A/N This is my first fanfic. I remember reading self inserts and they eventually became a guilty pleasure of mine. I always liked how a person with all the knowledge of a place could interact in odd ways to characters in a fictional universe. So I decided to make my own, however it won't be me
Also to explain some stuff through out the story were going to have ATE's! YAY! cuz you can just have my point of view all the time.
Also for future references while cloud still has Zack memory's he may be a little ooc because I'm trying to make it so he really did adopt himself as Zack, but still had some of his own personality since it would make sense and help a little in the long run.
Its the middle of summer... I should be enjoying this, I mean I'm a senior now and this is the last summer vacation I'll ever have unless I go to college. I was enjoying summer the way I always did, tons of games. I had four older brothers who shared the same interests as me and they were amazing at games. My interest started when I watched them as a kid. Nowadays I occupied my time playing RPG's both old and new.
So here I am sitting on the living room floor at 7pm trying to enjoy my summer and kill Zeus on God of War on the hardest possible difficulty and I was having problems having died for the sixth time with me throwing my controller in frustration.
"I swear if I die one more time I am going fucking ballistic."
I decided not to chance it and switch over to another game, if I got to annoyed I would do something stupid. At least my parents aren't home, They along with my little brother went to visit my step dad's side of the family up in Michigan for the week and I offered to watch the house while they were gone. I never knew his side so I thought it wouldn't matter if I went or not, plus I had all the time I ever needed to finish games I liked or never bothered beating...except God of War, I swear keeping Zeus from stealing my health from Gaia is a pain. I got up and check my phones messages...lets see here, okay two messages...I guess I'll hang out with Matt tomorrow, and another message about keeping the fridge stocked. Man even when she's away moms like "Nathan do this, Nathan change that." Oh well she means well. I wander over to back tom my PS3 and started browsing what games I had downloaded.
"Lets see...what haven't I beaten."
I started to hear thunder outside and looked out my window. Although it was dark I could still see the clouds start to head my direction. Hell it was already raining. "God damn Colorado weather, better not mess up my game...Ah here were are!" I decided on finishing Final Fantasy 7. A few months ago I got it off the PSN network but I never got around to finishing it and it was kind of bugging me. I played it back on the PS a ways back like four times and got to the third disc but never quiet got to finishing the thing. N I guess nothings stopping me now though. I started it up and started from my last save which was in the middle of the last dungeon. I went on until the battles with Sephiroth and Jenova started and I was doing fairly well for myself since I took the time to level up my characters. I had my favorite team of Cloud, Yuffie, and Vincent on so I felt confident I would beat this game after all these years.
"Man I'm thirsty...did anyone buy anything before they left?" I paused and got me something to drink, the I check the fridge and see some half full Mountain Dew bottle in the back. I guess I would have to go to the store tomorrow if I want anything. I should pic up some Kool-Aid too so I don't run out of anything. I take the bottle and sit down and start the game up again. I started rearranging materia so I could beat the bosses a little easier.
"I knew I should have taken the time to level up Shield, every other turns going to be healing now, just great."
Another crack, but this time it was closer than usual. I took a peek outside again and saw the storm was already hear and was causing some major problems by the looks of it. I switched channels just for a second and heard the newscaster say it was causing blackouts in different parts of the town. "Damn it I'm not letting s stupid storm stop me from beating this game after ten years." I got my new power and immediately started up the fights against the first Jenova monster.
I was beasting on all of the Jenovas since I actually did all of the side-quests in the game to get all the cool materia and take the time to master those of them. But I was having difficulty on the Bizzaro Sephiroth battle since apparently I wasn't leveled up enough and had to switch teams out when they died halfway through the battle. Outside I could hear hail come crushing down on the house and there was thunder probably every ten seconds...Why is there hail? Its the middle of summer...weird but it'll shut down my TV if I don't hurry.
"Fuck my life" I finally got to the Safer Sephiroth battle but I was stuck with the 2 character team because everyone else was dead. I swear if I had Aeris right now Sephiroth would be eating it. And the storm wasn't getting any better, for some reason it just kept getting louder and harder and it was annoying the shit out of me because any second now I could be shut off from the game because of some kind of short circuit.
"Come on Barret you can do better that! And Cid I just healed you!" I was having my ass handed to me by Safer since I could only get one hit in per turn. I was to agitated again at this point and just decided to try to end things as fast as possible
I unloaded every power spell I had equipped to Barret and Cid and hoped it would worked. I couldn't believe how lucky I was. Sure enough it killed Safer and the scene changed to the final strike between Cloud and Sephiroth. I was waiting for the moment where Cloud would use Omnislash on the bastard. This was something for my record books. It was only time I had ever finished a Final Fantasy game. The scene started where Clouds ultimate weapon shined and was about to attack.
Immediately I heard the biggest earth rumbling lighting strike in my entire life and every electrical appliance in my house just flashed and turned on for two seconds and my TV fluctuated. Now I started panicking that the storm might actually kick me off my game before I can deal the final blow to the last boss in the game. Cloud was midway through the attack.
"Come on Come on Come on Come on!"
He was mid jump he was going to make it I was almost already jumping with cheer and when he slashed I heard another earth rumbling crackle and all of my appliances just turned off. My happyness was immediately ripped right out my heart
"NO!" I was so close! I saw the meteor just barely nail Sephiroth in the face and it blacks out at the worst possible fucking time!.
"Come on your not out you just went to sleep mode...damn it come back so I can win the game!" I was not about to put up with this. I had half assed this game long enough and when I finally wanted to get that win it decided to go out on me. My TV came back on and I was banging at it and yelling at it to go back to normal.
"Come on you piece of trash." I was bashing the screen just hoping it would switch it back to my screen.
"I will beat you tonight even if I have to strangle go in and Sephiroth myself!" I took one last punch right as another thunder crack rattled the house and at that moment I got through the screen. But there wasn't any broken glass, no electrocution, or an painful experience what so ever. My hand literally phased through the TV. I sobered up real quick and tried to pull it back out but it was stuck and every time I leaned forward I just went deeper with less chances of getting out.
"Oh shit, come on get off, what the hell is happening!" I started to feel myself get sucked in too, my arm was already through and all I head left was my shoulder, and even that was starting to phase through.
"HOLY SHIT SOMEONE HELP! HELP!" I was pulling at the carpet trying to get some kind of hold but it wasn't doing me any good. I tried o push of the thing but that only made my hand slip and get both my arms caught.
"Fuck..." okay calm down, maybe I can push with my legs of the entertainment center I could get off. I tried that and carefully moved my legs to the outside of the TV, use it to pry me out an see what the hell was wrong with this, only to have it bump my knee and get it caught in the screen too.
"GOD DAMN IT!" I was stuck until I felt the screen warbling around. Now the thing was pulling me in faster and harder. I could feel my arms and leg feel crushed under pressure inside of it. Eventually it got to the point where it was only my head and back on the outside. I felt my torso get pulled with a jerk and all that was left was my face against the thing. I felt it creep over me like it was a blob just encasing in me. Finally it started to ease over and pull me in. I closed my eyes and held my last breath, just hoping whatever the hell was happening was going to stop soon.
I consider myself a decent morning person, I love to wake up at 8 and have some breakfast and wash up and junk, my favorite part of the morning though is right when you wake up. Because in that few seconds after waking up you forget who you are or what you do, and then it all comes rushing back. This time was completely different from what I was used to. I felt disorientated, groggy, and like i was thrown through a jet turbine. When I woke up it I experienced two things, one was to a horrible smell. It was as if I fell into the worst part of a city dump. And then there was this loud garbled whispering, I can sleep through a lot of stuff, but god it was annoying. There was also an incredible throbbing in both my head and legs. Despite my body protests I got up and tried to figure out what happened, when I opened my eyes to investigate I was surprised not to see a glaring light, in fact the area was decently illuminated though only in puts where the sun was showing through...
"Wait what?"
I looked up and noticed I wasn't in my house and it was just the trash waking me up. What I was looking at was a large slab of steel covering most the sky and a tower. Okay this doesn't make any sense, how the hell did I end up out of my house? What happened? I looked around and find myself in some sort of an alleyway. The only buildings I could differentiate were the walls and some tower... that tower looks like familiar though...forget it I noticed I need to go and see where I am and why I'm out here. I need to call the police and get a ride home an see who dragged me out. I decided it would be better to get out of the garbage and see what street I'm on, I peak my head out and saw a huge crowded area and people walking about. There's some kind of fountain I can't recognize and the air seems dirtier than around my neighborhood. Was I taken downtown? How does that work?
"Guess I need to get off my ass and actually see where the hell I am." I went back and searched the ally for any of my stuff just in case I dropped something important. I noted I still had my white T-shirt and my tripp pants on from the night before I was also in my lace-less water shoes, I checked my pockets and saw I still had my phone as well as my iPod and my headphones. I also found my favorite pair of welders goggles. I guess I forgot to take those out. Hmm strange.
"At least I have something." I open up my phone and dial 911 only to get a tone that says to complete the number. I was thrown for a loop since 911 is for emergency's unless something drastic happened. I dialed my friends and my parents numbers and they all said the caller didn't exist. I pocket my phone thinking it was just on the fritz.
I was about to walk off when I saw a glint near where I woke up, after some rummaging I found a perfectly nice sword! It even came with a holster, It was my favorite kind too, a katana!. although it had a slightly bent edge at the end. Whatever if someone is throwing this away its mine now. I mean who throws away a perfectly good sword? This thing is sharp too, not even that display stuff my brother has. I put the holster on and walked back out the alley and try to figure out where I am. I wander around and see that some of the buildings look like their made out of scrap which really creeps me out thinking about what part of town I was in.
After about ten minutes I found myself close to that tower I saw before, I swear I've seen it the whole city seems familiar, maybe I was here once before...I really should get directions. I went in the structure and found a very well lit and clean lobby with two stairs leading up to and impressive looking second floor, I also found a secretary at the front desk.
"Hello sir do you have an appointment?" she said in a very kind voice.
"No I'm here because I'm a little lost, I can't seem to find out where I am?"
"Oh you must be from the country side, I can see how you can be a little mixed up!"
"Yeah that's it!" Okay Colorado springs isn't that big a city and I have a great sense of direction.
"I do hope you enjoy your stay here in Midgar for however long your here, now where do you need to get?"
"Ah well I need you to tell me where..." wait a tick " Excuse me but what did you say?"
"I said I hope you enjoy your stay in Midgar."
Now bullshit that's not possible.
I ran outside and looked around, I finally noticed my surroundings. There was a theatre had in the showcase "Loveless", the vehicles that I brushed off had no specific company brand name and some even had three wheels heard the distinct sounds of a train in the distance even though there wasn't a station anywhere close to downtown. I turned around and looked at the tower again, finally noticing the large insignia on the side with the towers name at the bottom.
Shinra Electric Power Company