Disclaimer: I am sad to inform you that I am not J.K. Rowling and I will never be.

Part 3 – Remus

The werewolf never thought he'd get a chance to go to Hogwarts. He wasn't even human, for Merlin's sake! Remus John Lupin thought he'd never get a chance to study or to be accepted. That was, after all, the life of one of his kind. Yet, he found himself gazing at the window, just imagining an owl coming down, bearing a letter with the crest of Hogwarts. He imagined himself walking into the Great Hall, with the enchanted ceiling he'd read about so many times in Hogwarts: A History and being sorted into a house. He pictured himself sitting in a classroom, surrounded by people who didn't fear him. So, when an owl really did come down and entered his house, he thought he was daydreaming again. It wasn't until his mom screamed "Remus, could you see what the owl brought!" that he realized the little animal really was there.

As he picked up the letter and fed the owl a little piece of bread he didn't dare hope maybe they'd found a way around his lycanthropy. Not a cure, that was too much to hope for, but something that'd enable him to go to school like all other magical boys his age.

When he turned the letter to see where it was from he almost screamed. It said:

Mr. Remus John Lupin, 24 Little Elm Street, Small Bedroom

Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

M…m…mom? – Little Remus called. – Look what just came in.

His mom walked over to where he was standing and picked up the letter he'd left on the counter. As she read, her brow furrowed.

But… how. I mean, I'm happy. I'm really happy, but how. – She said, afraid Remus would think she didn't want him to go to Hogwarts.

I believe – said a tall, bearded old man dressed in purple robes who had just appeared in their kitchen. – I have the answer for that. I'm sorry for the intrusion, but I wanted to arrive before the letter. I see I did not succeed.

Mr. Dumbledore, I believe. Please, sir, sit down. – Remus' mom offered.

Thank you, Mrs. Lupin. Now, your son attendance to Hogwarts is really important. Why would a bright young man not attend to the school he wants to just because of a condition? For that, I had my gamekeeper plant a tree. This tree protects a passage that leads to a house in Hogsmeade, where you will be able to transform safely. I'm sure Madam Pomfrey will explain it better to you when the first full moon comes. For now, I believe that is all. Any questions? – Dumbledore asked, stroking his long white beard in a pensive manner.

No, Mr. Dumbledore, thank you. I don't think I'll ever be able to express the how grateful I am. – Remus' mom said, in the verge of tears. – Remus, don't you have something to say?

T… thanks you. – Remus didn't usually stutter, but right now he was still in shock.

Not to worry, Remus. You shouldn't have to be grateful. I, however, do know you are, but being in shock as you must be now, you are not able to express yourself. Please, don't worry. Thank you for your hospitality, Mrs. Lupin. I look forward to having your son as a student. – And with that, he Disapparated.

"Oh my Merlin. I'll attend to Hogwarts. And I haven't even started to read half of the books."