Fan Art is the Devil

It was another typical (or as typical as it can get anyway) at the Wright Anything Agency. Phoenix Wright, the lawyer, turned hobo, turned lawyer again was on his computer doing god knows what (No he's not looking at porn you pervs). Apollo was down at the Prosecutors Office to deliver a few things to Klavier Gavin, and Trucy was at a friend's house. Without Maya to keep him busy with her usual antics, Phoenix was thoroughly bored. So being bored he decided to go on his computer and do something entertaining.

Deciding to type his own name on Google for the hell of it, he scrolled down a few links and found a link to some site called Deviantart. As soon as he clicked it he heard a knock on the door. He sighed, then shouted, "Come in!"

It was Miles Edgeworth, in his usual attire, cravat and all. He looked to the blue suited attorney at the desk and said, "Haven't you heard of getting up and answering a door?"

Phoenix shrugged, "Haven't you ever heard of laziness? By the way what are you doing here?"

Miles sighed, "I'm here to drop off a few things you left at my office earlier."

He walked over to the desk to put down the files, and cast a curious glance at the computer screen. It seemed that Phoenix was on a website dedicated to himself. Art, both good and bad, of Phoenix was all over the screen. Miles put on a smirk and said, "Care to explain as to why your on a website dedicated to you?"

Phoenix looked a little confused at looked back at the screen. He smiled, "I can explain that. No one was around, so I got bored and went on the computer. I typed my name in for giggles, clicked the first link I saw, and the rest, as they say, is history."

Miles was now intrigued, "So is this a site dedicated to you?"

Phoenix shook his head, "Nah, its a site called Deviantart. I've heard about it from Maya. Apparently, anything that has a fanbase with one or more aspiring artists can be searched and found here, because aforementioned artists posted them on this sight."

Miles looked back to the computer, "I didn't know that lawyers could garner a fanbase."

Phoenix shrugged, "Me either.", he then put on a smirk, "Hey. Lets look and see if there's any of you on here."

Miles crossed his arms and tapped his upper left arm with his right index finger, "I guess. I'm curious about this myself actually."

Phoenix nodded and typed in 'Miles Edgeworth', and when the new page loaded the first piece of art that he saw made him laugh his ass off. Miles looked at it and shouted, "What! I so do not beg Franziska to whip me!" he quietly added under his breath, "Often."

He tried to change the subject, "Well, maybe there's art about us in a courtroom battle, that would be pretty neat."

Phoenix nodded and said, "You know what you're right, I bet the fans would draw us in our courtroom battles."

Phoenix typed in 'Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth' and hit the search key. When the results came up both of their eyes were as big as dinner plates, and their jaws could have reached the floor. Phoenix spoke first in a quiet voice, "I-Is that...", he trailed off.

Miles spoke next, "And is that my...", he trailed off too.

They then proceeded to scream at the top of their lungs.

An Hour Later

Apollo and Trucy came back to the agency and saw an odd sight. Phoenix and Miles were sitting on the couch holding each other, and rocking back and forth. They had a look of pure horror on their faces. Phoenix was mumbling, "Objection", over and over again, and Miles was doing the same except saying, "I'm not gay."

Apollo and Trucy decided to leave for about a day or so. They could ask Phoenix what was going on later.