It's finally done, fellows. I hope this last chapter is okay, I'd intended to have it up on Monday, but due to some unfortunate saving on my part I lost the whole thing and had to stay up to rewrite it, so I hope it still suffices. Mostly just fluff and closure.

And then it's goodbye from me, for a while. From tomorrow onwards, marking the start of Lent, I won't be on fanfiction for 40 days or so, so please forgive my lack of updates, comments, replies et cetera. I shall return after Easter, and I shall make it up to you with loads of reviews and new stories.

Thanks for everyone's lovely reviews, alerts et cetera. I will miss you all.

It was the most rushed ceremony in history- putting even Tootsie and Megagirl's one-minute wedding to shame. There were no rings, no fancy decorations, Crawford stuffed up the vows but neither of them cared. The emotions were coursing through both of them so fast they didn't have time to digest them- only a few minutes ago, Taz had been experiencing fear and adrenaline as she brought down a buzz saw on Space-Claw, followed almost instantly by elation at the realisation that the robots were dead, and now, before they'd even had time to properly celebrate that, she was standing here, finding herself married to Up.

The ceremony seemed to blur through her mind, over before it had even begun, but it didn't matter. It was real, it was legal, they were tied to each other, they were in love. That was all that mattered. It seemed weird that just a short while ago they had been prepared for their own deaths, that just a few days ago, even, they had had the fight to end all fights, and may have been separated for good. Yet they were here, now. Together.

They turned to each other, their eyes locking, and then the assortment of rangers and bugs cheered and whistled as Up grabbed hold of Taz and kissed her, swinging her up into his arms.

Krayonder and Criss's loud wolf-whistles stood out from among the rest of the excited noises, Taz thought out the corner of her eye she could see Crawford waving his hat.

'You guys! That is, like, the cutest thing ever!' February squealed. The two rangers broke apart to look at the crowd still celebrating their happiness, Taz still wrapped around up with her feet dangling. The Hispanic girl normally would have hurled something at the schience officer's head, but right now even she was too happy to bother with it.

'Oh-em-gee, you're, like, married! Isn't that exciting?'

The grins abruptly fell from the faces of two of the cheering rangers.

'Aw, MAN!' Krayonder yelled, the colour instantly draining from his face. 'No! They're married! We lost the bet, man!'

Criss buried his head in his buddy's shoulder, before realising that this might damage his hair and straightening up, trying to look like he wasn't on the verge of tears.

'Aw, guys!' he moaned. 'Why are you determined not to let us get rich?'

'We're broke, dude,' Krayonder whined. 'We've gone into debt to pay off this bet, and you can't even let us win some of it back before you go and get married on us!' The two threw their arms around each other and wailed.

'Serves dem right,' Taz muttered under her breath. A laugh vibrated into the back of her head, indicating that Up had heard her, and with great difficulty she manoeuvred her elbow so that it rammed backwards into him, causing him to yelp. She allowed a smug expression to settle over her features.

'So, Buggette-girl,' Roach buzzed, giving the couple a look that appeared to be the bug equivalent of a wink, 'you gonna tear off his head and let your larva devour his body?'

Taz couldn't help smirking. 'We'll see.'

Up opened his eyes and forgot where he was for a moment. Large, luxurious quarters. Sunlight which streamed through the large window and across his bed. Silence. It had been so long since he'd slept this well, or for this long, that for a while the haze of semi-consciousness still drifted around his head, clouding it of proper thoughts. Eyes still only open a crack, he gazed at the expanse of blue that sat beyond the glass of his window, becoming aware as he did that he was back at Headquarters. He was also aware, he realised as he shifted a little, that something warm and heavy was pinning his torso down. He frowned. Whatever it was, his arms were wound tightly round it and he was clutching it to his chest, as though it were the most important thing in the world.

Up forced his eyes open all the way and looked down to see a shock of dark hair resting against him, along with a face and slender limbs clinging to him all joining together to form a sleeping figure.


Focusing on her allowed Up to fully waken, and the thoughts went coursing though his mind as it all came back to him. Robots…Space-Claw…two circular buzz-saws… a rushed proposal…Holden and his rangers arriving too late…the G.L.E.E. Headquarters…

So much had happened in the week that had elapsed since the final standoff on Bug World, every occurrence blurring into the next so that everything seemed to have happened at once. On the spur of the moment Up had found himself proposing to Taz, not even giving himself time to celebrate the fact that the robots were gone, and he had been scarcely married two minutes before Holden and the other rangers had finally arrived, too late to contribute to the already finished battle but demanding the details of what happened.

The first week of his marriage had been spent, not on a relaxing honeymoon in some lovely little out-of-the-way place, but by assisting Holden to rebuild the G.L.E.E. after the death of its treacherous former leader. He hadn't been able to spend any time with his wife- wife, wife, wife, it was sill so pleasantly strange to associate that title with Taz- during the day at all. Hour upon hour had been spent in Holden's office, Up and Taz being forced to recount the events that took place on the robot ship over and over. The Hispanic girl, for whom patience had never exactly been a strong point, had been growing increasingly frustrated with having to repeat herself, eventually storming from one such meeting.

And then there had been the mountains of red tape to wade through, incident reports to be filled in regarding those rangers who had been injured on Bug World, people to be moved up or reassigned- the whole Galactic League of Extraterrestrial Exploration seemed to need to be reworked now Space-Claw's diabolical reign was over.

It was only now, after most of that was done and dusted, that Up was able to wake without another all-day meeting hanging over him, could fully appreciate this peaceful moment with Taz.

Up lay still for a moment, listening to the silence and feeling the soft hum of her breathing against his sternum. The seven syllables of her full name rolled about under his tongue as he murmured it to himself, trying to wrap his head around the iambs and attribute it to her. Esperanza Rodriguez. Sheesh. That was a mouthful. No wonder she preferred Taz. Still, she had told him; she had given him this knowledge, given him irrefutable proof that she trusted him above any other.

The Commander let his eyes wander along her sleeping form, taking in the way her arm was slung over him, the slender fingers twitching against his shoulder, the spattering of scars all over her shoulders and upper back. He could remember the incidents attached to several of them- the parabolic scar just below her neck brought back amusing memories of the time she'd tried to kill a rather large fanged creature on her own. She had a tattoo between her shoulder blades; he'd never noticed that before. He squinted, trying to work out what the small cursive letters said- something in Spanish, he thought, but before he could examine it Taz stirred, flexing her limbs and clenching her eyes shut for a brief moment before opening them.

Up smiled as she closed them again and settled back down against him, hmmming to herself. He leaned down to kiss the top of her head.

'Hey,' he whispered into her hair. 'Esperanza.'

'Taz,' she grumbled, lifting her head to glare at him through squinty, sleep-encrusted eyes.

'I know, I know,' he laughed softly, wrapping his arms more tightly round her, holding her close and shutting his eyes contently as she relaxed again. He wondered if it were possible to be any happier- he couldn't imagine anything more perfect than this particular moment in time, gently dozing back off, entangled in Taz and the blankets.

The loud sound of a fist assaulting metal soon put an end to that. 'Commander!'

'Mierda!' Taz groaned loudly, slamming her fist against the pillow just inches from Up's head.

He couldn't help the mischievous smile that crept over his face as he sat up, ruffling her hair. 'Get that, Taz.'

'Jou get it, idiota!' Taz growled, trying without much success to pull the entanglement of blankets over her head. Up paused, considering his next words.

'That's no way to talk to your superior officer,' he teased, elbowing her lightly and unable to suppress his grin at the last time he'd ribbed her this way.

She shot bolt upright, glowering. 'I'll superior officer j-'

Once again, Up couldn't resist her endearing fury, and the insult was left unfinished as he grabbed her, crushing their lips together and knocking the breath out of her. Taz wound her arms round his neck, forcing his head closer.

The hammering on the door was becoming more insistent now, and harder to ignore. With a frustrated hiss, Taz broke away from Up. 'Go away!' she shouted, casting around for something to hurl at the door.

Up shook his head. 'Go and answer it, Taz…and that's an order.'

Her head whipped around and she shot him a seething stare that clashed with his broad grin, slithering off the bed and dragging all the blankets with her.

Taz stumbled across the room, punching the door release twice in quick succession, causing the door to open barely an inch.

'De hell do jou want?'

'Comman-oh, Lieutenant.' The eye of newly promoted Ensign Henry looked through the crack at her. 'Did I disturb you?'

'Of course jou disturbed me, idiota,' Taz grumbled. 'What's goin' on?'

For a moment Taz was hit with a surge of panic- perhaps Henry's urgent knocking meant another disaster- the Headquarters had been invaded again, Megagirl's inhibitor had been damaged irreparably…no. She shook the thoughts away. Everything was gran- there wasn't a single robot left in the galaxy, with the exception of Tootsie's inhibited wife, everything was under control here. There was nothing to worry about.

'That was the medibay- Reilly's just woken up. He's pretty much healed- they said we can see him later.'

Taz tried not to let her relief at this news show. Pleased as she was that Reilly, who had saved all their lives down on Bug World, was making a good recovery, she didn't want everyone to think she'd gone completely soft.

'I'm going back to bed.'

'Wait, Holden said he wanted to see you and Commander Up in his o-' the door slid shut, cutting off the rest of Henry's sentence. Taz hobbled back over to the bed and collapsed on it, still cocooned in the blankets. A pair of warm arms wrapped around her, bundling her close.

'Since when have you not wanted to get up?' Up's voice rumbled in her ear.

'Since,' Taz growled, 'I had to go to estupido Holden's office every day and tell de same damn story to dat cabron over and…'

'Is that any way to talk about the Head of the Whole Galactic League?' Up asked in mock sternness.

'I killed de last Head of de League, ¿te acuerdas? Don't t'ink I can't do de same to Holden- and den come back to finish jou off…' Taz tried to elbow him, but her arm was still trapped in the blankets, and she had to settle for a weak shove.

Up sat up. 'Come on, hon. We'd better get to Holden's office.'

Taz's head disappeared into her cocoon, leaving only her shock of hair visible. The Commander laughed again as he pulled his shirt on over his head.

'And there I was, surrounded by these huge killer robots- and I mean huge, they were trying to kill me- but I knew they couldn't take a guy like me down. I knew I could take 'em, so I looked 'em straight in the eye…'

Lieutenant Criss was where he'd been every morning for a week, in the mess hall surrounding by a gaggle of admirers. A group of awed girls (and a couple of guys, too) were hanging on his every word- and in some cases, hanging off his arm too- as he recounted the tale of his part in the Bug World battle. Criss's bravery was played up, as was the ferocity of the tin cans, as his crowd swooned and sighed, and the Lieutenant lay back in his chair, arms behind his head in a gesture of would-be casual attitude towards his 'achievements.'

A few tables away, Krayonder and Specs exchanged glances.

'Dude, he had told that story a million times,' Krayonder said, 'and I'm preeeetty sure he's added that flaming guns bit in since yesterday.'

Specs rolled her eyes as she stirred her tea. 'Criss has a pathological need for positive attention- by believing himself flawless and surrounding himself with mindless followers who think he's brave he inflates his ego.'

Krayonder's eyes glazed over, his mind drifting away from the sentence. He tried to keep them on his secret girlfriend's face as she shifted in her chair. 'Uh…' he began, in a desperate attempt to seem like he'd understood what she was saying, 'yeah. But, uh…if I told that story to you, would it make you think I'm brave?'

Specs shook her head in mirth, and her little smile was all it took for Krayonder to hastily glance around to see if anyone was looking, then lean forward and kiss her,

'Hey, guys!' The pair immediately broke apart, red in the face as Criss, evidently now bored with his fan club, dumped his tray down, sitting in between them. Krayonder muttered an 'oh, man,' under his breath, avoiding his friend's eye and pretending instead to be fascinated by his toast.

'So…' Criss began, 'did I see you guys just kiss?'

Krayonder turned a deeper shade of red. 'So what if you did? Aw, buddy, you're not gonna start puttin' bets on us, are you?'

'Well,' said Criss, but Krayonder already had a comeback lined up. He'd suspected this might happen, now Taz and Up were married and safely out of the line of gossip, and he'd been searching for his own card to play, which had presented itself to him just two nights ago.

'So,' he began, imitating Criss's deceptively casual tone, 'was it Ensign Klaine I saw you kissin' in the bar the other night?'

Criss said nothing, but the crimson colour that spread across his face spoke for him.

'You don't make bets on me, I don't make bets on you,' Krayonder said, 'deal?

'Aw, I'm never gonna be able to afford a new guitar,' Criss grumbled as he shook his hand.

Krayonder snorted. 'Dude, you have, like, three guitars already! Why'd you need another one?'

Criss hesitated for a moment, then returned to his usual demeanor. 'I'm writin' a song, you see, to charm Klaine! He loves my voice- well, who doesn't…and I need a bass for the lower chords…actually, it's kinda cool that you know now! 'Cause I need a second opinion on my totally awesome composition!' He jumped to his feet. 'I'll go get the sheet music to show you guys!'

And he was off again. Krayonder sighed, shuffling back towards Specs. Yeesh, that was close. He'd have to be more careful if he didn't want the entire G.L.E.E. to know about him and Specs right away…he looked around again. No-one else in the mess hall was paying him the slightest bit of attention now, but still…oh, what the hey.

He leaned forward and kissed her again.

It was only natural that Holden should step up to fill the position of Head of the Whole Galactic League. Whilst Space-Claw had shut himself off, rendezvoused with robots and carried out strange and frightening experiments, Holden had been the one to hold the League together; he was practically running the place anyway. They still hadn't decided what exactly to do with Space-Claw's quarters- the rooms seemed to radiate the evil of their old occupant, and since the rooms had been raided in order to violate the lockdown no-one had volunteered to go anywhere near them. As such, Up found himself traipsing along the corridor towards Holden's old office, now set apart from the rest by a shiny new gold nameplate on the door.

Holden raised one eyebrow as he entered. 'Didn't I ask both you and Lieutenant Taz to report here?'

Up looked apologetically at the empty seat beside him and tried to think of a plausible excuse for her absence, other than 'she flatly refused to come.'

Holden waved off his apologies. 'This won't take all that long, anyway, it's only a formality, really.'

Up frowned. He had been expecting another stack of incident reports. 'A…'

'As you know, Up, the position of General is now free, and it is only fitting, due to your outstanding bravery and quick-thinking during these last few months, that we offer this position to you.'

Up really didn't know what to say now. His mouth opened silently. Sure, he was honoured- the General of the League was always highly respected, paid better, had control of nearly everything that went on- but they weren't attached to one ship and one crew. He could command whole fleets of ships, should such a mission arise, but it wouldn't be the same- he would hardly see his friends, and as for Taz…

Either Holden sensed his distress or he had been expecting it. 'You are not obliged to accept the post, Commander. I can completely understand if you'd prefer not- and due to your skills as both a leader and a fighter, not to mention your recent marriage, it may be advisable to stay where you are.'

Up let out a sigh of relief. 'I don't have ter…'

'No,' Holden said, with just the faintest hint of a smile, 'although you must understand why we had to at least give you the option of accepting it.'

The Commander smiled and saluted as he stood to leave, but Holden held up a hand.

'You're not yet dismissed, Commander,' he said and Up sat down, relishing more than ever the use of his title now he'd almost lost it. 'There was one other thing- and I would have preferred it if Lieutenant Taz had been here to hear it…'

Holden shot Up a pointed look, and he shrugged back.

'Both of your actions down on Bug World were outstanding. You two are what the starship rangers are all about- you showed initiative, courage, everything a tough soldier envies.'

The Commander couldn't help a small smile as he remembered himself six months ago, mirror in his hand, crooning you're not a failure overall to himself. If that version of him could only see himself now, he thought ruefully.

'You both have another decoration coming your way- the very least we could do to reward such actions, but seeing as you won't accept promotions, it seemed appropriate. However,' Holden's left eyebrow was aiming for his forehead again, 'you may do well to tell Taz that if she doesn't start doing as her superiors tell her, I might be inclined to take it off her again…

Up grinned. 'Will do.'

Holden nodded. 'Dismissed, Commander.'

He stood and saluted again, pausing at the door. 'Sir?'

'Mm?' Holden replied without looking up from his work.

'Since I ain't takin' the General job, who is gettin' it?'

'Well,' said Holden, 'Crawford is the obvious choice, seeing as he too fought in the most recent battle. He can take the position- Criss will just have to move up to fill his shoes.'

Up couldn't help cringing. Criss in charge of a ship. It didn't bear thinking about.

He saw himself out, meandering back down the halls in search of his wife.

He found Taz having a one-sided argument with the conditioner bottle. Holding the practically empty container upside down, instead of shaking it or squeezing it like any normal person, she was shouting at it, uttering preposterous threats which, in reality, if carried out would have no effect on the bottle whatsoever.

She was so immersed in this activity for a while she didn't notice Up's presence, until he slid the shower door aside and stood in the doorway.

Taz froze, arching one eyebrow.

'Did you only just get up?'

'Shut up,' Taz growled, clubbing him on the shoulder with the bottle. Up rubbed his arm as he took it from her, smirking at its now mutilated state. He felt little pain from her latest assault, Taz's makeshift weapon having landed on one of the few remaining parts of his body that bore a resemblance to a robot. It now sported a large dent.

'De hell did Holden want, Up?' Taz demanded as she stood back to let him in.

'That's General Up to you,' Up teased, pouring the conditioner onto her head and beginning to knead it into the roots. .

'Eres un mentiroso,' she muttered.

'What, Taz?'

'Jou are such a liar!' she repeated in English, aiming an elbow at him.

'Aw, okay, then, I ain't the new General. He did offer, though. You ain't gonna believe who's got the job.' Up replied. 'Head back now.'

'I can wash my own damn hair.'

Up grinned. 'I know- but this way is more fun.'

Taz made an annoyed noise, and Up stuck a hand under the faucet, deflecting a jet of water into her face. Taz spluttered, glaring at him and Up couldn't help laughing. He wondered briefly if all newlyweds went through this- a period of intense happiness, where everything seemed either immensely amusing or simply too wonderful to contemplate. He was in the best mood of his life, and it all had to do with Taz.

'So who did get de job?' she said presently, after her ferocity had died down a little. She raised her eyebrows as a thought struck her. 'Not-'

'Crawford, yeah,' Up said. 'And they're movin' Criss up to take his place.'

Taz's eyes widened and she swore. 'Criss? Criss? Can jou imagine what dat hijo de puta is gonna be like when he finds out?'

'Commander Criss…hey, I like the sound of that! Don'tcha just love a guy with power?' Crawford had just announced his promotion to the crews of 15A2 and 17G5, and, as predicted, Criss's reaction had been nothing short of ecstasy. He was dancing around the room, waving, gushing about his new job and singing about what an awesome Commander he was going to make (although it was suspected by most that this last one was predominantly for Ensign Klaine's benefit).

February was cheering him. Tootsie was hollering something which may have been encouraging, only it was hard to figure out what his mention of a rooster had to do with anything, and Krayonder was shouting 'that's great, man!' at the top of his voice.

Taz and Specs exchanged glances. 'Whose estupido idea was it to make him a Commander?' Taz muttered. Specs rolled her eyes in silent agreement.

'Dat cabron couldn't command a flea circus, let alone a ship!'

Criss was now trying on Crawford's hat for size, posing for his audience with a call of 'Commander on deck!'

'Lieutenant!' came a small voice from somewhere behind her. 'Taz!'

Taz turned to find Denise waiting for her, one finger on her lips. 'They said it's okay to go see Reilly now, do you wanna come?'

She took one glance back at the others. Criss and Krayonder now had each other's hats on and were dancing with linked arms, while everyone looked on in a mix of amusement and embarrassment. No-one would notice if she slipped out, not that she cared all that much. This was too ridiculo to watch.

Taz kept her pace slow and steady as she followed Denise to the infirmary, refusing to hasten, refusing to let her concern for him be seen. She did, after all, have a tough son-of-a-bitch reputation to maintain. It was bad enough everyone knew about her soft spot for Up, hard to hide nowadays. Sure, she did have quite a degree of affection both for her crewmates and the Little Tazzes, but she didn't want to destroy her tough reputation completely by appearing obviously worried about a kid who, until the events on Bug World, she had loathed with all of her being.

Since Reilly had all but sacrificed his life for them, she couldn't help feeling a surge of affection for him. He'd proved himself- his sarcastic, arrogant ways seemed to be at an end now, and he'd done something extremely brave for the sake of the human race. You couldn't ignore an action like that- and neither, it appeared, could her four favourites. They had been waiting at his side as often as they could, watching out for him like one of their own.

Taz couldn't help the smile that crossed her face as she entered the medibay to find all four of them there, new Ensign badges gleaming from their uniforms, Reilly's dangling from where it had been pinned to a bandage on his head. It was fitting that they'd all been accelerated- after taking part in a battle like that, they needed little more lessons. They had already faced what was out there- studying gunlore was futile now, and they sat with a look of confidence, looking- and she would never tire of thinking like this- frighteningly like a group photograph of her.

Brian, Henry and Kelly all grinned, moving out the way to allow Taz to move closer to the bed. Reilly was sitting up, alert but still a little worse for wear, the burns on his arms bandaged up. Taz took a step closer, and fixed him with a mock-stern glance.

'Jou,' she said, 'are loco!'

He gave her a sheepish look.

'Jou are reckless, jou could have been killed, jou are…' she paused, allowing the stern façade to drop, 'one tough sonovabitch!' She took his hand, shaking it hard. 'Jou know, I never t'ought jou had it in jou. When I first met jou, I guess I was too busy punching jou in de gut to notice jou were gonna save all our lives one day.'

She shook her head and Reilly smiled in earnest. It was a nice smile, she observed- she couldn't help but like the kid when, for the first time in her memory, he looked so genuine, so natural. And then she was struck with an idea- just an insignificant little idea, but as soon as it popped into her head she knew she couldn't get rid of it.

'Jou kids been assigned a ship yet?' she queried. They collectively shook their heads.

Taz paused. She hadn't consulted Up about this, and he was the Commander after all, but she couldn't see him objecting- and they were damn good rangers. Not that she had anything against February, Tootsie and the gang, in fact, she'd grudgingly grown rather fond of them as time went by, but it might be worth it to balance out the goofs on the ship with a few more soldiers. She squared her shoulders.

'Jou have now.'

A few excited gasps rose up.

'You mean…'

'Are we really…'

'Did Up say it was okay?'

Taz's mouth twisted. 'He will.' She would make sure of it.

She gave them a little salute, taking one last look at the five of them before she exited the infirmary. Kelly's hand was resting on the bedside table, fingers loosely linked with Henry's. The corners of her mouth curved upwards. Just like me and Up.

And speaking of Up, he'd promised her a spar and a movie tonight. Just the two of them. Just like old times. She set off with a spring in her step.

Up's eyes drifted toward the TV. He'd said it before and he'd say it again- it didn't get any better than this. Jackie Chan on the screen, a big bowl of popcorn and Taz in his arms. It had been a long time since he'd been able to just relax with her, to not have to worry about robots or reconstructions or even upcoming missions. With the robot threat gone, it was a while until 15A2 would be back in action- the upcoming weeks would be nothing but recuperation, organisation and training.

Up looked down at the Hispanic girl- his girl, lounging in his lap. Her sleepy eyes were pointed in the direction of the television, one arm around his neck, the fingers curling into his hair. Damn, how he loved her. She never ceased to surprise him- one moment she could be ferocious, punching him with all she had as they sparred, the next comforting and quiet as he held her, and the next she'd be telling him, most matter-of-factly, that she had decided her recruits were joining his crew, without consulting him first. If there was one thing that could be said about her, she got her own way. She was strong-willed. She was determined.

She was brilliant. And she was his.

'Jou watching me or la pelicula?' Taz demanded, her head cocked to one side as she glared up at him. The last time she'd said that he'd had to make excuses for himself. Now he did what he had always wanted to- drew her close and kissed her. Up felt an enormous sense of contentment wash over him as Taz settled back down in his lap, her head resting against his chest.

Everything seemed to be surreally perfect- no upcoming wars, no nosy rangers watching their every move, trying to catch them out for their own financial gain, it was the first time in months they'd been able to just watch 'the Karate Kid' without something else on their minds. And this time, he didn't have to worry about whether or not it was too obvious he liked Taz. If he wanted to kiss her, he could, and what's more he damn well would.

The last six months or so had gone by so fast….it had been a ride, a wild, insanely fast, unstoppable ride as he'd regained his strength, gained more than Taz's friendship, regained a human body, lost Taz again and nearly lost his life. But now all that was done, the future looked bright, unencumbered. He could see days stretching ahead with just him and Taz, and nothing to come in between them.

The thought brought a contented sigh from Up's chest, and he leaned down, resting his head against Taz's.

A bit o' well-earned peace.

'Aw! You guys are sooo cute!'

Both rangers groaned loudly, Taz leaping from Up's lap and stalking across the room in the direction of the voice. Up shook his head as the Hispanic girl flung open the wardrobe doors, dragging out a blithely cheery February and swearing at the top of her voice as she shoved her violently out the room.

Or maybe not.

I don't know what to think about this one. The story probably could have ended without it, it was just sort of to tie a few minor things off. Lots more Criss than I intended- I have grown far too fond of him for my own good.

And forgive me for the slightly cheesy ending- I couldn't resist ending on a reprise of the Karate Kid scene.

Hope you enjoyed. Take care. :D