
Well, I've always loved adventurous stories, magic and heroic deeds, so I just couldn't wait any longer. This is my new story, it's very different from my previous ones, but I hope you will enjoy it anyway.

To you who are patiently waiting for a continuation of "Shadows in the attic" and "The king of shadows and his small devils", I am terribly sorry. I don't know how to continue "Shadows in the attic" right now, so I will take a pause with that story. "The king of shadows and his small devils" will be continued as soon as I find the motivation. I have recently started University, so I have some things going on… Again, I'm sorry. But don't despair, I will continue, someday!

I do not own Ouran High School Host Club, it belongs to the genius Bisco Hatori.

Also, this is very sad in the beginning, but don't let it bring you down, everything will get better and this is NOT a tragedy.


The graveyard was grimly quiet. Only the gravel crackled as heavy feet walked down the narrow path. The last, feeble rays of the descending sun fell on auburn hair, making it glow a fiery red. Ignorant of the wet grass, the lonesome teen fell to his knees in front of a beautiful, white tombstone.


Quivering hands reached forward to place the brought flowers among the many others decorating the grave. Sighing deeply, Hikaru leant forward and placed his forehead against the smooth stone.

"Oh Kaoru, I miss you so much."

Glittering teardrops ran down the grave, leaving wet trails over the carved name. Four months had passed, four terrible months since Kaoru had closed his eyes to never open them again. There was nothing anyone could have done to stop it, the cancer had been incurable.

Crying silently and wrapping his arms around the grave, Hikaru didn't notice the dark storm clouds gathering above his head.

Unfortunate, the doctors had said and the newspapers had read. How unfortunate that such a promising, healthy, young man had been taken by the rare disease. And just seventeen years old too, just a boy really.

Hikaru could see Kaoru's tired but warm eyes in his head, and could feel his cold hand as he held onto Hikaru's.

"Please Hikaru, promise me you continue living? Don't let this ruin the rest of your life. I'm so sorry, I love you."

"I promise…" Hikaru whispered to the cold stone, gently stroking the white marble. He was so sorry he had made that promise to his twin. Now he couldn't break it. Hikaru had stood in front of the mirror countless of times since Kaoru's death, grasping the razorblade tightly in his hand, ready to slit his wrists. Every time his brother's calm voice had appeared in his head, reminding him of that fatal promise.

Ominous rumbling echoed over the empty cemetery and Hikaru closed his eyes as raindrops started pouring down, washing away his tears. He should really get home… It was getting dark and the storm was worsening by the minute. Strangely, Hikaru had always enjoyed thunderstorms, and loved the adrenaline kick that came from seeing a lightning strike.

Hikaru was already late. He was supposed to be at Tamaki's in ten minutes. The first two month after Kaoru's death Hikaru had spent locked up in his room, in an attempt to block out the rest of the world. His parents had soon learnt to let him be. Then Tamaki came, as usual. He brought the Host Club, light and friendship into Hikaru's dark world. Finally Hikaru was able to leave his room and go back to school. He owed so much to Tamaki.

The world flashed white for a millisecond and the sky roared menacingly. Hikaru, half blinded by the lightning, released his twin's grave and stood up in the pouring rain.

"I have to go Kaoru, I'll come back tomorrow!" He shouted over the thunder, smiling shakily at the tombstone. The grave stood silent, unyielding and unforgiving in the hard wind. Stroking wet bangs out of his eyes, Hikaru peered up towards the dark sky.

Then he saw it. As in slow motion, a lightning freed itself from the dark clouds and shot down towards him. He was going to get hit. Closing his eyes, Hikaru reached his arms towards the sky and laughed.

"I'm coming Kaoru!"

The powerful lightning hit the laughing youth and for a moment all went white. When the darkness crept back, the white marble grave was alone. Hikaru was no longer there.


"Wake up. Come on now, I know you can do it."

A voice. Distant, but there. All burned, his head was on fire. What had happened? He couldn't remember… Hikaru groaned and slowly opened his eyes. White. Everything was white. But there was someone there.

"Ugh, where, who?"

He felt a soft hand on his forehead, bathing it with a damp cloth. Slowly the whiteness dissolved and Hikaru could make out two large, brown eyes staring curiously into his own.


The girl smiled gently and nodded. "Yeah that's me."

"Where am I?" Hikaru saw the weird dress Haruhi was wearing and frowned. "And what are you wearing? Are you cosplaying?"

Haruhi looked confused. "What is cosplaying? Never mind… You yourself are wearing very odd clothes, who are you?"

Hikaru's frown grew deeper and he tried to sit up. Immediately small but definite hands pushed him down on the bed again.

"No, stay down. Really, you look exactly like Kaoru, but I know you're not him."

"Is this some kind of sick joke?" Hikaru was getting really angry. "Of course I'm not Kaoru, he's dead. Dead!" He screamed in Haruhi's face, making her jump slightly.

"But… No, what do you mean?" She asked, biting her lip.

What was this? A twisted game? But since when was Haruhi such a good actor? And how in the world did he get here in the first place, wasn't he just visiting Kaoru's grave? Head spinning with questions, Hikaru sighed deeply.

"Really funny Haruhi. I'm Hikaru, you know that." The slender girl gasped and her eyes widened dramatically.

"You can't be… He died."

"What the hell is going on? Kaoru died, not me! This is not funny so just cut this shit right now!" Hikaru roared, sitting up in the bed and glaring at Haruhi.

"What is going on in here?" The Host Club king ran into the room, but froze and gaped when he saw Hikaru. Also he wore a funny dress and his hair was longer and up in a ponytail. He was joined by Kyouya, Mori and Honey. All were in weird clothes and stared at Hikaru as they had just seen a ghost. Hikaru stared back and shook his head.

"Are you all cosplaying? And where are we? Stop staring at me!"

Tamaki looked at Hikaru suspiciously and turned to Haruhi, who was sitting next to him in a chair. "Who is this, love? And why does he look exactly like Kaoru?"

"I'm Hikaru! HIKARU! Stop this joke now, it's not funny!"

Breathing heavily, Hikaru looked around at his friends with tears in his eyes. Then he heard it. The voice he had longed to hear for so long.

"Keep it down will you? You're awakening the whole village." A fifth person stepped into the room. Golden eyes met with Hikaru's and the older twin stared in awe.



If it caught your interest please leave a review! They really make a girl happy… ^^

/Midnight Custard