Hi guys it gryffindorgoldenboy here many thanks for the get well messages,unfortunately I caught a nasty virus that went onto my chest causing a infection in the lungs or so the doctors told me when I came around two weeks later.

With much rest and medical care I am now home and on the way to full health.

So a much late Merry Christmas and a happy new years to everyone.

Little peeved at Slytherin harry he said he would update the wrong twin for you guys but when I checked nothings been updated so this is my original version so i apologies now if it's not up to standard. It's late when I post this so I am alittle exhusted and the drugs are not helping.

Guys please be patient with me when it comes to updates, I know I am not the quickest.

OK disclaimers. I gryff do not own any of J,K,Rowling's amazing magical world or any of her characters. potter/weasley/dumbledore bashing. Warning blood, gore and characters death.

Harry had been to several feast in his short time at hogwarts but never one quite like this, students and teachers sat at their tables happily discussing summer plans as they munched on their last school meal of the day. As the hero of the chamber limped head held high towards the Ravenclaw table surround by his friends a harsh silence descended apon the great Hall as the castles occupants shamelessly watched on.

Many of them tried to apologise to the young boy for their role in the chaos created by Daniel and his cronies, now that they had been told the whole truth.

Harry yawned as he head to an empty set of seats at the very end of his house table, uncaring at the attention he was receiving. once he was happy seated the exhusted twelve year old helped himself to a couple of thick bacon slices and two brick slices of bread.

tucking into his breakfast he had not noticed his white feathered companion gliding towards his chair clutching a scroll of parchment tightly in her talons. an odd sounding bark echoed from the magnificent owl as she lined up for the final approach.

Lifting his glass from its current position, he watched his owl swoop down on the table gracefully stopping short beside a huge stack of smoked bacon. Harry tried with some difficulty to loosen the parchment as his beloved pet danced closer to her favourite treat much to the amusement of his friends.

Once Revealed of her burden Hedwig snatched two talons full of bacon and took to the sky no doubt heading to her cage which was currently located in her masters bedroom for a well deserved breakfast.

As the rest watched the owl zoom out of the open window, hermione finished her mouthful of toast before enquiring about the letter.

" it's from my godfather, he has invited me to spend some of the summer holiday at grimmauld place." harry finished as he sunk his teeth into his bacon sandwich spurting brown sauce down his brand new muggle t-shirt.

While the hero of the chamber of secrets wiped his shirt with a wet napkin,hermione smiled knowing how close both of them had become during his incarnation in the hospital wing.

Picking up her folk, she tucked into her remaining breakfast.


The time for action was now, time to show those who stood against and those who abandon the dark lord what was about to come their way. He thought he had chosen his target wisely known full well that the child would have no protection unlike his brother.

He knew that he could never waltz on platform nine without being recognised as a disgraced death eater that he was. Also knew that his former friends would be amongst the crowd of witches and wizards picking up their brats who was returning from school.

By using the fat drunk muggle he could operate from the shadows, using his only weapon the imperious curse his intended targets had no chance of survival. Noticing his prawn stirring he replied the spell with a little more strength only stopping when Peter tried alittle.

His lips smirked as he watched the fat muggle once again lose control of his body and mind, Slipping his wand into his tatty robes he transformed and escaped into a open man hole cover squeaking happily as he went.


the sound of pedestrians awoke him from his drunken slumber beside him in the passagers side chair a slightly thinner rat face man watched him though piggy eyes. this was the man he vaguely remembered brought him large amounts of whiskey drinks in the pub for the pass couple of weeks after his wife left him.

No words was ever spoken between them, as Vernon downed whiskey after whisky without a care in the world.

Quickly glancing around he took in his surrounding, he noticed kings cross station across the road opposite his current location.

In his intoxicated state Vernon watched in horror as the man pulled out a thin wooden stick from his pocket, twisting it in a circular motion a calm sensation engulfed his body and mind. From the depths of his brain an angry voice erupted blinding him in such a rage he could no longer think for himself.

The tatty man produced a moving photo from inside his robes shoving it into the his face.

"You will kill you this boy anyway you wish."

The photo dropped to the floor as a rat jumped out of the window squeaking into the alleyway.

Switching the engine off, Vernon Dursley waited and watched from his hiding place.


Too soon it was time to journey home on the Hogwarts express. Harry, dudley, hermione along with the rest of their little group pasted their remaining hours practicing magic before the holidays official started. in their compartment they unleashed large amounts of Dr filibuster fireworks to celebrate after the smog disappeared the group enjoyed a large group game of exploding snap.

Hermione and Terry enjoyed tormenting each other with revisions from their books, as harry and dudley took a little nap before they reached kings rest had went off to see other friends located thought the train for the rest of the train ride.


Petunia had been waiting for this moment for the past few weeks, her boys where coming home from school and she could not wait any longer. The clock on the kitchen wall read eleven aclock giving her plenty of time to prepare her boys favourite Dinner.

In her excitement she pushed the incident with her ex husband from her mind.

Igor had taken their young daughter to meet his family early in the day freeing her to retrieve the boys from kings cross, Grabbing her car keys petunia noted the time.

Eleven thirty.


plenty time to stop of at the local supermarket to grab much needed ingredients for tonight's reunion dinner with a proud smile on her face petunia went on her way with a bounce in her step.

After the quickest shop she had ever done,petunia returned home half an hour later juggling multiple bags of shopping. Passing her way though the hallway she noticed the time quicken her pace pet rushed around the tidy kitchen to place the shopping in its correct place before hoping into the car on her way to kings cross.

As she made her way onto the motorway she completely forgot about her ex husband.

arriving in the outskirts of London in good time, petunia proceeded to kings cross with in twenty minutes though light traffic.

Having located a parking space the mother of two stumbled as she made her way though the crowded building.

She soon found her standing beside witches and wizards badly disgused in muggle clothing as a stream train puffed it's way into the station.

doors up and down the train carriages opened allowing a steady stream of students to pour out, her sharp eyes scanned the sea o students and yet was to see her sons. An blur of black hair caught her eyes as she scanned the carriage though the windows.

Standing next to the black blur she spotted her other son's larger build.

Rasing both arms she began to wave them madly smiling as the boy's spotted her, petunia notice harry jumping onto the platform. Scowling as he raced towards her at top speed Deciding to forgive him she opened her arms as his smaller body crashed into her, not a moment later dudley joined them.

"come on boys, we have to get back we are having roast beef and vegetables."

As the boy's said they goodbyes she lifted their trunks onto a waiting trolley and began to wheel it though the gateway as her sons followed on behind. As she walked she couldn't help be thankful that she hadn't run into her sister and her family, otherwise strong words would have been exchanged. It seemed that Daniel had been sent home a week early to avoid the growing tension at hogwarts.

It seemed that the old fool wanted to protect his golden boy

It didnt matter as she was looking forward to some quality time withm her boys, loading their trunks into the boot she kept a close eye on harry as he discreetly let Hedwig lose so the poor owl could fly home instead of being cooped up In her cage.

Starting the engine petunia swung the little hatchback out of its car parking space cranking into frist gear towards the exit.

Speeding up alittle she pulled out into a gap in the heavy traffic, a hundred meters down the road a single set of traffic lights turned red slowing the crowded roads all to a stand still.

The sound of a speeding car draw her attention to her right as she looked on in horror as it zoomed her way from a dank alleyway.

Her car did not stand a chance as the high powered vehicle plowed into her door, the last thing petunia saw as she looked into the impacting car was the deranged face of her ex husband smiling as the fat bastard was thrown though the windscreen.

Her broken body slumped forward onto the steering wheel as her internal organs collapsed and failed one by one.

She left the mortal plain with one son beside her leaving two children orphaned behind, two beautiful children who she would never see grow up.


He had been waiting all day for his ex wife to appear and there she was sat in stationary traffic directly in front of him.

Jamming his keys into the ignition the car roared to life, flooring the accelerator vermon slammed the car into second gear.

Speeding out of his hiding place the fat man somehow managed to drive at high speed plowing into the drivers side a sickening crunch could be heard as metal crumpled and compacted.

Screams of terrified londoners echoed around the horrific scene before them, a few manged to overcome their shock and rushed towards the reckage desperately trying to pry the occupants of the cars to safety. One strong muggle braved the flames to pry a young boy from his seat, carefully lifting the child into his arms as he gently moved the boy towards the sounds of sirens.

Looking downwards green eyes meet his hero's eyes before paramedics surrounded them.

The boy had survived the incident with minor injuries, but the physical damage was yet to be discovered.


Five minutes earlier

Harry twisted in his seat as he tried to get comfortable to his right side, the pain in his body was thankfully managerable. But it made him generally uncomfortable it was going to be a long ride.

While dudley chattered away to their mother about his school year, harry closed his eyes hoping to catch up with some welcome sleep.

In his dreams his first and second year at hogwarts flashed before his eyes, the hardships he had to overcome just to make it thought them was simply unbelievable. Maybe for his third year he would take up Igors offer and study away from the madness that was hogwarts.

As His mind finally relaxed he felt his body go limp as the tiredness of the past years events caught up him. His dream had become a nightmare from a distance he could hear dudley screaming in terror but they suddenly stopped.

The silence was replaced by more Screams of multiple people.

In his weakened state he struggled to open his heavy eyes in time to see a smarty dressed business man carry him, towards a set of flashing lights.

A mass of yellow and green surround him as an white owl took flight above him a smooth voice whispered into his head as he closed his eyes in order to allow his body to heal.

Vernon Dursley was later found in the clean up in the middle of the junction dead. He had been thrown clear of of the crash into oncoming traffic, the fat drunk had been hit by a coach full of tourist.

He had bled out when a large chunk of metal impaled into his chest, from post mortem result showed the man had taken awhile to die.

In the mist of the chaos nobody noticed a bonding man watching from the pavement with glee ingraved on his face at the scene in-front.

OK guys second year is officially over, I m currently penning third, fourth years so it's a good month before the new chapter is up.

Again thanks guys for your patience. I am hoping 2015 will be a better year for me.