"Why?" Breech asked. Kliess didn't say anything. He just stared out into the abyss of Breech's sancutuary, "We gave you everything. I gave you everything."
Van Kliess didn't react.
"Do we mean nothing to you?" Breech cried, "Were we just your weapons?"
Again Kliess said nothing. Breech scowled at him.
"You may throw us away, but we aren't leaving that easily," she growled, vanishing before his eyes. He let his head fall to his face. His plans, his dreams, his promises all burnt to ash. Long gone was the little boy who followed him around the lab. Long gone was the little girl terrified of her grotesque beauty. And gone were the obedient little boys looking for shelter in a cruel unforgiving world. Everything he had was now lost to the wind. Having lived longer than most men had even dreamed and yet never forgetting.
A small red portal appeared by his feet. A plate with an empanada, and a slice of pizza with pineapple and salmon. He gave a terse smile before picking up the food, eating the oddity of pizza first followed by the empanada. He laid his hand on his stomach in content and nostalgia. The food, however odd, held memories of better times.
"So you work with Mami and Papi?" the youngest Salazar asked with wide innocent brown eyes.
"Sometimes," Van Kliess admitted. Rex tilted his head slightly.
"So you work on the little machines?" Rex asked.
"Yes Rex I do."
Rex's nose crinkled at the response.
"Then why don't I see you working con mi familia?"
Van Kliess paused a moment to translate the little Spanish. Last time he didn't do that he accidentally said 'pork rinds' instead of 'behinds'. Rex mocks him to this day of that misunderstanding. 'Chichorones my butt,' he thought to himself.
"Well Rex, Caesar and I have too different opinions on how to control the Nanites. I believe that people should monitor them as well as change programming when needing it. Your brother wants to make a Nanite that can control them all. Your mom and dad just happen to watch over both projects so I don't see them a lot."
"Hey," he said softly curled up in a tight ball under a blanket.
"You want to come out?"
Rex shook his head.
"Too loud."
"What's too loud?"
"Everything. Can't you hear it?"
"I cant say I can Rex."
"That's okay. I couldn't hear it before either."
"Before what?"
"Before the accident."
Van Kliess's eyes narrowed.
"Rex... What do you hear?"
"Everything. Why is mama, papa and Caesar building for bad men?"
"Excuse me?"
"That's what the walls say. I can hear them better now."
"Hear them?"
Rex nodded.
"I could hear them after my birthday... And Caesar gave me my shot and now... It all sounds so claro. Even though they're so far."
"Where are you hearing these voices Rex?" Van Kliess asked with concern.
"The reactor," Rex admitted sheepishly.
Well. Maybe not good memories but certainly nostalgic. The boy has become a man. A smile crept to his face. He helped make Rex who he was. He protected him and now he could stand on his own two feet. At least he kept one promise.
He closed his eyes letting Breech's world cover him like a blanket. He drifted into a deep slumber as he was watched by a jeweled lizard, a silhouetted wolf, and a little princess.
Well... Yeah um... Okay... Don't know why I wrote this but yeah... Please review?