Authors Note :: Well…this is the last chapter D: OH NOZZZZ! But, as you know, there will be a sequel. Anyways, enjoy the last chapter :D thank you all for the amazing reviews, follows, and comments on the story. I'm so glad everyone loved the story!

Title :: Hinata in Heat

Rating :: M

Summary :: Naruto is having problems controlling himself around his new girlfriend, Hinata. Why? Because she's in heat. What will happen when he can't contain himself anymore?

-DAY 7-

Naruto and Hinata stood in front of Sakura and Gaara at the Suna entrance wall. Hinata and Sakura were hugging, saying that it wouldn't be so long until they see each other again. Naruto looked at Gaara and sighed, "I'm gonna miss you, Gaara-kun."

Gaara nodded to him, "Ditto." Naruto cleared his throat, "Yo-You know I'm not good with this goodbye stuff."

Gaara smiled, "This isn't a goodbye…it's a see you later." Naruto looked at him before smiling, "Yeah, it is, isn't it?" Naruto laughed. Naruto and Gaara shook hands. "See you later." They both said.

Hinata turned to Gaara and bowed, "Thank you for the hospitality, Gaara-kun." Gaara nodded, "Please. Come back anytime. You both are welcome here." Hinata hugged Gaara. He flushed a little before wrapping his arms around her.

They pulled away and smiled at each other. Hinata walked back over to Naruto.

"Whenever you need anything, just send a message!" Naruto said, waving at them as him and Hinata starting walking through the entrance. Gaara and Sakura waved back. "The same to you, Naruto-kun." Sakura called back.

Naruto put his hands behind his head as he and Hinata walked outside of the wall, "I'm going to miss being here."

Hinata smiled and nodded, "Yeah. Me too. I never thought me and Gaara-kun would ever get this close. He actually always scared me. Especially that the Chunin exams. When he was fighting Lee-kun! That fight was amazing! But also very…creepy. But now that I get to talk to him more, he isn't a bad guy at all. He's actually pretty fun."

Naruto smiled at her and kissed her cheek, "You are so cute."

Hinata blushed and slapped Naruto's shoulder, "Naruto-kun!"

Naruto smiled and grabbed Hinata and picked her up bridal style.

"Naruto-kun!" Hinata blushed. Naruto kissed her, "Would you rather a piggy-back ride?"

Hinata blushed more but nodded.


Naruto and Hinata jumped from tree branch to tree branch, both wondering what was going to happen with Hiashi when they got back to Konoha.

"Naruto! Hinata!" Sakura called as she stopped on a tree branch. Naruto and Hinata stopped and turned around, "Sakura-chan?"

Sakura jumped from branch to branch, Gaara behind her. "We need to talk!" Sakura called. Hinata and Naruto looked at each other before looking back at Sakura.

They all found a small area hidden in the bushes where they wouldn't be detected if an enemy walked by.

"What's up, Sakura-chan?" Hinata asked.

"It's Sasuke-kun." Sakura said.

Naruto's eyes widened, "Wh-what?"

Sakura and Gaara explained the letter and the whole story, from what they knew.

"So, Sasuke-kun wants to talk to you?" Naruto asked.

Sakura nodded, "Yeah, he refuses to talk to anyone else but me."

Naruto crossed his arms and shook his head, "I smell a rat." Hinata nodded, "I wasn't as close to Sasuke-kun as you and Naruto-kun were Sakura-chan…but this j-just seems really we-weird." Hinata flushed realizing she stuttered a little. Naruto smiled, "How cute." Hinata slapped Naruto's shoulder softly, "Not this time for this."

Naruto nodded, "Right." He turned back to Sakura, "Did Granny Tsunade say when you were going to talk to him?"

Sakura shook her head, "Probably tomorrow, after I settle in and everything." Sakura sighed, "I think I smell a rat, too. He's going to play his stupid petty games with me, I know it! He's going to make me feel sorry for him." Sakura growled, glaring at the ground. Gaara took her hand in his, "I'll be in the room with you if you need me to be."

Sakura looked at him and smiled.

"Me too!" Naruto smiled, putting his hand up in a fist. "Me three!" Hinata smiled.

"We're all here for you, Sakura-chan. Just say the word and we're there!" Naruto smiled.

Sakura smiled and pulled them all into a group hug, "You are the best family I could ever have!"

A mile later they were at the gates of Konoha. Sakura turned to Hinata and Naruto, "Gaara and I should go check in with Lady Tsunade."

Naruto and Hinata nodded. "Yeah, I have to move some of my stuff into Naruto's apartment anyways."

Sakura smiled, "You've decided to move in together?"

Hinata rubbed the back of her neck and looked at Naruto. "We're actually trying to prepare in case Hiashi-sama throws her out. You know he doesn't like me, Sakura-chan."

Sakura frowned, "I'm really sorry, Hinata-chan. If you need anything, just say the word and I'm there." Sakura smiled and hugged Hinata. "You're an amazing friend, Sakura-chan."

"So are you, Hinata-chan." Sakura smiled and pulled away.

"All right," Naruto sighed, "After you talk to Granny Tsunade, please come to my apartment. I want all the details of Sasuke-kun coming back to Konoha."

Sakura nodded, "Of course. I wouldn't leave you out in this."

Naruto smiled and nodded, "Thanks, Sakura-chan."

They said 'See you later' before they parted their different ways.


Neji was waiting outside as Naruto and Hinata walked up to the Hyuuga compound.

"Hide the mark," Neji said, pulling Hinata's sleeves down, "Try to avoid, Hiashi-sama at all costs. He isn't in a good-"

"Hinata!" The three teens heard Hiashi yell from inside.

"Shit…I'm going to die." Naruto mumbled. Neji pulled Naruto over to him and away from Hinata, "Just say you're here to see me. You ran into Hinata-chan on the way back to the village from your mission."

Naruto nodded, flushed, "H-Hai."

Hiashi slid the door open to the front of the compound and saw the three teens.

Hiashi walked over to them, "Hinata, where have you been? You didn't tell me you were assigned to a mission!"

Hinata sighed, "The Fifth Hokage told me not to tell anyone where I was going. I didn't even tell Neji-kun."

Hiashi hadn't noticed Naruto was there until he looked over at Neji, "Ah. The Vessel. How lovely."

Naruto bowed to Hiashi, "Hello, Hiashi-sama."

Hiashi ignored Naruto, "Hinata, I need to speak with you."

Hinata pulled her sleeve down and nodded, "Hai." She looked at Naruto and nodded, "I'll see you later."

Once Hinata and Hiashi were out of earshot Neji grabbed Naruto's arm and ran around the back of the compound. He led Naruto to a window near the back. The ducked under the window and peaked through. Hiashi opened the door and let Hinata walk in first before him. Hinata sat on the floor near where Hiashi sat.

"Hinata-chan…where you with the vessel while you were on your mission?" Hiashi asked.

Hinata shook her head, "No, father."

"Then why were you with him?"

"While I was coming back to the village, I ran into him. We decided it would be safer to come back together, in case enemies were around." Hinata said, smoothly and without hesitation.

Hiashi pinched the bridge of his nose, "You know I hate it when you lie to me, Hinata."

Hinata looked down and sighed, "I don't know what you want me to tell you, father. I am in love with Naruto. He has taught me to have confidence in myself and has taught me to be a better Shinobi. Something you could never do."

Hiashi looked at Hinata, shock written all over his face. Naruto held his breath and hissed at Neji, "What is she doing?!"

Neji smiled a little and looked through the window, "She's taking care of her life."

Next thing Naruto heard was a loud slap. Hinata was on the floor, Hiashi over her. When she fell her sleeve moved up a little so Hiashi could see the mark.

"Hi-Hinata! How could you!?" Hiashi yelled. Hinata got up, quietly, and looked at her father, "If you do not like what I am now, disown me, abandon me, I won't care. I have what I've always wanted and what I've always needed."

Hiashi grabbed her wrist and took out a small knife, "I can easily take the venom he put in you, out of your body."

Hinata's eyes darken, "Go ahead. I'd love to see you try."

Hiashi hesitated, he's never seen Hinata with this much confidence and pride. He hardened his gaze and slashed Hinata's wrist. She yelped and grabbed her wrist.

"Hinata-chan!" Naruto and Neji jumped through the window. Naruto went to Hinata and Neji stood in front of Hiashi.

"What the hell, Hiashi-sama!?" Neji yelled.

"She's a monster! She's disowned! She beyond help!" Hiashi yelled, pointing at Hinata. Naruto looked down at the wound and licked it a little, "It will stop bleeding soon." Hinata hissed as Naruto licked it.

"Hiashi-sama! You need to look in the mirror! Look what you just did to your daughter!" Naruto yelled, facing Hiashi while holding Hinata. Hiashi glared at Naruto, "Shut up, vessel!"

"No! I will no longer keep my mouth shut when it comes to the ones I love being hurt!" Naruto yelled, walking towards Hiashi. Hinata looked at Naruto, amazed and shocked. She looked back down at where she was cut and it was just a scar now, dry blood around it.

"Naruto-kun! You can't!" Neji said, pushing Naruto away. Naruto's eyes turned into the red Kyuubi's…but he kept control. He let Neji stop him, taking deep breaths, before closing his eyes.

"Hiashi-sama…if you do anything else to Hinata-chan, and I find out," Naruto glared at him, his eyes back to their piercing blue, "I will kill you."

Hiashi glared at Naruto. Naruto picked up Hinata bridal style and turned to Neji, "Help me with Hinata's things. We're bringing them to my apartment."

Neji nodded, "Hai." Neji looked at Hiashi before running after Naruto.


Naruto sat on the couch, Hinata lying down next to him, her head on his lap. She was holding her wrist. She didn't know how to feel right now. She was happy as hell that she wasn't under her father's rule anymore…but…what about Neji? The only reason he stuck around and didn't go after Tenten was because of Hinata.

Hinata let some tears fall free. She hated this. She was very happy that she could be with Naruto freely now. But Neji stayed for her…and she left.

She sat up and wiped her tears, "Naruto-kun?" Naruto leaned closer to her, "Yes, Hinata-chan?"

"We have to help Neji-kun." Hinata hiccupped. "With what?" Naruto asked.

"With getting out of that damned Hyuuga compound! He only stayed there because I was there! Now that I'm gone we have to help him get out! We have to!" Hinata cried. Naruto held her and nodded, "I promise, Hinata-chan…we will."

Hinata nodded and sniffed.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom, I'll be back," Naruto kissed Hinata's forehead and went to the bathroom. Hinata sighed and wiped her tears. She got up and opened the sliding glass door to the balcony. She walked out and looked around. It was nearing sunset and everyone was hurrying back to their homes. Hinata smiled and looked out across Konoha.

It was really a beautiful sight. Hinata sighed and leaned on the railing. She stared at the scenery for a few more minutes before walking inside. Hinata walked further into the apartment and saw Sakura and Gaara walking out of the hallway.

"Sakura-chan! How did it go with Lady Tsunade?" Hinata asked.

Sakura bit her bottom lip and sighed, "It went fine but…I'm worried about Naruto-kun."

Hinata looked at her, concerned, "Why?"

"…Sasuke said if he sees Naruto-kun he's going to kill him on the spot." Sakura bit her nail.

Hinata nodded, but smiled, "I wouldn't worry. Naruto-kun beat Pein, so I'm pretty sure he can handle Sasuke-kun."

Sakura sighed and nodded, "Still…we don't know Sasuke-kun's ability."

"Naruto-kun doesn't know anyone's abilities when he fights them. Yet, he still wins." Hinata smiled.

Sakura nodded, "Yeah, you're right."

Everyone turned to the hallway when they heard the bathroom door open.

"All right, what's up with Sasuke-kun?" Naruto said, yawning.

"Nothing really. Tsunade just said to be at the Tower at 8 am." Sakura said.

"I'm coming," Naruto said. Gaara, Sakura, and Hinata shared glances.

"Naruto-kun I-"

"I heard what you said about him wanting to kill me. Don't worry, he won't see me. I'll be behind the glass wall," Naruto smiled, "Gaara is going with you though, right?"

Gaara nodded, "Yeah."

"Keep her safe. Or else I'll kick your ass if she gets hurt." Naruto looked at him with a serious face.

Gaara nodded, "You know I would never let anything happen to Sakura-chan."

Naruto nodded, "I know, but I like reminding you." He smirked.

Gaara chuckled.

Naruto stretched, "All right. It's eight pm. Time to sleep!"

"Hinata-chan! I forgot to ask! What happened at the compound?" Sakura asked.

Hinata and Naruto looked at each other and frowned. Hinata rolled up her sleeve and there was gauze covering her hand and wrist.

"Oh my god!" Sakura said.

"What did he do?" Gaara asked, taking Hinata's wrist.

"Don't worry, Gaara-kun. I'm fine. It healed right when Hiashi-sama cut through it." Hinata said, waving them off.

"Hinata-chan, is it a scar?" Sakura asked, walking over to Gaara.

"Ye-yes. But don't worry! I'm fine!"

"Hinata-chan, I can heal it! The scar will go away!"

Hinata pulled her arm away and flushed, "I…I…" Naruto walked next to Hinata and put an arm around her.

"I told her I could heal it too. She doesn't want it to be fixed." Naruto frowned, looking down at her.

"You could heal it?" Sakura asked. Naruto nodded, "I could bite her again and the mark will go over the scar. The scar would heal within a week or two after I bite her again."

"Hinata-chan, why won't you?" Gaara asked, concerned.

"I…I," Hinata flushed and looked down at her wrist, "I…I want to remember this day."

"Why? You got hurt!" Sakura said.

"I know but…today is the day I realized I'm not a Hyuuga anymore," She looked up at Naruto, "I'm an Uzumaki." Naruto smiled softly and kissed the top of her head, "I love you, Hina-chan."

Hinata smiled and hugged Naruto, "I love you too, Naru-kun."

Sakura smiled and turned to Gaara, "We should get going." Gaara nodded, "Yeah. It's late."

Naruto nodded, "We'll see you guys tomorrow morning." Sakura and Gaara nodded to them, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Naruto and Hinata walked Sakura and Gaara to the door and closed it behind them.


Hinata sat on the bed as Naruto got into bed. "How is your wrist feeling?" Naruto asked.

"Much better," Hinata sighed. She pulled her knees up to her chest and leaned on the wall.

Naruto looked at Hinata, "…Are you okay?"

Hinata looked at him and waved him off, "Yes, yes. Of course I'm fine. I'm just a little…shook up. Hehehehe." Hinata looked down at the sheets.

"…I wish I could help." Naruto said, looking down at his hands.

"You are helping a lot more than you know, Naruto-kun." Hinata smiled, leaned in and kissed him. "Goodnight, Naru-kun, I love you."

"Goodnight, Hina-chan, I love you too."


Thank you all for the wonderful reviews and coming with me on Hinata and Naruto's first journey together. There second journey will be coming within the week! (When I say that I probably might mean the next day…I'm very fast with my chapters if I have the idea in my head :3) THANK YOU ALL!

Also, if you have any good ideas for what the second story should be called, please tell me. It could be a random name or a name that would mean something to both Naruto and Hinata! It doesn't have to match the story! It's just whatever works! :D