Rose was taken up to the hospital, into surgery to remove the bullet and fix her broken arm and ankle.
The Doctor and Jackie stayed in the waiting room the whole time, their hands tightly clasped together.
It was in these long hours that the Doctor came to a slightly astounding thought.
Why would she throw herself in front of him to take a bullet?
She knew he would regenerate. But she had saved him. She'd saved this form.
But she was stuck in surgery, not even conscious, with possible mind damage.
Jackie had relayed the story of Jimmy during one of the many hours. It had made him angry all over again.
He hoped with his entire soul and hearts that Rose's mind would be okay. That she'd be able to feel his hand in hers without being frightened.
Just thinking about that made him scared and angry.
He needed Rose.
He refused to contemplate what would happen if she wasn't okay.
He just wouldn't.
Finally, the surgeons came out, looking extremely exhausted.
Jackie leapt up for the news. The Doctor stayed where he was, hands clenched, ears pricked.
She was fine, they reported. Just fine.
The Doctor's hearts lightened of the weight of the universe.
She was fine.
She was alive.
He got up then, heading to her room.
He opened her door quietly. Jackie had had to go off with the doctors to sign some papers.
Rose was laying on the white bed, several tubes poking out of her arm. Her shoulder was bound tightly up in white bandages. Her arm and ankles were both in plaster casts.
But she was breathing and alive and her mind was going to be okay.
The Doctor was so happy he felt a little like crying.
But he just sat right next to her and held her hand.
He would hold her hand forever.
Because he loved her.
Yes, he thought. He loved Rose Tyler. And as soon as she woke up, he was going to tell her.
Because he didn't want to waste a day, when something like this could happen, and not be so lucky.
Rose could die and if he never told her he loved her, he'd probably die too.
Jackie still hadn't arrived when Rose's hand twitched.
The Doctor jumped up slightly. "Rose?" He whispered.
Her breathing grew slightly louder as she slowly made her way through the haze of painkillers. "Doctor?"
"Yes." His hand tightened slightly on hers. "I'm here."
Her eyes opened slowly. He smiled at her. Grinned at her, because she was fine. She was just fine.
Her hand gripped his. "What happened?"
Two simple words.
He shook his head. "Jimmy shot you."
Her brows furrowed. The drugs made it hard to think. But she had to know!
"And then?"
"Are you sure you want-"
She did her best glare.
He sighed, and smiled a little. "Jimmy shot you and then I got rid of him."
Always asking the right questions. "I twisted his mind around, so all he could feel was the fear and pain he caused all the people he'd hurt. Then I trapped him somewhere where he'll never escape and he'll live on forever."
"The vortex?"
"Sort of. More like where the fourth wall, the curtain of reality, wrinkles at the corner. No one will be able to find him. And he'll never get out."
"And he'll never hurt anyone again."
She smiled at him. A lovely Rose smile that made his hearts sing.
Because he loved her.
And he needed to tell her.
The talking was making her more tired. "Yeah?"
"I wanted to tell you-" He blushed slightly. (No~ Time Lords don't blush) How could he say it?
"Why'd you jump in front of me?"
Not what she'd been expecting. "I saw the gun." She stopped to rest. "And he was pointing it at you. And I-" Now it was her turn to blush. "I didn't want you to get hurt."
It made him completely sad. Here she was, almost bound up like a mummy in plaster and bandages.
And he was fine.
Because of her.
"You know I'd regenerate." It wasn't a question.
Her hand gripped tightly once again. "I like you right now."
Of course she did. This one had been made for her.
He smiled again. "I know."
And he wanted to tell her. He wanted to say it. Just three little words.
Again? "What?"
"I think-" Yes, this was good. "I think I'm actually-"
She kept looking at him. He had to get it out.
"I think I'm in love with you." There. He'd said it.
She kept looking at him.
Her face turned very pink.
"I think I'm in love with you too."
He grinned again.
"Of course, really." She wished she could smack him. "Why else would I throw myself in front of a bullet for you?"
"That was because you loved me?"
Stupid. "Yes."
It was like Christmas. Only without the aliens.
He leaned carefully over her to kiss her. Gently. Wouldn't want to break anything.
"Are you going to wait for me?" Rose asked him, once he'd got back to his seat.
"Until I get better." Rose explained. "It's going to take a while."
"I've got a while." He took her hand again. "And I'm not leaving without you. Ever."
Rose smiled. "Good." She felt herself going back to sleep.
He chuckled. "Okay."
"Stay." He could barely make out her words.
And it would be forever. And ever and ever and ever. Because he was fine and she was fine and they loved each other.
A/N Anyway, this was a brilliant story to write, and I am forever grateful to every single person who favorited and alerted, and even more grateful to those of you who reviewed. Cuz without you, there would be no story. This was wonderful, everyone. Thanks! -Converse on the Tardis
The end. Sigh... I hope this chapter was up to par. I can't write fluff. At all. Haha. :)