Disclaimer: I do not own Predator or Alien. The characters and storyline are mine.
This is my first attepmt at a fanfic. All advice and constructive critism is welcomed. I can handle it. If you see any mistakes or misspelled words, please let me know. I hope you all enjoy it.
Colby ran down the dark corridor. Moving his head from left to right, but refusing to risk a glance back. The thing was following him; and he new it. He could hear the scraping of it's claws on the floor, but that wasn't what he was searching for. Where are they? The shuffling of claws began to move faster, and Colby pushed himself harder. Determined not to get caught, not to be feasted upon. A loud screeching made his pace falter slightly, before he picked it back up and continued. Still looking from side to side. Still searching.
Making a quick left turn, he immediately wished he hadn't. He could see the end of the hall; a dead end, but he had no choice but to keep in that direction. Doubling back, meant coming face to face with those ugly black creatures. Kenzie had named them Glass Mouths. Colby didn't have a name for them. He simply knew they were not something he wanted to mess around with. Yet, here he was playing a game of cat and mouse with one.
Coming to an abrupt halt right in front of the wall, he turned around only to find the creature there at the entrance. Frantically, Colby searched for a way out, but found none. He stilled himself against the wall. He was too young to die. With a deafening screech it began to charge at Colby. He cursed under his breath as it drew closer. It was now only thirty feet away.
Then, in succession, Colby heard three shots from what he distinctively knew to be an m16 assault rifle. Pfft pfft pfft. He watched as Glass Mouth went down. It's body jerking in hard spasms. Another shot was fired. Pfft. Colby watched as Kenzie jumped from a ledge about a foot above his head. Kenzie walked up behind Glass Mouth and kicked its Scorpion-like tale; gun poised and aimed. Ready to fire if the damn thing moved.
"It took you long enough." Colby voiced when the creature was believed to be dead. Kenzie simply shrugged at him. "A few seconds longer and I would have been done for."
"Yea, but you weren't." came Kenzie's replied.
"Sometimes I can't stand you."
"And I could have let it kill you, so you really should be thanking me."
Colby clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes at the person standing before him. Remembering how he was pushed out of the place they were hiding and told to run. He gritted his teeth, hating that he'd been used as bait yet again. Next time, he'd be on the opposite end of the deal, and Kenzie would be the bait.
"Mackenzie." a stern voice stated drawing both of their attention. "Stop picking with your brother."
"Yes, Grandfather."
They watched as the old man drew closer handing Colby his pack and weaponry back. Retrieving his items from his grandfather, Colby hooked his items securely onto himself.
"He's a young one."
Kenzie turned to find her grandfather crouched in front of her latest kill. His words registering in her head. As she took in it's appearance she had to admit that it was smaller than the other's she'd seen. Much smaller than the one they'd killed a few hours before.
"She's producing more offspring." It wasn't a question, but a statement.
"I'm afraid so." they're grandfather stated, confirming what Kenzie had just said. "All the more reason to find her."
"I vote we just blow the damn place up." Colby voiced for what he was beginning to feel was the thousandth time.
"We can't. The artifacts in here are too precious." his grandfather reminded him.
"And watch your mouth." Kenzie tacked on gaining a pointed eye roll from Colby.
"Let's go. I'll take the front. Mackenzie you bring up the rear."
Kenzie nodded at her grandfather as they began to move out of the long hallway. Making a right turn at the end and heading back in the direction they had come from. Kenzie kept her eyes and ears open. She didn't like the Glass Mouths. What person in their right mind would? She was vigilant as she followed behind her younger brother. Watching every direction. Listening for any distinct sound. She heard nothing. Only silence greeted her, and that, Kenzie knew from experience was a bad thing.
"It's too quiet."
"I was beginning to think the same thing." Colby agreed.
"Just keep your eyes open." their grandfather stated.
Following her grandfather's orders, Kenzie kept her eyes open. They'd made it to the center of the structure, when she noticed something was missing. The body of the first Glass Mouth they'd killed. She was about to voice her thoughts when a low hiss pulled her attention. Snapping her head up she studied the ledges above her. The torches they had lit upon entering the structure were not helping with the dark corners and higher places. Another low hiss drew her attention. Kenzie's gut churned. There was more than one. She couldn't pinpoint where the sounds were coming from, but she knew they weren't coming from the same place.
"Did you hear that?" Colby asked in a hushed tone.
Kenzie lifted the m16 that hung on her shoulder, nodding at her brother. Scanning the ledges again she saw nothing. Damn the darkness. Colby took out a large flashlight and scanned the ledges with it. Pausing when he stopped on a Glass Mouth. Before it could even lunge, Kenzie fired off three quick shots to it's head. Glass Mouth plummeted from the ledge to the ground with a sickening crack.
Turning around to a hiss coming from behind them, Kenzie aimed her weapon, as Colby shone the light on a leaping Glass Mouth. Two loud shots echoed around them, before Glass Mouth fell to the ground. Kenzie looked over at her grandfather. The old man still had it.
"Could you have picked a louder weapon?" Colby asked rolling his eyes.
"They'll get stuck like that you know." Kenzie taunted before her grandfather could answer.
"Yea, well stick this." Colby retorted flipping her the bird.
"That's enough. This is no time for games." Their grandfather stated. They both nodded consenting that he was right.
Viper's attention was drawn by the sound of what he knew were ooman weapons. He'd had them fired at him enough to know them without fail. What he hadn't known was that oomans were even in the tomb. This would add more excitement to his hunt. He was sent to do a job, but wouldn't pass up the opportunity to add more trophies to his collection, if they were worth his time.
Cloaking himself, he proceeded in the direction the shots came from. Nimbly moving over the ledges. Jumping from one to another; Viper kept his eyes open for the kainde amedha, hard meats, as well. He'd already killed a few, but knew there were more. If only a few more. He was still miffed at the fact his clan hadn't know they were inhabiting this part of Earth. That their presence was only recently detected.
Another two shots from ooman weapons. This time closer. Viper moved swiftly and quietly. Off in the distance light danced dimly. He'd yet to make his way to this side of the tomb, and knew the oomans must have illuminated the area. Pfft, Pfft, Pfft. More ooman weapons firing. This one slightly quieter than the other one.
Entering the round room the corridors all seemed to open into, the sight that awaited Viper had not been what he was expecting. As he peered down he saw three oomans fighting off multiple kainde amedhas.
Looking them over he discovered that one of them was a ooman female. A tiny ooman female. Almost the size of a child, but distinctly different in a way that Viper couldn't recognize. Being an Honored Warrior, he would help her, but she was armed. Would it be so bad to watch the oomans die? Would it dishonor him to allow the female to be slain? Who would know? He would. Being the honor bound male he was, he knew he could not allow her to simply perish. Yet, he did not have to swing into action so quickly.
Kenzie cursed under her breath as her gun jammed. This wasn't happening to her. Flinging the strap off her shoulder she let the weapon fall to the ground. Pulling her mk24 handgun from the holster. Firing off rapid shots at the Glass Mouth running her way. It took half the magazine to drop it.
"I'm out of ammo!" Colby yelled.
Kenzie quickly took off her weaponry belt and slid it to her brother just as she spotted another one of those ugly motherfuckers running up the corridor. Firing she emptied her gun into it, but the damn thing kept coming. She quickly dropped the gun to the ground, retrieving her 25 inch Gerber Gator Machete that was hanging in the sheath on her back.
Running towards the Glass Mouth she quickly slid on her left leg and arm, both covered in cargo pants and a long sleeve cavalier vest. Just barely missing the blow the ugly son of a bitch was throwing her way. In on fluid motion, Kenzie wielded the machete, relieving Glass Mouth of it's tail. The screeching that filled the corridor was sickening, but she didn't have time to dwell on it. Rolling to her stomach and stopping herself with the tips of her boots, she began charging at the creature. Again wielding the machete with more strength than someone her size would be expected to have, she cut the Glass Mouth horizontally in half. Only then did she realize her cavalier was dissovling.
Kenzie dropped the machete and immediately began ripping off the long sleeved vest tossing it to the ground. Quickly picking her weapon back up she looked around her. All gun fire had ceased. Laying on the ground around them were six dead Glass Mouths. Where the hell had they all come from?
"She's producing more young." her grandfather again stated drawing both her and Colby's attention.
"How?" Colby asked curiously.
"I'm afraid I don't know."
"No more people have been abducted. It isn't possible that she's having more of these little bastards." Kenzie stated.
"No more people that we know of. It's simple evolution Mackenzie. She has evolved. She has figured another way."
"How do we even know there is a she out there having these things? What if they're just simply multiplying? What if all of them are simply duplicating themselves?" Kenzie's questions flooded through her grandfather's ears.
"We don't know, but we have to assume that one of these things is in charge. One of them is calling the shots."
Kenzie was listening to her grandfather, but she wasn't sure she was convinced. For weeks they'd continued to come to this place. Search for this queen, this alpha female, and they still hadn't found her. Granted the place was large. Each time they ventured here, they ran the risk of being hurt, or losing their lives. It was bad enough that they had to kill the ugly bastards outside of here, to give the people in their town peace of mind. Well, as much as they could. Her grandfather insisted on bringing them here. Risking their lives for something that may not exist.
She had to admit that Daniel Snider was a great man, a brilliant scientist; but while being those things he was also eccentric and reckless, which was one of the reasons Kenzie accompanied him on these outings. Those were not the types of traits you wanted to have in situations like these. Her fear of losing yet another family member was also the reason she came with him. She was determined to keep him alive. After losing her parents to that damned six legged reptilian creature that stood taller than her bother's six feet, she wasn't about to lose her grandfather to anything other than old age, even though the old man seemed determined to live forever.
"Reload your weapons." Daniel instructed. "I don't think their done yet.
Viper, still perched on his ledge, stared in amazement. Never before had he seen an ooman female so fierce. Sure, he knew oomans use to have females in their armies, before what they considered a government went haywire, and there official seemed to disappear. Never before had he seen a female with the courage, this little ooman possessed. Males of her species should he ashamed when in her presence. Intimidated even. He rebuked himself quietly. There was nothing to be intimidated of this small female. This lou-dte kale, child maker. She was even smaller than your average female ooman. Much smaller than the males that accompanied her.
He watched silently as she reloaded her weapons. On other circumstances he would have killed the males, but they hadn't aimed in his direction. His attention was again pulled back to the female, as he watched her pull on another covering. Her first one was damaged by the blood of the hard meat, leaving her only in a little scrap of cloth that barely covered her body. He watched silently as she adjusted all her weapons, slipping the blade back into its' holder. Amazing, the things she'd done with that blade. Even more amazing, that it was still intact after it's encounter with the hard meat.
Movement across from Viper caught his attention. Snapping his head up he saw a kainde amedha that they hadn't seen. Lurking, watching them from the darkened corner silently. A hunter watching it's prey. Viper was watching his as well. Just as the hard meat leapt at the ooman female, Viper locked onto it with his shoulder cannon and fired.