Hey! This is the final chapter! Wanna thank my beta Youngjusticefanatic for helping me with this story! Thanks for all the reviews and helpful input. There will be NO SEQUEL! Thanks for reading!

He looked at the piece of paper in his hands, smiling.

Alex Rider, aged 19 years old, was sitting on a plane on his way to Paraguay, business class. In his hands was the only briefing he had been given before he was to land in the country he had never visited.

The 4 people he was to work with in his next mission;





Despite being a spy from the age of 14 years old, a smile came easily and happy when you really have something to smile about.

This was definitely something to smile about.

2 days later, k-unit plus Alex sat in the plain motel where they were based until they mission was to commence.

Currently, Eagle was standing in the corner of the room, one combat boot on the wall, arms crossed and a wooden toothpick in the corner of his mouth. His eyes were hard, but silently laughing at the same time.

Wolf was sitting in a chair, legs up on the table, sifting through the detailed briefing of the mission. Fox was trying to tune in the cheap radio and Snake was checking Alex's arms after an assassination attempt he had had yesterday.

The knife had skimmed his arm and cut it quite badly, but it was nothing compared to what he had experienced before. Really, it wasn't bothering him, but you try and stop an over-protective mother hen middle aged fully trained and experienced SAS medic from checking a wound on a teammate who he was extremely protective of and treated like a little brother.

Alex had tried to run, but Eagle, the Pratt in Alex's eyes right now, had chased him, caught him, tied his hands, slung him over his shoulder and carried him right back, laughing barbarically the whole time.

Eagle smiled and Alex scowled at him. Nothing changed.

Soon enough, Snake had re-bandaged Alex's arm, and Fox had the radio tuned into some radio station. Fox and Alex understood what they were saying; Wolf would've if he had been paying attention. The Wanted's song; Glad you Came, came on. They prepared to sing along, but Wolf's shout brought them to attention.

"Team, attention!" he shouted, and they all jumped. Fox turned the radio down and they all went to stand loosely round the table. Eagle didn't move, not in a sign of disrespect or anything, but because he could hear perfectly from 3 metres away.

"Alright men, and kid." Alex scowled. They smiled, "I've read the detailed briefing." He glanced around the plain room nervously. "Fox and Eagle, bug preventers and destroyers in place?" (Sorry for any not real stuff, I'm not an expert in spy technology) Wolf asked.

"Yeah, everything's set" Eagle told him. Wolf nodded his acknowledgement.

"Right. Good work. Anyway, we have to get the Spy out of Scorpia's base, and the memory stick with the details to the bombing plans they're supposed to have in their main safe. Most important thing is to listen to the leader. Alex, 6 want you to be captain and leader." He grunted the end part.

Everyone gasped; the toothpick fell from Eagle's unhinged jaw.

However, Alex wasn't included in the 'everyone gasped' bit. He took the information calmly like steel, but an angry look crossed his chocolate brown eyes as what was said sunk in deeper.

"So Cub, here's the info, take it in and let's get this mission started." Wolf muttered loudly as he thrust the papers towards Cub. He was surprised when Cub didn't reach out to take them.

"No." Cub said.

"Cub…orders are orders…" Wolf told him, still surprised.

"No. We had this when I was 14, we sealed that deal. We all voted to keep Wolf as captain and nothing is going to change my decision. Wolf, you're leading this mission. I'm just the spy on the side and it's gonna stay that way. Now let's get the brief over with and start this mission." He said, a tone in his voice that shouted 'don't mess with me, don't argue with me, just do what I said'.

Wolf was impressed. Alex still had emotion and loyalty after spending the last 5 years as a reluctant underage spy.

Wolf nodded and started giving out instructions. He could see everyone listening and nodding at one decision or another that he made. Once the men were ready they all set off. Wolf and Alex were the last to move.

"Thanks" said Wolf. Alex gave a rare smile and Wolf asked, "But why?"

"Captain has to write the report at the end, remember" Alex said grinning. But both men knew it was more than that.

much love,

Jellie Smiff :D