Okay, I'm really sorry for being late. I had school to worry about, and my sister just moved and I was worried about her. I'll try to upload a few more chapters now that I'm on holyday.

"That wasn't easy, but we did it!" said Crow

"Of course we won! No one can defeat the King!" said Jack

"Isn't that attitude more suited for a twenty years old duelist?" asked Ruka

"What are you talking about? Are you saying I'm old!?" replied Jack

"Well, having two teenage sons means that your old" said Rua

"We'll talk about it when you'll have your own children" said Aki, to end the argument.

They were walking towards the Fudo residence, after having dinner all together to celebrate the Team 5Ds qualification for the WRDG. They had a very fierce battle with the Team Unicorn, just like the first WRDG, but they managed to win. They were all in a good mood, all but Yusei, whose mind seemed to be somewhere else. He didn't talk until when they reached the house.

"Dear, there is something wrong?" asked Aki, worried.

"It's just... tomorrow there is Hirus's team first match, and I don't know if hoping for their victory or for their defeat" said Yusei

"There is no need for your hope" replied Rua "They all are great duelists, and they will win for sure and qualified for the WRDG. I'm their practical teacher, I know what I'm talking about"

Yusei didn't answer. He just unlocked the door and they all entered the house.

"You're worried about this new threat the Crimson Dragon warned us about, aren't you? You think that if they duel in the WRDG, they will be in danger" said Aki.

Yusei just nodded. He knew that his wife knew him too well to be able to lie to her.

"They will be fine. There are a lot of strong team in the WRDG. They will probably be defeated before this threat even shows up" said Crow

"Are you sure about it?" asked Jack

"Of course! You can't seriously believe that they coul... wait, do you seriously think they can win?" he looked to the others, and saw that they all thought that the chances were high "Oh, come on! They have no experience! They can't pull it trough!"

"Do you have so little faith in your own son?" asked Carly (A/N she's part of the team too now, but doesn't duel).

"Yakato never dueled before in his life. I'm not even sure he has a deck" replied Crow, but then he face palmed "He does have a deck. I gave him the deck the city gave me as a reward for saving New Domino during the Arc Cradle incident. The Mystic Blood deck"

"Curious. I gave the deck the city rewarded me with to Amris too" said Yusei, thinking about the Feather's song deck.

"I did too. I gave the Machine Wonder deck to Jackson" said Jack "And Aki, you gave Miria the Infernal Army deck, didn't you?"

"Yes" said Aki "Hirus already had his deck, so I gave mine to your daughter"

"So, they all have the deck we gave them. What happened to the Phoenix Legacy deck?" asked Crow

"I sold it" said Ruka "I needed money for my studies, so I sold it as a collection deck to a very wealthy family of duelists"

"And I used the deck Robotic Evolution to boost the power of my Morphotronic deck" said Rua.

"So, that's where they got their decks" said Carly, talking mostly to herself.

"Yes, but that leaves Hirus out of the equation. Where did he got his deck?" asked Rua

"He found it inside an old Duel-Runner, which he was salvaging for parts" replied Yusei "But he also posses another deck, which he put together card by card. And no one ever saw that deck in action. He never used it"

"Okay, so Hirus has the most powerful and difficult deck ever" said Jack "AND another deck, which no one have ever seen, that may be even more powerful in his hands"

They fell silent. All of them was thinking the same thing: If their sons entered the WRDG, they would most likely meet this new threat.

"Tomorrow" said Yusei "I'll talk to Hirus before his match. I'll explain the situation to him and tell him to forfeit the match"

"Do you seriously think that's for the best?" asked Aki

"I'm sure. They'll be safer this way"

The next morning, around 10:00 am...

Hirus was walking trough a corridor, which was leading him to his team's box. He was excited: it was their first match, and they decided the name of the team just the night before.

"It's our first match, and also the qualification for the WRDG" thought the boy.

But when he reached the exit, he found his father, Yusei Fudo, waiting for him.

"Hirus" said Yusei

"Oto-san" said Hirus, walking by

"Hirus, I need you to forfeit the WRDG" said Yusei

Hirus stopped.

"The Crimson dragon told us that there is a new threat, and I want you to be saf..." he couldn't finish.

Before he could end the sentence, an invisible force slammed him against the wall, keeping him there and blocking his movements. When Yusei looked up, he saw an almost invisible figure, that was holding him with an hand. And it looked a lot like Stardust Dragon.

"What do you think you're doing?" asked Yusei, angry with his son.

"You won't stop me" replied Hirus "And I'll show you why"

The blue eyed boy reached his companion a couple of minutes before the match would start. At the same time, Yusei met his wife and friends inside of a room with enormous windows, made to allow a full view on the duel.

"What happened to you?" asked Jack, seeing that Yusei was a little beat up

"Hirus didn't exactly agree with my suggestion" he replied, sitting on a couch

"He did this to you!?" asked Aki, disbelieve all over her face

"Not exactly" answered Yusei "There is a strange force together with him, which looks a lot like Stardust dragon, but has something different"

"I saw it too" said Ruka, who was sitting on a table nearby "He always have this strange spirit around him, and I was never able to see it clearly"

"You mean that it's a card spirit?" asked Rua

"Dunno" replied his twin "I asked Ancient Fairy Dragon about it, but she couldn't tell me anything"

"Anyway" said Yusei "He told me that he was going to show me why I shouldn't try to stop him. Let's watch this duel and see for ourself"

"Hiru-nii-san! There you are!" said Amris, when she saw her older brother coming "We need to confirm the duelist sequence"

"It is me, then Jackson and then Yakato, right?" asked Xilas

"No" replied Hirus "I'll go first. Yakato second, and Miria third"

"Why?" asked Xilas "We discussed this, and we agreed that I was better going first"

"I know" answered the brown haired boy "but there is something our parents need to understand"

Xilas remained silent for a while, and then simply said

"Got it. Good luck"

"They won't need it" replied Jackson.

The opponent team was called "Thorned Heart" and they were famous for their incredible combos of field destruction. That was why Hirus thought that Xilas' deck would be the best counter: she was able to always summon new monsters, no matter how many were destroyed. Before going to the circuit with his duel-runner, Hirus switched his Infinity Guardian deck with another one, which he was keeping inside of a pocket in his jacket.

"ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this new day of the WRDG qualifications!" yelled the announcer in the microphone

"Today we have the most incredible mixture of duelists for you! On one side, one of the favorite teams for the WRDG: team Thorned Heart! Its members are Jessica, Helena and Iris! These three girls sure look beautiful, but they can pack a punch none the less!"

The people on the stands yelled the names of the girls, cheering them.

"And as their opponents" continued the announcer "There are these young duelists which have still to show what they are made of! They are Jackson and Miria Atlas, Xilas Serpuari, Yakato Hogan and Amris Fudo! Led by Hirus Fudo, Let us welcome... TEAM SHINKA!"

The people of the stands resumed their ovations, yelling even more this time.

"As there are very few teams, today team Shinka only needs one win to enter the WRDG. That's why they got such a strong team as their first opponent! Now, the sequence for the duel is: for team Thorned Heart: Jessica, Iris and then Helena. For team Shinka: Hirus, Yakato and Miria! Let the duelist get ready!"

"Hey, little boy" called Jessica, a beauty with long black hair "think you can manage a girl of my caliber?" she said to Hirus, seductively

"I think I can take care of myself" said Hirus, emotionless

"They look ready!" said the announcer "TURBO DUEL! ACCELERATION!"

Jessica took the lead, and was about to get the first turn, when Hirus pushed a button on his Duel-runner. His engines roared, and his Duel-runner gained almost twice the speed of Jessica's Duel-runner, easily surpassing her and taking the first turn.

"It looks like I'm going first" Hirus said "Draw! I begin by summoning Tech Synchron" a small robot, looking like a person with a silver armor, appeared "Due to its effect, I can summon from my hand a level 4 or less monster. I chose Light speed Warrior" A robot with an aerodynamic armor came to the field "Now, I'm tuning my level 3 Tech Synchron with my level 4 Light speed warrior! New Stars will gather to join this new Strength! Be the sky its path shines across! Synchro Summon! Strength born anew, Tech Revolution Warrior!"

A robot with an orange armor, holding a laser sword in its right hand, and with metallic wings on his back, entered the field.

Tech Synchron: Level 3; DARK; Tuner; warrior; ATK 1500; DEF 1200

Light speed Warrior: Level 4; EARTH; warrior ATK 1000; DEF 300

Tech Revolution Warrior: Level 7; DARK; Warrior; ATK 2600; DEF 2000

"I set two cards" said Hirus "and end my turn"

Jessica, who remained jaw dropped since the seconds summon, looked at her card.

"Perfect" she thought "What does it matter if he summoned a 2600 ATK points monster on his first turn? I can still destroy it"

"Draw!" she said "I activate the speed spell Brambles tentacles! This allows me to banish two cards in my hand and destroy a card on my opponent field"

She banished two monsters in her hand, and then said

"I chose to destroy Tech Revolution Warrior!"

Tentacles rose from the ground to catch Tech Revolution Warrior, but before they could, Hirus said

"Fast spell, open! Divide and conquer! This allows me to return a synchro monster to the Extra deck, and then summon from the Graveyard the Synchro material monsters used to summon it. Now, I return Tech Revolution Warrior to the Extra deck. This way, your spell lose its target. And then, I summon from the Graveyard Tech Warrior and Light speed warrior!".

Jessica jaw dropped again. Having banished the two monster in her hand, she couldn't summon, so she said

"I set a card. Turn End"

In the meantime...

From the tribune where they were, the Team 5Ds was watching the duel.

"Yusei, don't those cards look familiar to you?" asked Rua, referring to Hirus' monster cards.

"They are just the same!" yelled Jack "I would recognize everywhere the cards that defeated me!"

"I think they are an upgraded version" said Aki "have you seen their ATK and DEF points? They're higher than Yusei's"

"I think you're missing something" said Yusei "I had to receive the power of the Crimson Dragon, the Clear mind and then discover the Limit Over Accel Synchro to fully bring out the power of my deck. There is no way he has the same powers"

Then, he looked at his companion "Right?"

No one answered.

"You've been lucky, boy" said Jessica "But I will destroy your monsters and defeat you. Just wait the next turn"

"I can't wait" replied Hirus "Draw! Now, I summon One Head Dragon."

One Head Dragon: Level 1; LIGHT; Dragon; ATK 0; DEF 0

"Now, I'm tuning my level one One Head Dragon with my level four Light speed Warrior and my level 3 Tech warrior! Clustering wills will create a new shining star! Be the sky its path shines across! Synchro summon! Take flight, NeoStar Dragon!"

A Dragon appeared on the field. It was very similar to Stardust Dragon, but there wasn't the horn on the front of his head, his wings were smooth, and his body was dark orange instead of pale green.

NeoStar Dragon: Level 8; LIGHT; Dragon; ATK 3000; DEF 2500

"Impossible!" yelled jack, in the tribune "That's a copy of the Stardust dragon! How dare he!?"

"That's not a copy" Yusei said, only loud enough for Aki to hear "That's an evolution"

Yes, I used Yusei summoning chants and changed them a little for Hirus. I wanted to make sure everyone would make the connection :-)
I'm not copying because I have no ideas, so do not even suggest it. I just have a little plan for later, and I want everything in its place.

R&R, please. And tell me if you wish the new enemy to appear immediately, or if you would prefer a little parents vs sons first ;-)