A/N - So, this is going to come in parts, because I'm a lazy ass and don't want to put it in one giant chunk or anything. And, besides, I need more junk on here, since I deleted pretty much everything that I had before, because it all sucked major butt. So, yeah.

Disclaimer - I do not own the characters or Homestuck. They belong to Andrew Hussie.

He didn't know how he did it, but he guessed it had something to do with his cool kid powers of being, well, just so damn cool. Dave Strider in a totally cool and ironic way had gotten the supposed 'totally straight, not homosexual' John Egbert to fall for his shaded, blonde self. Hell, it had only happened a while after the Sburb experience, once they settled into the fact that Earth and the rest of their universe hadn't just blown to shit with all of those god damn flaming meteors. Everything was back how it was, as if they had never played that shitty beta. Unfortunately, 'everything' meant Bro's army of smuppets and Lil' Cal were still around. As cool as Cal was which wasn't really at all he had been better when he was torn to smithereens in the crater of a meteor that had pummeled one of Aradia's whacked out clone bots.

Not that he could tell Bro that, because that would not be severely uncool, but it'd probably end in a duel between the two Striders on the roof of the apartments, and fuck it, Dave couldn't win.

But, anyway, Mr. CoolKid Dave Strider had been with plain, old dorky John Egderp for the last few years, from when they were thirteen until now, at their ripe ages of sixteen, Dave being older by a couple of months. It hadn't progressed past a long-distance relationship, just keeping it going through Pesterchum, Skype, and whatever other social interaction methods they chose to use. They hadn't seen each other in person since their time in Sburb.

Dave felt it was time for a totally ironic flashback.

- ectoBiologist [EB] began pestering turntechGodhead [TG] -

EB: hey dave!
EB: guess what.
EB: i bet you won't be able to guess.
TG: what
TG: tell me its that bro is done with puppets
TG: that fuckin smuppet army
TG: hate that thing like you dont even know
EB: nope!
EB: guess again.
TG: gamebro magazines suddenly arent total shit
EB: hehe you know that won't happen.
EB: like ever.
TG: hey man a cool dude like me can hope
TG: shits only good for reviewing
EB: okay since you're never going to guess
EB: it's that Con Air is playing at the theater in my town.
EB: it's so awesome!
TG: that movie is a shit stain on film history
TG: a skid mark in the movie industrys underwear
EB: no way.
EB: it's the greatest movie ever.
EB: i mean seriously.
EB: it's got Nicolas Cage and everything.
EB: you should come to my town.
EB: right now.
EB: and then watch Con Air with me cause it's great.
TG: john
TG: its so flattering
TG: that youre asking me out on a date
TG: but it should be less shitty of a first date
EB: i'm not asking you on a date.
EB: you're a loser.
TG: gettin defensive
TG: too late
TG: cause i already know about your crush
EB: dude no.
EB: shut up. i'm not flushed for you like the trolls would say.
EB: dumpass.

That conversation continued on like that for a while hours, actually and ended only when Bro threatened to cut the Internet connection for the night. How it ended, though, was in such a different fashion than the commonplace bro arguing and picking fun at each other.

EB: good night.
EB: ..i love you.
TG: night dude TG: i love you too

- ectoBiologist [EB] ceased pestering turntechGodhead [TG] -

Dave had to admit that that conversation had been kind of awkward, and it had threatened to break his cool kid facade. Even though it crumbled a bit on the inside, he managed to keep his poker face, lest Bro came in and noticed and proceeded to beat him with plush puppet ass. But fuck it, what did he care? Battling a horrorterror wave of dong-nosed smuppets was nothing compared to how he felt freakin' happy. He had gotten John with his adorable buckteeth and silly square glasses to finally get with him.

They'd been together ever since then, and it was just, well, amazing. John had definitely given up on the 'I'm not gay' whatnot, and he had become a bit fruity. Well, not literally fruity like a fuckin' banana or something, and not, like, serious-gay-lisp-and-fashion-scarf fruity. Just... gay. Basically, he just no longer tried to hide it. Not a flamer, but not a mansteak womaniser. You get the point.

They would talk every night, about who the fuck knows what, just for the sake of talking to each other. It really wasn't all that much different than their conversations used to be, but they now managed to sneak in some flirting, and it always ended with an 'I love you'. Tonight wasn't much different.

- ectoBiologist [EB] began pestering turntechGodhead [TG] -

EB: hey Dave.
TG: sup EB: okay, so...
EB: i was wondering...
EB: if...
TG: dude get on with it
TG: a cool dude like me doesnt have all day
EB: oh shut up.
EB: anyway, i was wondering
EB: ...if you'd go to prom with me.
EB: Dave?
EB: you don't have to say yes if you don't want to.
TG: sorry dude
TG: bro came in
TG: so i turned the monitor off
EB: okay.
EB: so...
EB: will you?
TG: i dont know how id get there
TG: i would if i could dude
EB: i kind of saved up money.
EB: just in case you said yes.
TG: really
TG: well shit
TG: youre too nice
TG: i hope you know that
EB: i'm not too nice, i just love you.
EB: 3
TG: 3
TG: so yeah
TG: ill go and ill pay you back sometime
TG: i doubt bro will care if i go

It was settled. He and John freakin' Egbert were going to go to the latter's prom together.