Co-I hope you all like this Penguins of Madagascar fic!
Disclaimer: I do not own PoM
Warning: Humanized, Oc, Boom, and other crazy stuff. XD
Kat's Pov…
"Hi, Private," I called out to my blacked hair, blue eye friend. Today he was wearing his favorite camouflage t-shirt, faded jeans, and green tennis shoes, while I, was wearing my own camouflage long sleeve shirt, blue jeans, and black boots. He was back for awhile from the army. I was doing Karate to pass the time he was gone. He is like my little brother. "Hey, Kit-Kat," I hate it when he does that.
"Oh, ha-ha," I smiled evilly. ",Shippo." He turned red.
"I told you not to call me Shippo."
"I told you not to call me Kit-Kat." I shot back.
"Touché Kat. Glad that I am home though Kat?" I gave him the 'Duh' look
"YES! I asked him, while smiling.
"I am glad that I am home as well. I have to leave in two days." He said with a sad smile. I just smirked.
"Then we celebrate pizza with anchovies?" He brightens up.
"YEA, you know me to well!" He grins.
"I buy you pizza too much. You're like, five years younger than me, and in my grade. You're like my little brother I never had!" I laugh at my own statement, no matter how much it's true.
"Yelp. Mr. Manfredi, and Mr. Johnson." He replied.
"Or," I started to smirk "My Dad and Uncle Johnson."
"Yea…" He said with a sad smile.
"I know you miss them Private, they will be glad to see you though." I smiled brightly.
"That's so true Kat…" He started when we hear a throat getting cleared. We turn around to see Commander Skipper, leader of the team. He looks almost like Private, but a little taller and was wearing a Commanders uniform. "Hello Sir." Private saluted. I did the same. We did this with Uncle Johnson, mainly because he loves the way we greet him.
He smirks a little and turns to me, "Your father name is Manfredi and your Uncle is named Johnson?" He asked, surprising me a little.
"Y…Yes sir." I said in a small voice.
"Does your father lose his right toe?" I just simply nodded. Private was getting a little weary as well, and then I looked at the time.
"I AM GOING TO BE LATE FOR KARATE CLASS!" I yelled as I dash for class.
"Wait for me Kat, you owe me Anchovies Pizza!"
"Then COME ON!" I yelled back laughing.
Skippers Pov…
I was little shocked at the girl Kat said. I was about to ask her another question when she had to dash to class. "Hum, Inserting." Then I turn to see Kowalski with his compute at his side, also with Rico, both wearing their camouflage uniform except Kowalski was wearing a black jacket. "Kowalski, I want you to find out where the girl Kat lives, Privates friend." He nodded and started getting to work. Rico was banging to some rock music with his black hair getting in the way. He was strange at times.
"Skipper, Miss. Kat lives three blocks from here, and she lives with…" He faces palled, "Her Dad, Mr. Manfredi and her Uncle Johnson. Both were in the wars you where in Skipper."
"So…Kaboom?" I face palmed when Rico said that.
"No Rico, which means that, could be…them." He said with a little hope in his voice.
"Let hope so men. Blowhole is growing stronger than we thought." I said looking where Private and, maybe a new solder, Kat ran.
Co-Hope you like it! :D