Author's notes : The story takes placce in the Bleach universe, after the Winter War. This time Ichigo still have all his powers and look. I just replace Oga with Ichigo. Rated T for now.

Summary : His life had always been hectic and chaotic as it possibly can be. He had fought countless enemies, died several times, and been to Hell and back. But what shall happen when he had to face a new challenge, in the form of a child.

-Karakura River-

Ichigo was chasing the last hollow of the day, before heading back home for dinner. The one he is chasing right now is one of the low class hollow, which looked like a giant ape. It was wounded by one arm and one leg, and was bleeding profusely. However, despised its size and damage, it was still very fast. Ichigo knew it wouldn't last long, and decided to end it quickly before it can get back to Hueco Mundo. He used a quick shunpo and blocked the hollow's escape route, and quickly dispatched it by one quick slice to the head. The hollow howled in pain before it disintegrated in nothingness.

Ichigo sheathed Zangetsu to his back and decided to head home, when he suddenly saw something floating in the river. Unbeknown to him he was back to the place where his mother died. Thinking about this suddenly filled him with sadness. He merely shrugged his head, wanting to clear his head and went to the river bank. To his surprise, the "thing" that was floating in the river was an old man. Ichigo noticed that there was a certain reiatsu around the man, and he didn't seem to be alive. Not because he was drowned, but it seemed that no one around can see them both. Decided that the man must be some sort of spirit, Ichigo took out his zanpakutou to purify this soul.

Just as he was about to do so, the man split himself open, revealed a completely naked baby inside. The latter looked like he was sleeping, the chest moved up and down by each inhale and exhale. Curious, Ichigo lifted the baby up. By doing so, the old man closed himself and sunk himself into the river, completely disappear out of sight, leaving no trace, not even a single bit of reiatsu left, not that Ichigo would be able to trace it anyway.

He looked at the baby in his arms, the usual scowl still plastered on his face. Slowly, the baby opened his eyes, and let out a small cheering sound of " Da buuh ", and latched himself on Ichigo's left shoulder, the only free spot that the oversized butcher knife didn't take.

"I can sense something strange about this little kid here Ichigo". The zanpakutou suddenly spoke.

"What do you mean Zangetsu ?" Ichigo asked, wondering what did his soul partner mean.

"For instance, this baby is definitely not human. I can sense something like a certain reiatsu inside him, and it's not from Soul Society nor Hueco Mundo.".

Ichigo simply frowned, but Zangetsu could tell that he is quiet disturbed by this.

"Fear not. I don't sense any danger from him".

"I'm not afraid, you know. It's just that what should I do with a kid like this ?".

"How about you throw it into the river to wherever it came from huh King ?", his hollow's side laughed at the cruelty he could inflict.

"Shut yer trap, horse." Ichigo said, a hint of anger in his voice was clearly shown.

"Ya ain't no fun King."

Ichigo decided to ignore his dark side and nugde the little kid on his shoulder instead.

"Oi little guy, wakey wakey. You can't just go and attached to someone so suddenly ya know."

"That would be ridiculous, boy." A woman's voice can be heard above his head. "There is no chance in hell the young master would associate himself with the like of you."

Ichigo looked up and saw that there was a blond woman there. She looks quite young, about 18 or less. A black lolita costume was on her body, together with a matching black pair of boots and black umbrella. The outfit gave a clear description about her curves. Inside Ichigo's head te hollow was giggling like a pervert, much to Ichigo's annoyance. She was riding something like a bird, only it was monstrous and nasty looking. The woman smirked a little at the Shinigami and slowly descended to the ground.

"A female Byakuya. Tch, great, just something that I need right now." Ichigo thought.

"Come on master" the woman said, advancing toward the baby, "Hilda's here to bring you home."

This earned another "Da buh" from the baby, as he turned away and held tighter to Ichigo's shoulder. This time it's the smirk that is plastered on Ichigo's face.

"He hates you", he said with a grin. Inside his head his hollow was rolling with howls and laughter, but Ichigo paid him no mind.

"Come on master", the woman named Hilda pulled one of his leg, "we need to leave this trash. He's not good for you."

The baby, who was visibly unhappy about this, kept clinging to Ichigo. Judging from his expression, he's was about to cry. Of course, this didn't go unnoticed by both Ichigo and Hilda.

"Oh no, this is not good" Hilda mustered. "Master please don't cry, this would be bad for Dada."

"Dada ?" Ichigo mused. He was wondering what was so bad about a baby crying except it's annoying, electric sparks start gathering around the baby, and with a loud "DA BUUHHH", a lightning strike hit the three of them. As the smoke cleared, the scene revealed the baby completely unharmed, and so did Ichigo and Hilda, with the exception of a few scorches marks and smoke coming out from their clothes and hair. Ichigo simply dusted off his hakama, and a slightly annoyed scowl on his face.

"Oi, woman, what the hell was that ?" Ichigo asked.

The woman, Hilda, who seemed to be calm now, start to speak in a calm and low tone, with lots of pride in it.

"My apologizes. The name is Hildagard, and I'm serving as that baby's demon nurse. The baby you are holding, is my current master, the one who will become the next king of our race, the demons. His name is Kaiser de Emperana Beelzebub the 4th."

"Demons huh?" Ichigo mused. This earned a slight nod from Hilda.

"This might seem strange to you but the lightning just now would be more than sufficient to prove his power as the future demon king."

"The woman is right Ichigo." His inner soul spoke. "They are from a different kind of dimension than ours. But considering all the things you have encountered up till now, it wouldn't be that surprising."

"Well I'm not gonna ask what kind of demon you are, but I have one question. So what exactly are you doing in the human world ?"

"You see, the current demon king, Lord Beelzebub the 3rd, had asked us to come to the human world and find a parent to my master, Lord Beelzebub the 4th.". Hilda took a deep breath and continued. "As you see, the master, much to my sadness, has chosen you as his parent, and it's your duty now to raise him to become the next Demon King, and finally destroy the human world."

Ichigo just stared at her in disbelief. What kind of father would just abandon his son to a total stranger? On top of that, raising him to become responsible for world destruction, this is not something Ichigo would approve.

"No, I refuse to do that." Ichigo shook his head, and picked the baby up. "Take him and leave."

"That is what I'm intended to do. Now, please, just die."

With a sly smile, Hilda unsheathed a sword out of her umbrella, much to style of Urahara's cane, and charged at Ichigo. To her surprise, her sword was caught between his fingers, and with so much ease. With a simple flick of his hand, he shattered her blade in pieces, and the force threw Hilda back, leaving her speechless. Never had she witness such display in power. She, the wet nurse of the Demon King, no less than one of the highest class demon. She then walked closer to Ichigo, and bow her head in defeat.

"I still have not approved of you as the Master's parent. However, your power is indeed worthy of His approval. I admit my defeat and shall assist you in the task of raising him."

"My answer is still ..." Ichigo said.

"You know King, about the part of throwing him to the river, scratch that. Keep him, and we can have that woman as a bonus." His dark side laughed like mad at the thought of having this woman made Ichigo blush like a tomato.

"For once Ichigo, I actually agree with the Hollow, and it's not about the woman. Rather than have him destroy mankind, how about we raise him the right way?"

This put Ichigo into thinking, and he knew that Zangetsu was right. Looking at the baby in his arms, some unknown feelings crept up in his mind. It was tender, caring and loving. Letting out a sigh, he spoke to Hilda, who was still waiting for a final answer

"Fine, I agree."

Upon hearing this, Hilda straightened up and walked closer to Ichigo. She was happy, that now after such a long time of searching, her Master had finally found a man worthy. Of course, her pride wouldn't let her show all that emotions on her face, but she couldn't help but smile. This, of course go unnoticed by Ichigo, because his denseness is just as high as his power.

"Well then, show me your house. Let's go home." She demanded.

Annoyed by her tone, Ichigo just scowled like always. "Fine, just try to keep up. I don't want to be late for dinner. Yuzu is making curry rice today."

And with that, Ichigo shunpoed away, and Hilda immediately called her demon bird.

"Ak-Baba, let's go. Full speed."

Together they flew up, and flew as fast as a Jet can be. Once in a while Ichigo would stop to five Hilda a head up. Beelzebub on his back was laughing, clearly having fun at being carried at the speed of light. After a short while, they had arrived home.

-Kurosaki Clinic-

They stood at the door to his house, and Ichigo seemed to be nervous.

"What is the matter, um… What is your name again ?" Hilda asked.

"Yeah, I forget about introducing. The name is Ichigo. Kurosaki Ichigo."

Hilda just simply nodded. "Aren't we going in?".

"Yea… about that, you might wanna step back a little."

Hilda gave him a questioning look, but did it anyway. Ichigo opened the door and shouted "I'm home!". Immediately, a flying foot came out, directed toward Ichigo, followed by a middle-aged man with a trimmed beard. The kick suddenly froze in mid-air when he saw Hilda standing at the door. Ichigo, of course didn't let a chance slip by and punched him in the stomach, sending him fly into the house and smashed against the wall.

"Yeah that's was my dad Isshin." Ichigo scratched his head sheepishly while explaining to Hilda. "He's just crazy, so do your best to ignore him."

Isshin, who didn't pass out yet, immediately stood up and ran to his poster of his wife, cried out loud, letting his tears streaming freely.

"Oh Masaki, our boy brought a beautiful woman home. I'm so proud of him."

"Da buh." Beel climbed from Ichigo's back onto his shoulder and wave at the man. At the same time, Yuzu came out of the kitchen and Karin came home from her soccer training. All eyes rest upon Ichigo's shoulder upon hearing the sound of the baby. The reactions of the family varied from person to person. Yuzu dropped the spoon in her hand and started stuttering something about baby and illegitimate, while Karin just wolf whistled, and patted on Ichigo's other shoulder, thumbs up saying "Good job". Isshin just cried out more while saying to the poster.

"My son has brought me a grandchild. He has finally become a man. Daddy is so proud of you."

Ichigo just subconsciously facepalmed himself, while Hilda slowly lift Beel up and bow down to the ground.

"My name is Hildegard. You can call me Hilda. From now on I and this child shall be in your care. Please be kind to us.".

Ichigo's eyebrow just twitched rapidly at the scene display before him. Yuzu and Karin just played with Beel while his dad brew some tea and sat down with Hilda. That damn woman just blatantly lied about their relationship to his dad like it really happened. Of course, it's not like he can really change anything now. He just wondered what he had gotten himself into when his hollow spoke.

"It seems like my King got me a Queen. I really looked forward for tonight." And after that all he could hear was laughter coming from the dark side. Damn that bastard and even Zangetsu gave a light chuckle. But his inner conversation was interrupted when Yuzu shouted out "Dinner's ready".

"Just a minute, I'm gonna change." Ichigo shouted back. With a quick shunpo, he leaped toward the stairs in in less in a minute, he was back in his body and was downstairs, ready for dinner. The dinner went pretty smoothly, except for the constant staring from Yuzu toward his shoulder, where baby Beel rested( yeah he decided to call him that, since Beelzebub sounds a little too negative. ). Karin and Isshin kept snickering at the thought of Ichigo raising a kid, and how did he manage to get such a beauty as his girl. After dinner, they all sat at the couch and drank some tea.

"So, when are you guys gonna marry?" Isshin suddenly asked, tears in his eyes, barely able to hold his laughter.

"No we are not dad." Ichigo answered, annoyed.

"We are gonna save it after education." Was Hilda's answer. Ichigo's eyes widened in shock while everyone just nodded in approval. He grabbed Hilda's hand with baby Beel constantly on his back and went to his room. Yuzu just looked at them questioningly while Karin said "Just let them go". Isshin just sat there and gave his daughters a knowing smile.

Back to his room, Ichigo stared at the woman on his bed and asked.

"Oi are you seriously wanna do this?"

"Do what?" Hilda said.

"Live here, raise the baby, eh… um, marry me, and pretend to be my wife?" Ichigo swallowed a big gulp, barely able to said the last part. His ears were red, and Hilda just snickered.

"Yes, for the Demon King, I'll be able to do anything, even if I have to stand down so low with a human like you. After all, I was only born to serve my Master."

"You seem to be a very dedicated mother."

Hilda said nothing, but on the inside, she was feeling something strange. Someone called her a mother, and a dedicated one at that. It would seem that a single simple sentence like that awoke her inner maternal instinct.

"Well whatever, let's go to sleep. You can get a bed in Yuzu's and Karin's room." Ichigo said, yawning. "Let's go to sleep. I have school tomorrow."

"No, I will sleep here with you." Another shock to Ichigo when Hilda said that. What the hell is that woman thinking? Ichigo's face slowly started to get red, while his hollow wolf whistled and howls constantly. Even Zangetsu smiled at the thought of his partner finally losing his "innocence".

"After all, that would be natural, considering we are his parents" Hilda continued.

"Fine you sleep here."

Hilda leaped out of the bed and stood in the middle of the room, starting to unzip her dress. Ichigo immediately turned red and yelled.

"Hey what the hell do you think you are doing?"

"Getting undress and go to sleep. You wouldn't expect such a fine lady as me go sleeping with a dress on would you ?"

"But..but..don't you feel embarrassed ?"

"I'm your wife. Or… don't you like what you see ?" Hilda lower her dress, and asked him teasingly.

"No.. no, I mean you're pretty and all, but I'm not used to that." Ichigo couldn't believe his own words either. For the first time in his life he complimented a woman that is not his mother pretty.

"My my aren't you innocent." Hilda smirked at the sight of Ichigo's blushing like mad, making his head red. Ichigo walked to the drawer, avoid looking at Hilda's half naked body, and seek out a pajama set. He threw at her and walked away, baby Beel still on his back the whole time, sleeping soundly.

"Change into that. It's mine, so it's a little big, but it'll be fine. I'm out".

Hilda just stared at the clothes in her hands, simply shrugged and changed in to his clothes. It's a little baggy, but the scent smelled nice. She went to the bathroom, only find Ichigo there brushing his teeth. She waited until he was done, and when inside.

"I've prepared a set of toothbrush and towel for you. It's on the dresser." Ichigo said, and the left to his room.

A few minutes later Hilda went inside his room. Baby Beel was sleeping in the middle of the bed, while Ichigo lay close to the window looking at the baby with the cover over him and baby Beel. She walked to the bed and slipped into the cover. Before Ichigo could protest, she simply smiled and captured his lips with hers. After a long kiss, she smiled at him and said.

"Good night dear."

Ichigo could just stare at her in disbelief. His first kiss was just stolen from him, by a woman he just knew for a few hours. He laid down, stare at the ceiling, wondering about what he had done wrong in life to get this.

Author's note : Sorry if I made Ichigo and Hilda a little bit OOC in this fic. Forgive me for my grammar, English is not my language. This is the longest I chapter I have written, however this is my second fic, and the first one was an one-shot. Please read and review. Any criticism is welcome. Flames, roasts or BBQ me if you must, I can live with that.