Has it been more than half a year already! I am so, so, so sorry for not updating, I just got caught up in my Athlon story and then I had to do Spanish and then family and friends came to visit and I've been spending a lot more time with my siblings now so this story got pushed back as well as the rest of my stories. Plus, we got a lizard and I'm the one taking care of it and pending the most time with it(though it's a cool animal and I adore it so I'm ok with that). I hope you can forgive me for being gone so long, I'll try to update more often. Well, here is the fifth chapter, I'll try to update more, I was just stuck on this one idea but it happens in the chapter so I'm over that now and can go on to the rest of the story.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything or anyone that is from the series! As well as the insults and comebacks, found those online!
Song I'm listening to right now: "Syndicate" by The Fray(you go to Pandora and they play something completely different then your playlist! But I'm ok with that, I love the Fray so…)

Chapter 5
Percy's P.O.V.

When I finally reached the arena, I set everything up and was finished just as everyone arrived. As soon as everyone was seated I turned to face them.

"Good Afternoon demi-gods," I greeted, "Hunter's, and Artemis." I added at the glares I was getting from the hunters and Artemis since not all of them are demi-gods. But of course, even though some of my warriors were mortal, they weren't glaring at me. Then again, the hunters were probably only glaring at me because they hate me, "Tonight we are going to have a campfire as usual." Everybody cheered at that since the campfire is usually everyone's favorite thing here at camp. I have to agree, it was one of my favorites when I was a camper here, "So Apollo cabin would you mind coming up here and leading the campfire?" I asked which was unneeded since the Apollo cabin always led the campfire. When the Apollo cabin started to come to the front I left the stage and went to sit down with the warriors. As soon as I was comfortable, the campfire began.

Throughout the night we say songs, played games, ate smores, and just had fun. As I sat there, smiling brightly at a joke Tyzon had just told, I was reminded yet again of when I was a camper with my friends at the campfire. The Stoll's and the rest of the Hermes cabin would play tricks on people and steal their stuff, like the Hermes cabin was doing now, the Aphrodite cabin would gossip and do their make-up, Hephaestus cabin built things out of barely anything, Athena cabin read books or were writing, and so much more. I loved it, it felt like I was a 16 year old demi-god son of Poseidon again, it felt like I was back home after a long vacation and I loved every single moment of it. When the songs finally came to an end, we had about half an hour left and I was curious as to what they were doing. One of the Apollo campers then stood up and started to speak.

"For these last couple of minutes we decided to do something a little...different." He stated and everyone looked confused and curious at that, "We decided that every night every week will have a different theme, and this week's theme is...Percy Jackson." He finished. At those words, everyone looked over at me as my head snapped up.

"W-what?" I asked, dearly hoping I heard wrong.

"I said this week's theme is about you and how you became a god." He repeated, grinning.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no! Not at all!" I exclaimed in protest but the boy just continued to grin widely at me.

"Oh come on Percy, this'll be great!" Travis exclaimed loudly, grinning a grin at me that was just as big as the Apollo boy's. The whole camp and all the warriors cheered in agreement while the hunters and Artemis just glared furiously at me, probably thinking I had planned this because that's what a male would do. But I expected that so I just ignored them and turned back to the campers and warriors. I could see from the excitement in their eyes that they really wanted to the theme week thing so, with a deep and defeated sigh, I spoke up.

"Alright, alright! We can do it." I gave in which made everyone even more happy. They all knew what had happened but they were only told the basic things and not the entire adventure. After a few minutes everyone had calmed down and all looked over at the Apollo cabin. They seemed to not notice all the looks though and were smiling sheepishly and beggingly at me. Just from their looks I knew what they wanted. I sighed and before I was about to stand up and walk over to them, a girl's voice spoke.

"No, we don't want to hear about you." A hunter snapped.

"Well everyone else does." Adam stated and they glared at him.

"Well we don't so choose to do something else." Another hunter stated, glaring at me.

"Why not, it would be fun to learn about Percy." Henry innocently stated, confused.

"Because it's stupid." A little hunter about Henry's age said, glaring at him.

"It's just telling a story, what's wrong with that?" Jesse questioned.

"Because it's his story." Phoebe stated, "He'll probably just brag about his accomplishments." She growled in disgust, glaring at me.

"What is wrong with him?" Ryan demanded, glaring at Phoebe, "And he doesn't brag!" He exclaimed in defense.

"Oh, everything is wrong with him. And yes he does brag because he's a man and you all brag." Phoebe explained matter of factly. I could see that Ryan was getting angrier so I interfered before he could speak.

"Ok, if you don't want to then we won't tell my story." I decided and all the campers groaned in disappointment.

"No, go ahead, brag about yourself." Artemis stated casually, glaring at me, "You can't help it; you are a male after all." She added, saying male as if it was the worst insult in the world, and to her it is.

"No, I just don't want to get into a fight." I admitted and the hunters snorted.

"Oh please. You just know you're going to be humiliated if you do." Phoebe claimed superiorly.

"More like he's saving you the humiliation." Ryan countered.

"Idiot." Phoebe bit back as the two glared back at each other as they always do.

"Psychotic girl." He insulted.


"Egotistic brat."

"As an outsider, what do you think of the human race?" Phoebe insulted.

"Every girl has the right to be ugly, but you abused the privilege!"

"Have you considered suing your brains for non-support?"

"How did you get here? Did someone leave your cage open?" Ryan countered.

"You are living proof that men do live without a brain!"

"Hi! I'm a human being! What are you?"

"You have a mind like a steel trap - always closed!" Phoebe yelled.

"I'd like to see things from your point of view but I can't seem to get my head that far up my butt!"

"Go ahead, tell them everything you know. It'll only take 10 seconds."

"Do you still love nature, despite what it did to you?" Ryan growled. As those two insulted each other, the other hunters and warriors started to fight with one another, yelling and screaming.

"Calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people!"

"Don't you have a terribly empty feeling - in your skull?"

"Don't you need a license to be that ugly?" One of the hunters yelled at Adam.

"Any similarity between you and a human is purely coincidental!"

"Do you ever wonder what life would be like if you'd had enough oxygen at birth?"

"So, a thought crossed your mind? Must have been a long and lonely journey!" Katie screamed at Travis.

"If you had another brain, it would be lonely!"

"I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it really works!"

"If ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest person alive!" One hunter yelled at Tyzon.

"Pardon me, but you've obviously mistaking me for someone who cares!"

"I see the wheel is spinning, but the hamster looks dead!"

"I'd like to help you out. Which way did you come in?" Connor said to Miranda, both of them glaring at one another.

"Can't you control your warriors?" Artemis yelled at me.

"Why can't you control your hunters?" I countered. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see all the campers eating smores and staring at us, their faces filled with anticipation and excitement at us fighting. Suddenly, as the fight climaxed, a whistle sounded, probably the loudest I have ever heard, and we stopped talking to look over to see Hermes in mid-air, staring at us.

"Yes Hermes?" Artemis asked.

"The rest of the counsel would like the see you two for a meeting. Until the meeting is over though, we have agreed for the hunters to be locked in their cabins." He explained to our confusion.

"Why are they being locked up?" I questioned.

"Because the meeting concerns them." He explained respectably before disappearing. Artemis and I glanced at each other before sighing and turning to face each of our groups.

"Sorry warriors it seems you are being put under house arrest." I stated and they sighed but nodded in understanding, "Bye guys, I'll see you later." I waved my hand towards them and in the next second they were gone, teleporting back to our cabin. I looked over towards Artemis to see she had just sent the hunter's away as well. Our eyes met for a second before we looked away and teleported to Olympus to meet the gods. As the lights dimmed down, Artemis and I were standing side by side across from the other twelve Olympians. We both walked towards our thrones and sat down in them.

"So, what is wrong?" I questioned as we both settled in our thrones. At that question, everyone looked at Athena.

"It has come to our attention," She hesitantly stated, nervous for some reason. As if sensing her nervousness, dad reached over and grasped her hand, kissing it. Oh yeah, I haven't explained that yet. You see, when I was still a demi-god, Amphitrite tried to kill mom and I, resulting in dad divorcing her. After a few years during a winter solstice meeting, dad and Athena announced their relationship and got married a year later. It's been about 93 years since then and I think I've ever seen a couple more perfect for each other though it never seemed like they would be, what with their constant fighting and all. I was pulled out of my thoughts as Athena continued to speak.

"That your warriors and Artemis' hunters have not stopped fighting, but, in fact, have increased it." She stated and I mentally sighed. Since the hunters and warriors first met, they have fought more and more and I could tell it was getting on the other Olympians nerves, I was wondering when they would bring it up, "Then, Aphrodite came up with an idea, a good one actually," She reassured at Artemis and I's panicked look. Aphrodite looked offended, "So, we voted on her idea and all approved of it." She finished.

"And what is the idea?" I questioned hesitantly, not liking where this was going.

"We have decided that, in hopes of your two groups to stop fighting," She paused here and took a deep breath, "that they will be sent on a quest together, to find and defeat all the remaining monsters of the war." She ended and Artemis and I were completely astonished.

"What? But we can't! If you do that they will kill each other!" Artemis exclaimed in protest and I nodded in agreement.

"Exactly!" Artemis was so mad, she forgot to glare at me for agreeing with her, "If we do that to them and let them work together alone, they will kill each other." I stated and the 12 Olympians smiled.

"Who said they'll be alone?" Zeus questioned, smirking.

"What do you mean? "Artemis inquired.

"It occurred to us that that would happen. So we have decided that, to prevent that from happening, you two will join them on this quest. Besides, you two fight as well and what better way to get them to make up, then to see their leaders doing it too?" Dad asked and I was speechless at that and it seemed Artemis was too. Finally, it seemed Artemis could talk.

"But we aren't allowed to interfere, it's against the ancient laws!" She proudly exclaimed, smiling at her quick thought.

"Yes, we can interfere with mortal's life's." Hera emphasized, "Last I checked, the hunters and warriors aren't mortal, they are immortal." She corrected and we were caught at that.

"But-" We both started to complain but stopped, not able to come up with anything to contradict that.

"You can be serious!" Artemis continued, "You can put the hunters and I with- with him," She pointed at me, "And his group of males!" She exclaimed in disbelief.

"I'm sorry Artemis but we have decided." Hestia softly stated, "You, Percy, the hunters, and the warriors have been offered a quest you have to take it." She sympathetically stated, staring in concern at Artemis and I, though I could see in her eyes that she approved of this idea, after all, she voted yes.

"But there must be some way we can get out of this!" Artemis exclaimed and the other 12 Olympians sighed deeply.

"Actually," Aphrodite started, causing us to look over at her, "There is." We were all confused and curious at that.

"What is it?" I questioned calmly and she looked over at me before glancing at everyone else.

"The only way to get out of this is for Perseus," She gestured to me, "To overpower our vote. After all, he is the King of the Gods." She stated matter-of-factly. At that everyone looked over at me.

"So that's all? Percy just has to say no?" Artemis questioned in disbelief, shock, and hope.

"Yes, of course." Athena stated, agreeing with Aphrodite for once, even though she is married now and in love, love and intelligence are still enemies. Even though Artemis said it was simple, I knew that it wasn't. If I voted no, then I would be going against what everyone else voted, what everyone else wanted. That is not the democracy I wanted there to be in my reign. What kind of King would I be if I pushed for everyone to be part of this democracy if I myself went against it when it was being used against me? As I looked over at Aphrodite, I could see that she had gathered this as well and knew what my choice would be, which is why she brought this point up. At that thought, I knew I had made up my mind.

"It's settled then, Artemis, the hunters, the warriors, and I will be going on this quest." I finalized and stood up, "Artemis, the warriors and I will meet you and the hunters at Yellowstone National Park tomorrow at 7 in the morning to start our quest." And with that, I teleported to Camp Half-blood. Before I had completely disappeared, I heard one last thing.

"*sigh* How I love how respectable and non-tyrannical he is." A voice that sounded like Aphrodite said. I just sighed, yet smiled, before I completely appeared in my cabin, standing in front of the warriors.

Song I'm listening to right now: 'Want you back' by Cher Lloyd ft. Astro(Love all Cher's songs, they are great!)
And that is the chapter. I know, I know, it's really short after you all waited more than half a year but it took me a long time to write and I debated this chapter many times and changed the ideas around a lot, cancelling some and going back to others, till I finally settled on this idea. I would have made it longer but I wanted to get it out today because tomorrow I am heading to camp for four days and then I have a few days before my family and I head up to Canada for two weeks so I won't be able to update for a while, though I may be able at Canada, depends on how much time I have to write. So bye, I'll update again soon.:)