later, and see if the twins can get me a video of that," he replied. "That would get so many views on YouTube."

"I know, right… I should be more grateful for being on the twins' good side."

"Yes, they might steal all your product, now that would be a disaster. I'll see you later, honey. Eight?"

"Eight," he promised again before hanging up and flinging himself onto his bed with a dreamy smile on his face, relishing the fact he was alone so he could do that without getting a shitload of immature remarks on it.

End was kind of rubbish. Actually, I only uploaded it because I liked the thought of Tabitha being chased, screaming, out of the House by the twins armed with NERF guns and water balloons :D

Review or Ill wrap you up in a tortilla and eat you. AS A SNACK... (maybe with some pico de gallo).