Cassandra returned Dr. Umbra's quaint smile.

"Doctor it is a pleasure to finally meet you. I have heard some about your practice, but for trial records and clarification, would you be so kind as to tell the Tribunal exactly what your field of expertise is in?"

The carrot topped woman's warm personality didn't fade. "It is my pleasure and certainly. I'm a practitioner of both Human and Xeno-psychology. By the way, my name is Kleao, what is yours?"

Cassandra stopped as if in mid motion for a moment. "Why?" She asked carefully.

"Why what? Why do I practice what I do, or why did I ask you for your name?" Dr. Umbra asked serenely as she quirked an eye.

"Ye..yes. It seems to be a rather broad specialty you practice in." Cassandra said as she regained her footing.

"Humm, so it would seem." Dr. Umbra said with a small smile. "Yet it amazes me how similar all sentient beings are when it comes to the mind. No matter the physiology, everyone has the same basic motivations and desires."

Cassandra couldn't help herself as a disbelieving smirk made its way across her lips.

"I see..." She brought up her omni tool and paced timely back and forth. "So why are you here? You seem to have a very healthy practice Doctor, yet from what I see, the Alliance hasn't employed your services."

Dr. Umbra shifted comfortably in her seat as if settling down by a warm and calm fire. "They don't, and I don't offer my services directly to the Alliance; though I do see Alliance clients from time to time. It is so good to see that SIA has kept a part of its attention on me."

"Clients?" Cassandra asked with a tinge of amusement.

"Ms. Jagdhund, the people who I work with are completely and perfectly normal. They just seek assistance to improve their lives. I have found that the term 'patient', has a negative connotation to it, hence why all the people I see are my clients. Now as to why I am here..." Dr. Umbra's smile widened a bit. "That all depends on what you are looking for."

Cassandra gave the doctor a wary look.

"Tell me Prosecutor. What forms the essence of a person? Of you?" Dr. Umbra asked alluringly. "Is it the work we do, the clothes we wear, the people we associate with? Is it our past, our present? Is it our successes and failures? Our experiences we have had? Our passions we indulge in? Our thoughts?"

"I would respond that it is all the above." Cassandra stated confidently.

"Of course it is, and so much more." Dr. Umbra replied. She peered over to the haggard but stoic form of Shepard. Dr. Umbra slinked her eyes back towards the Prosecutor. "Prosecutor let us entertain a thought for a moment. That 'thought' being that Shepard is not really a dead woman, but is here." She raised her right hand, palm up, in Shepard's direction.

Shepard gave no sign that she had heard the woman's words. Her attention was fixed rigidly ahead.

"That is ridiculous. Shepard died nearly ten years ago!" Cassandra hissed.

"Ridiculous? But my dear Prosecutor; wasn't it the ancient Greek Aristotle who said that it was the mark of an educated mind to entertain a thought without accepting it? You do seem to have a well educated mind." Dr. Umbra smiled approvingly.

"It is also foolish to refuse to see what the creature truly is. It is an absurdity bordering on mythology to believe that anyone can truly reason with a Reaper." The prosecutor scowled.

"Umm." Dr. Umbra Smiled. "Even the most simplest of myths contain a fragment of truth, Prosecutor. In fact a question surrounding a basic truth is at the precipice of this entire situation."

"Which is what?"

"How can someone come back from the dead?" Dr. Umbra finished. She gingerly tucked her legs to the side resting her hands in her lap. "Tissue can be re-grown. Bones mended and organs regenerated, but what about the soul? Is the soul so durable that it can survive death?"

Turians in the Tribunal could be seen shifting uncomfortably in their seats.

"Each people have their own opinions on the fabric of the soul. Each opinion gives a unique insight to their beliefs." The doctor said as her eyes seemed to shine. "The most popular Asari belief holds to an infinite wheel of life and reincarnation. The Turians believe that their ancestors watch over them from the afterlife. The Krogan believe that the souls of their greatest warriors returned to the world in whatever form and shape they choose it to test their people's wills and lives. The Drell see the soul and the body as two separate entities where the soul returns to a plane much like the human ideal of Heaven. The Batarians on the other hand view the body and soul as one; and when the body dies so does the soul." Dr. Umbra said airily. "I don't think I need to go over the myriad of Human views, because you could easily find parallels with every culture in the galaxy."

"Very interesting doctor. Fascinating really." Cassandra retorted irritably. "But what is your point? Are you trying to say that this anathema that exists in the Defense stand is god? That we should all bow our heads to it and worship it?" She narrowed her eyes as she turned her eyes towards Shepard. "It is nothing more than a perversion of life."

"Perhaps I am saying that faith; or rather belief in something greater than ourselves can explain what we cannot; even if we cannot name that faith." Dr. Umbra said gently.

"First Psychology and now Theology? I have to say Doctor, you are a multifaceted woman." Cassandra snickered.

"Then I might as well add sexology and relationship counselor to the mix." Dr. Umbra purred. "I consider myself more, well-rounded, than multifaceted."

Pockets of the congregation burst out with laughter.

Cassandra just gave the doctor a fake plastic smile of amusement. "And would you say your knowledge of other species has been gained by 'personal experience' then?"

The prosecutor watched as Dr. Umbra's smile turned to one of mockery. Nonchalantly, but carefully, she let the mossy shawl slide down her shoulders just enough to reveal the marks of a bite. The bite had been clean, yet purposeful. The bite hadn't been done for the heat of passion as to tear or shred but of the pure intent to touch and mark.

"I would say, yes."

Cassandra watched as Dr. Umbra gently rearranged the shawl again on her shoulders, protecting the mark from the unwanted prying of foreign eyes.

"Now shall we return to the subject at hand Prosecutor?"

Cassandra held her tongue like a scolded school child.

"As I said Prosecutor, let us just entertain the thought." Dr. Umbra said sharply. "I think it is equally absurd to not take Shepard's personal psychological condition and history in to account." She quirked her head to the side. "Or did you think that it really didn't matter?"

Cassandra narrowed her eyes at the woman. "Nothing in her record was honestly a surprise. It is true that she was diagnosed with PTSD, but every evaluation up until her death cleared her for active leadership and combat. She was handling her condition with out medicinal aid."

"And now you will understand why I do not directly interact with the Alliance military in any capacity." Dr. Umbra hissed. "P.T.S.D. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Any career Soldier that has been active within the Alliance structure for the greater part of the last 15 years has some form of PTSD. The majority of cases are minor and usually are treated with counseling. The rest are 'typically' dealt with by scripts. If the individual is a biotic, studies have shown that adjustments to their biotic amps can also treat the condition to a functioning extent." The Doctor's eyes turned in the direction of the Defense stand. "Yet in Shepard's case, she was allowed to 'self treat'."

"And I take it that you disagree with that decision." Cassandra retorted caustically. Typical bleeding heart. Her mind crowed.

"That couldn't be farther from the truth." Dr. Umbra smiled back. "It is my understanding that the best outcomes for my clients are when they are able to work through their challenges without the need of drugs or artificial augmentations. I just take issue that the Alliance didn't know what they were dealing with, but then again..." She unfurled her slender fingers from her clinched hand "...maybe they did. Are you familiar with Dr. Zachariah Toll?"

Cassandra's expression turned serious. "He was one of the leading military psychologists of his time. It is reported that he died in the opening hours of the Six Year war when the Reapers struck Earth."

"Yes He did." Dr. Umbra said agreeably. "He was a brilliant psychologist. He paved the way for my line of work. He was a truly great mentor."

"Mentor?" Cassandra queried. "I was unaware that he had any students."

Dr. Umbra smiled simply. "I met Dr. Toll at a symposium and we struck up a very good repertoire with each other. He gave me very good insights to my craft."

"What such insights?" Cassandra asked. She could feel a colt chill running over her. The popular rumor was that the man had the ability to break the most hardened Soldier, and mold them in to what ever image he wanted.

"I am so glad you asked Ms. Jagdhund." Dr. Umbra said simply as she touched her omni tool on her left hand. "But I have to say that those rumors are not entirely accurate. The man simply had a wide berth of understanding and compassion."

The air was filled with the timeless sound of static as a recording began to play. The clicking sounds of foot steps echoed in the Tribunal's chamber along with the audible scraping of a chair along a floor.

AH! It is good to see you again Kali! How have you been?

The voice was male and held a cheery British quality.

I'm fine Doctor.

The second voice was female. Its tone was sharp and crisp and it was evident that she was in no mood for polite banter.

"I thought today we would do some word association. Do you know what that is Kali?"

"You state a word, and I give the first response that comes to my mind." The woman said crisply.

"Good! Good!" The audible sound of light breathing and the shuffling of people in chars whispered in the chamber.

"Flower" The man said evenly.

"Thessian Rose" The woman responded.


"Earl Gray"



The sound of a creaking chair stroked Cassandra's ears.

"Alright Kali, now let us begin." The man said with warmth, but with a hint of seriousness. "Order."

















Formless static continued to play. Cassandra could hear the sound of rapid breathing

"Home, Kali." The man said calmly.

"I...I'm done Doctor." The woman gritted. The scrapping of a chair clawed in to Cassandra's ears and the audio recording faded.

"Dr. Toll sent it to me years ago. Asking for my thoughts on why the patient reacted that way." Dr. Umbra said lightly. "I didn't have an answer if to give him, and he never talked about 'Kali' again."

"Then why bring that recording up Doctor? Why is it so significant?" Cassandra tossed out caustically.

A corner of the doctor's mouth turned upwards in to a smirk. "This recording dates from 2179. Tell me Prosecutor. How many Alliance Military personnel could have known what a Tessian Rose was?" The Doctor's eyes drew over to the Asari at the Jury table. "Even to this day, the Asari are highly protective of their home world and its native beauty."

Cassandra didn't know how to respond, and her grasp of who the glowing doctor was even less sure.

"Now I won't go in to her service record since that has already been discussed, but I will venture in to part of her past that has not been clarified. To truly understand my Clients, I like to understand their background and part of that background is their parents. As you and Ms. Parasini have to eloquently pointed out, Shepard isn't one for obeying authority. A trait she gained from both her parents. I can only imagine what it was like for Shepard's mother, Norana. Her family disowned her when she married John Shepard and moved out to the frontier colony of Mindoir, though every year she made the pilgrimage back to Earth for the Maha Navratri. She strikes me as a spiritual woman, while from what I know her devoted husband was not. Yet regardless of any stated faith, the Human spirit is so very resilient. The colonies were never the idyllic utopia that many wish them to be, but they gave the freedom and opportunity that Earth could no longer provide. Do you know of Shepard's Mother, Norana? She was a lead ecologist for the Mindoir Colony. Her family roots were from Panaji in Goa India. Her family was quite wealthy. Shepard's father, John, was a retired Marine with the Alliance and a Captain of the Militia based on Mindoir. His family roots, as far as can be guessed since he was an orphan, trace back to Aberdeen Scotland." Her face softened even more as her attention was returned by Shepard. "They must be been two beautiful and strong willed people." She said warmly.

Shepard gave no sign that she had heard the woman's words. Her attention was fixed rigidly ahead.

"Fascinating, but I highly doubt that the Jury should be concerned about a dead woman's parents." Cassandra hissed.

"Interesting how you point to her parents who flouted Alliance Law." Executor Shomon called from the prosecution table.

Cassandra watched as a smile tinged with the cold of winter's chill crept on Dr. Umbra's face. "Speaking of the Alliance; I'd like to also point out that in October of 2153 during the Maha Navarati festival, the merchant ship Tress broke up over the Indian states of Goa, Maharashtra and Karnataka after performing an illicit atmospheric reentry. Unknown amounts of Element Zero were showered through out the area. The number of people directly affected is unknown, but a spike in the number tumors and birth defects to newborns in the area was noticed after the accident, as were newborns that showed biotic potential."

"Exactly what are you insinuating?" Cassandra asked bitingly.

"Maybe nothing." Dr. Umbra smiled. "Maybe everything. You did state earlier in the Trial that Shepard's parents had not registered their daughter as having biotic potential with the Alliance. I find it, interesting, how the CEO of the merchant company that owned the Tress, the New East India Company, was found hung in his home in Chicago-Detroit. Shortly after that, the company was dismantled piece by piece by the Systems Alliance Intelligence."

"You are quite well versed in your conspiracy theories and Urban Myths, Doctor. I can assure you that SIA had nothing to do with the unfortunate public Element Zero exposures that occurred in the 2150s."

"Umm." Dr. Umbra Smiled. "Even the most simplest of myths contain a fragment of the truth. It is in these myths that belief grows, and thus belief can be rooted in a truth, and science is also rooted in truth. Science can do many things; even mimic a dead person. But a mimic is never perfect. From what I have studied about Shepard; what we have here is not a mimic. She is not a copy. Her personality is not artificial, and only a soul can really bring life to a body."

"You seem quite sure of your observations." Cassandra stated caustically.

"Believe me Prosecutor, I do my research, and I do have to say that General Kalstinius's actions are telling. Yesterday he was quite calm, but he isn't quite as comfortable being here." Dr. Umbra smile slightly.

Cassandra shot a glance over to the Turian General and she too could see his mandibles twitching, that his nervous sight had settled on Shepard who hadn't moved at all since she had taken her seat.

"It is understandable. The Turians have a word that that they use to describe beings such as Shepard. It translates roughly in to Preta, or hungry ghost. To them, and many other people, Preta are demons. Lost souls who died in great agony and suffering and were never given the final rites to be able to pass from this mortal existence. So they haunt the living, even by taking living form. To Hindus, a hungry soul will try to reenter to body if it can and will not rest until its physical life has ended, or until the body has been total destroyed."

The great Turian general let out a shiver.

"Interesting, Doctor, how you point to the Hindu faith. But from what I understand in her record, Commander Shepard was listed as an Atheist." Cassandra stated questioningly as she turned and openly scowled at the defiant and weary figure and then returned her attention to the stubborn Dr. Umbra.

"Do you really believe that Ms. Jagdhund?" Dr. Umbra narrowed her gaze and again gave a quaint smile as she gently steepled her hands in her lap. "The soul has to have something to cling to. To hold to if it is to survive. It has to have to have faith." Dr. Umbra's eyes carefully drifted over to Shepard. It was almost as if to ask for permission, or an apology for her words.

Cassandra turned her face to the Council. "Councilor's, are we to entertain 'belief' and 'religious ideology' as empirical evidence now? The prosecution rests. I refuse the waste any more time on thoughts of fancy and superstitious nonsense." She said icily.

Cassandra turned on her heel and started to stalk back to her desk with the clicks of her heels resounding sharply in the chamber.

"The Butcher of Torfan. That is the popular name for Shepard. Just as Admiral Hackett was and is the Hero of the Blitz." Dr. Umbra called out. "Yet she had another name that was whispered behind her back for the most part. A name no one would openly say to her face and yet it fits her so perfectly." Dr. Umbra smiled. "Kali."

Cassandra continued on her march giving no hint that she had heard Dr. Umbra's words.

"Who did you lose Cassandra?" Dr. Umbra called aloud as the Prosecutor retreated. "Who did you cling to before the end of Earth, before the army that Shepard brought saved your life?"

Cassandra stopped cold in her tracks. Her steps reverberating around the chamber as all had fallen deathly silent. She didn't look back. She wouldn't give the woman the benefit of it. She felt her lips quivering, wanting to tremble in to a searing sneer.

"Council." She said in sharp and shaking anger. "The Prosecution is done with the witness."

Author's Note: Hiya Folks. I hope this doesn't seem to rushed, but I have been working on this chapter for way too long! So I just felt like getting it out there. Enjoy and I will update when I can!