A/N: A random plot bunny that refused to go away. So, there is my newest story, fraught with inaccuracies and random references. Do I care? Not really.

Enjoy anyways!



The day that the strange boy entered my life has been engrained in my memory forever. Not in a "oh we are soul mates and meant to be together forever" kind of way, but more of "we will always be best friends and look out for each other" kind of way.

The circumstances that brought the boy into my life, and the life of my family's, were unusual to say the least.

At first, it was just another foster child, the only thing that was unusual was that we knew very little about him except for his name; Quasimodo.

No last name, no picture. Just a funny name for a weird kid with apparently no past—and no future. According to the social worker that handed him over that day (a Tuesday if I remember correctly) he had been shuffled around from family to family for his entire life; since his teenage mother gave him up for adoption the day he was born, fourteen years ago.

We were totally unprepared for what was coming.