Handling It (a Suits fanfiction)
Rated: T
Pairings: Mike/Harvey
Summary: Slash. Mike has a family emergency and asks for an evening off to deal with it. But Harvey's harsh words cause him to want more than just an evening away from Pearson Hardman.
A/N: I'm posting this in celebration of going off to college this week! Regular readers know I usually update on Wednesdays, but now that school is starting the schedule may change. But I won't bore you with those details until I figure them out lol. So. I'm a little late to the fandom here. But I was too wrapped up in daydreaming about the sexiness that is Gabriel Macht and Patrick J Adams to actually write anything down. Until now. I hope you enjoy it and I would love if you review :D
Chapter 1 - Breaking Point (Posted 22 August 2011)
Mike was sitting in his cubicle, going through some paperwork for Harvey when he got the call. He hadn't looked at the number before picking up, so when he heard the voice of his grandmother's nurse on the other end, he turned white as a sheet. And the news she gave him only paralyzed him further.
When the call ended, he wasn't sure what was going on. He almost felt like he was dreaming. It wasn't really happening. He took a deep breath and let it sink in. Ok, he thought, I knew this day would come eventually. He just hadn't expected it to come so soon. Still, he finished up the paperwork before going to Harvey's office.
"Hey, Donna," he said when he reached the redhead's desk, "I have this file for Harvey."
"Ok. Why are you telling me this?" she asked without looking away from her computer screen.
Mike looked down and stuttered. "I... was hoping you could give them to him."
Donna paused and turned to eye him skeptically. When she saw his pale body shaking nervously she became a bit concerned. "Mike, is there something wrong?"
"Wrong?" he looked up at her. "No, nothing... wrong. Just, um, I kind of need to leave."
"You can't leave. He's got another case for you to start working on as soon as you give him that." she nodded toward the file folders in his hands.
"Right. Ok then. Well, should I just go in, or...?"
"Mike, are you sure there's nothing wrong? You never ask permission to go in his office."
"I just don't feel like starting anything." Mike said quietly.
She lowered her eyebrows and nodded. "Sure, go in. He's waiting for you anyway."
"Okay. Thanks." Mike took another deep breath before opening Harvey's door. He didn't know why he didn't just tell Donna the truth, he knew she'd be listening anyway.
"There you are. I told you I wanted those files a half hour ago." Harvey said. But when he looked up to see Mike standing timidly in the doorway, he was almost shocked to the point of worry.
"Yeah. I'm sorry. I got... distracted." Mike closed his eyes, trying to gain the strength to get through this conversation.
"That's no excuse."
"I know." Mike said immediately. "It won't happen again."
"Good, because I need you to-"
"I can't." Mike interjected, making Harvey scowl. "Unless it's something I can do at home."
"What are you talking about?" Harvey questioned bitterly.
"I need to take the rest of the afternoon off, Harvey. I just... I got a call from-"
"If you say 'Trevor' I'm firing you for even thinking about blowing off your job to go save his worthless ass again."
"No." Mike said calmly, though his voice broke a bit. "It wasn't Trevor. It was someone from my grandmother's nursing home."
"If there's an emergency, I'm sure your grandmother wouldn't want you jeopardizing your job to visit her."
"It's a pretty big emergency, Harvey."
"What could possibly be so big that you have to leave in the middle of the day?"
Mike stayed silent. He'd barely admitted it to himself, so saying it out loud was going to be difficult.
"I asked you a question, Mike." Harvey insisted.
"She's gone." Mike answered quickly. It was like ripping off a bandage. It had to be done, and the longer you drew it out the more painful it was. "She died. This morning. Heart attack. I'm not asking for a week off, Harvey, I just need the rest of today. I can't... I can't be here. I can work, I'm not trying to get out of it, I just can't work here right now."
"Are you serious? A grown man has to leave work because his grammy died?"
"No. You can mourn your loss after work like everyone else."
"But, Harvey..."
"I mean it." the man scolded. "If you leave this building before the end of the day, I'll consider it your resignation."
"Wow, gee, thanks for being so supporting and understanding." Mike seethed as he threw his files onto Harvey's desk and snatched the new one's from his boss's hand.
"We wouldn't even be having this problem if I would've hired an associate with a stronger stomach."
Without looking at the older man, Mike charged out of the office, not even stopping to nod or wave to Donna on his way out like he usually did.
Not that she was expecting him to after hearing his conversation with Harvey. Although she could see where her boss was coming from, she couldn't help thinking maybe he was being too hard on him this time.
When Mike reached his cubicle, his mind was made up. He opened his messenger bag, shoving the files Harvey had given him along with all the personal items in his desk inside.
A/N: I'm sorry if that sucked. I can't tell right now since it's like 1 a.m. lol. There's more to come so if you're interested, stick around for chapter two :)