The Revenant awakens.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Winx Club.

It was a nice morning in Konoha. Most students that graduated were sitting in their classroom waiting for team asingments. They were, however, waiting for 1 person to show up. That person was Naruto Uzumaki.

In the shopping district.

Naruto was running at top speed. Not because he was late, but because he was being chased by a mob of villagers. "Get back here you demon!" One of the villagers shouted. "We will make you pay for what you've done!" Yelled another. Naruto just kept running until he tripped and they caught up to him. "This is the end you filthy demon!" One of the Shinobi in the mob said as he raised his sword. "This is for everyone you killed!" He then lowered his sword.

Inside Naruto's mind 2 things were happening. One was the Kyuubi screaming that it wouldn't die like this. The other was Naruto getting severly pissed. 'Screw it all.' He thought. 'If these mongrels want a demon they can get one!' He thought in rage.

As the sword came closer, the mob began cheering as the Shinobi made a slice across Naruto's chest, blood spraying freely. Just as he was about to finish it, something happened. The Shinobi's stomach area exploded backwards towards the mob, covering them in blood, guts and bone fragments. They then looked at Naruto and were shocked at what they saw. There he stood with the gash in his chest slowly healing as a explosion of power erupted from Naruto that could be felt trough out the village, allerting everyone, including the new Genin to his precense.

"Everyone stay calm and come with me. Iruka said. We're going to check this out." They then left for Naruto's location. The Hokage was in his office when he felt the explosion and called every available ANBU to go with him.

When they arrived at the scene they were shocked and disgusted. Corpses and body parts were all across the place and the ground was painted red with blood. What suprised them most was who was standing there. In the middle of the massacre stood Naruto, his jumpsuit gone and now clad in an standard black ANBU outfit and armour. What was weird was that he didn't even have a drop of blood on him. When they looked closer however they saw that the blood was swirling around him, mostly around his left arm, as if he controlled it.

"What are you doing here Naruto?" The Hokage asked. "Yeah dobe, what are you doing here?" Sasuke said arrogantly getting snickers from the rest of the students, ignoring the massacre for moment. That was until Naruto turned to face them. They were shocked. His eyes were so cold that they could freeze hell itself. "What i'm doing here?" He said coldly. "Simple. I did this myself." He said without any emotion. Then Iruka decided to speak up. "Naruto why did you do that?" He said. "What happened to the kid I liked?" He said.

Naruto the looked at him. "That kid never existed. It was just a mask to fool you all, just like my love for Haruno." He said in the same emotionless voice. "That's not true." Someone said. It was Hinata. "I admired you." She said with tears in her eyes. "Who are you and what did you do to Naruto!" She yelled. That made something snap in Naruto.

He then looked at her with absolute hatred in his eyes, scaring her. "Shut the hell up you little bitch!" He yelled, almost making her cry. "You don't know anything about me, so don't pretend you do, understood?" He yelled again, this time making her burst into tears. Kiba saw this and took her in his arms. He then looked at Naruto. "How could you?" He yelled. "Simple." Naruto began. "I don't care about anyone here." He said. "If I got the chance I would do the same thing I did here to the entire village, including you all." He said coldly. This shocked them all.

The Hokage had a sad face. "Then I have no choice." He said. "ANBU restrain him now!" He yelled as several ANBU appeared behind him. "Umbral Flame!" Naruto yelled as a ball of black fire was shot at one of the Anbu, reducing him to nothing more then ashes. This shocked everyone. "How can you use those flames?" The Hokage asked. "Only an Uchiha with the Mangekyō Sharingan can use those." He said. "That's where you are wrong, the flames I use come directly from the Sun Goddess Amaterasu herself." He said. "And that's because she made me her chosen one on this plane." He said. He then raised his left arm. "Crimson Arrow!" He yelled as the blood that was swirling around his arm formed into arrows and shot at the Anbu, killing them all by striking them right between the eyes.

Then more Anbu appeared behind Naruto, who just looked around bored. "We will kill you for that!" One yelled. "Yeah, I don't care what the Hokage says, you will not get away with killing my friends!" Another yelled. They then looked at Naruto who began laughing like crazy. "You think you scare me?" He said darkly. "Well think again." He said as his power began rising again. "You called me a demon, a monster, an abomination." He said. "Now I will show you what you've made me become." He said.

He then crossed his arms and began chanting. "Power of Darkness, merge with my very soul, Envoy from the fade become my strenght, activate: Revenant of Pain!" He yelled as a dark aura enveloped him. When it dissapeared Naruto was clad in dark crimson, full body, plate armour, a black cape waving behind him and a medieval longsword in his right hand. The guantlets were claw shaped and the armour itself looked quite demonic. His appearance also changed. He now had long silver hair, blood red eyes with slit pupils and pale skin. He then raised his sword which began glowing. He then looked at the Anbu with a smirk. "Now it's time to die." He said.

He then dashed towards the Anbu, the glow on his sword becoming more intense. "Feel My Pain, Eternal Suffering!" He yelled as he swung his sword at the Anbu. As soon as the sword hit the ground they were engulfed in a blinding light. As soon as it died out the Anbu were nowhere to be found, they were simply obliterated. "This was my last act in this World." He said. "Goodbye and I hope we will never see each other again." He said. "Gate of Dimensions open." He said as a portal opened. 'Goodbye Konoha and Hello Magix.' He thought. He then disappeared.

"No!" The Hokage yelled. "He has gone to the Magical dimension. He knows we can't follow him there." He said.

In Magix.

"So this is Magix." Naruto said as he stepped out of the portal and into what seemed like a forest. He then dispelled his Revenant form. "I think I can make something of this place, to make it look like a home." He then noticed a strange sound. He turned around and saw a young Forest Dragon walking towards him.

Unlike what you would think, the dragon did not attack, but instead nuzzeled it's head against Naruto's chest. Naruto smiled at this. "You want to come with me?" He asked. Unlike most poeple in the normal World, Naruto knew a lot about Magix, including the species that lived there and how to communicate with them. The Dragon gave a small nod and kept nuzzeling into his chest, giving Naruto the conclusion that it was female. "Then your name will be Maya, alright?" He said. The Dragon looked happy at this. "Then let's go Maya." Naruto said as they walked into the forest. 'This will be fun.' Naruto thought.

How will this end? Also I'm planning on making this a Harem fic. This includes all the Winx girls and one of the Trix, I think Darcy, but i'm not sure. The reason for this is that I simply don't like the canon pairings, but the main pairing will be Naruto/Flora, because of Naruto's developing bond with Nature. It will also go through the entire series, including season 4, but with my own twist added to it. I'm also planning on giving him a few Zanpaktous. They will at least include Zangetsu and Suzumebachi.