Dont have to have read Part 1, just a Klaine smut, posted in celebration for the 5th episode ;)

WARNING: Gay sex (obviously)and spoilers and fangirling at the end.

Kurt giggled as Blaine kissed his fingers before pulling him inside the dark motel room, shutting the door behind them with a smirk. With a quick whip of the arm he'd tugged Blaine to him and started to rip of his shirt, kissing every inch of skin all the while pushing him backwards and onto the bed. Kurt straddled Blaine, too focused on the friction it caused to notice Blaine taking off his own shirt.

Soon both boys were naked, sweaty and moaning. Blaine had taken charge now and he proceeded to give and extra hard thrust from his position behind Kurt, making him moan even louder and pant breathlessly.

Santana was pissed.

Cut that, she's always pissed.

Santana was boiling.

She looked up from between a gasping Brittany's legs, who had been writhing around on the cheap motel bed.

"Seriously, that couple next door better shut it soon or I will be getting my bitch on," she spat.

"Don't be mean to Kurt and Blaine, it makes dolphins cry," Brittany said, sitting up a little and sounding a little upset. "People aren't very nice to them already; I don't know why, they're both so hot and sexy. Especially Kurt, he has soft hands."

"Wait, what did you say?"

"Kurt has soft hands."

"No, no the bit about it being Kurt and Blaine in there, how can you tell?"

Brittany leant forward and curled her legs under her so she could place a finger on Santana's lips just as a high male voice floated through the thin walls. It was panting, groaning, and unmistakably Kurt Hummel's – and unmistakably moaning Blaine's name.

Santana froze for a second before grinning and scrambling to her feet, pulling the half-dressed Brittany with her. She pressed her ear against the wall but it wasn't needed from the next words that weren't a scramble of curses floated through the wall.

"Fuck, Kurt, you're so… fucking… tight."

Santana's eyes widened in glee as the next string of swear words and moans were spluttered from both. "Oh that cannot be Kurt and Blaine. That can't be."

Brittany blinked. "There's another Kurt and Blaine?"

"Oh this is brilliant," she grinned, ignoring Brittany's comment as an evil glint appearing in her eyes.

A piercing shriek.

"Kurt, sweetie, are you okay?"

"Shut up, Blaine, and fuck me."

The continuous flow of grunts, gasps, moans and groans of each other's names – with the additional shriek of plain and pleasure from Kurt – indicated that Blaine had obliged and had sent Santana rolling on the floor laughing. Brittany was just picking at the lint on the fraying bed cover, uninterested in the noises: she would way prefer Santana making her make those noises.

The walls of the motel were thin, sure, but not thin enough for Santana to hear the sweet nothings they whispered in each other's ears after they came of their high, blissfully unaware that they had been caught.

Kurt was panting, his whole body dripping with sweat and come. "Jesus, Blaine…"

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" Blaine whispered back, tightening his arms around him, their fluids mingling like it had done many times before.

Kurt nuzzled his nose on Blaine's. "So worth it."

Blaine gave his nose a light peck. "I love you, Kurt. So, so much."

"I love you too, honey."

You like?

Collab with KlaineLovexxx


Season 3, Episode 5 is called 'The First Time' and Kurt, Blaine, Rachel AND Emma home run.

We even see them making out. Serious, hot, steamy making out in the back of one of their cars.

This episode will a) make my ovaries explode, b) make me pregnant with Chris' babies c) make me pregnant with Darrens babies

...I personally would prefer for c) to happen.