The fighting went the same way it does everyday. The engineer set on his sentry in the main room of the base. The demoman didn't have to stay behind because he had no spies to protect it against. He followed Conrad and Vadik into the enemy base. Gabriel and Claire ran in front of them, quickly disguising and cloaking before going in. Conrad had a hard time focusing. His mind was still on Fontaine, whom he had left alone and in his medical room. He didn't even lock the door. Who knows what the Frenchman was getting into. Vadik yelled, snapping the medic out of it.
"Doctor, activate charge!" he shouted, trying to take out a sentry. Conrad flipped the switch, making them invincible and allowing the heavy to destroy the RED engineers creation. But as they turned to walk into the room, the RED heavy and RED medic came out. They were already fully charged and the medic activated her own charge. The RED heavy laughed and lowered his Brass Beast, taking out Vadik's legs. But it would take more then that to down the BLU. He started his own gun and fired back. Conrad knew it was hopeless. He watched as bullets hit his friend repeatedly, staining everything around him with blood. Vadik managed to shout at him one last time, "Get out of here, doktor!"
"But-! Vadik-" he tried to argue.
"Go! Now!"
Conrad turned and ran, leaving the heavy to fend for himself. His eyes filled with tears when he heard a painful cry and the gunfire stopping. He quickly hurried back to his base.
"What a shame, the man was a good one." the BLU engineer told Conrad, who sat on his dispenser after the battle. He wiped his eyes and clutched his Medigun to his chest.
"Ja, he vas." he replied. He watched as the soldier and demoman brought Vadik's body back. He was bleeding from every part of his body. The medic looked away, "Poor Vadik..."
"Don't worry, men, we'll get a new heavy!" J.D. told them, not even noticing their sadness with the lost of the old one. He hummed happily, resting his rocket launcher on his shoulder and walking away. Conrad frowned and jumped off the dispenser. He made his way down to the medical room.
"Zo 'ow was today's battle? Did I miss anything exciting?" Fontaine asked the medic as he walked in. Conrad shook his head, wiping his eyes and trying to hide his tears. The spy had already seen them and looked at him in a puzzled way, "Whats zhe matter?"
"Its nozhing... just get to resting or somezhing." Conrad told him. The spy just shrugged, leaning back and putting his hands behind his head. He watched the other man put the Medigun back on its hold and aim it at him, turning it on. The BLU mist of medicine surrounded him, sending a pleasant feeling through his body. He put his hands behind his head and took a deep breath.
"Fine, fine." he replied. Conrad returned to his desk, pulling out a stack of papers and pulling a pen from his pocket. He adjusted his glasses. The spy looked around in a bored manner, "Tell me, 'ow long do I 'ave to stay in bed?"
"Argh... are you really going to be stubborn vith me, Herr spy? I'm very tired." the medic said. The spy sat up, still confused.
"I'm not being stubborn! What 'as you in such a bad mood?" he asked. Conrad dropped his pen, tears welling up in his eyes again. He got up and walked over to the other man. Fontaine slipped off the medical bed, keeping a hand on the edge of it to steady himself. His stomach and abdomen still hurt.
"Vadik... Vadik died today..." Conrad said. He closed his eyes and let the tears stream down his face. He wiped at them and turned away from the spy. Fontaine took a step forward and let go of the bed. In a surprising motion to even the medic, he put his arms around him. Hugging him from behind, he resting his chin on the man's shoulder. Conrad silently cried and leaned carefully back into the hug. He didn't want to put too much weight on the already unstable spy. They stayed like that for a while. The clocked ticked from his desk. Once the medic had calmed down enough, he put one of his hands on Fontaine's arm. The warm skin made it pleasant to the touch. He even smiled a little when the other man buried his masked face in his hair, breathing in the scent. "Heh..." he said awkwardly, wiping his eyes once more, "Stop zhat, Herr spy..."
"I always found comfort in 'ugs..." the spy replied, tightening his grip a little, "My mother always 'ugged me and my brother. More then zhe usual mother would. She would always tell us 'ow much she loved us and she was in a good mood all zhe time... um... anyway, was 'e a good friend?"
"Uh... um, ja, he vas a good friend. A great fighter too." Conrad said. He closed his eyes again, listening to Fontaine's breathing. He resisted the urge to shiver as hot breath gently caressed the side of his neck.
"Thats good." the spy replied. He let go of the man, turning back to the bed and climbing back in. He lied down, his body aching from all the movement.
"You should be okay tomorrow, Herr spy. I'll let zhe soldier question you and zhen I'll come vith you for a walk around zhe base. It vill loosen your muscles and get you a little energized." the medic told him. Then he turned the Medigun off and went back to his desk. Fontaine crossed his arms over his chest and fell asleep. There was a knock at the door. Conrad hurried to it and pulled it open slowly, peeking out. The BLU engineer stood there. He waved at the doctor and put one hand against the door.
"Hey, doc', I've come to talk to ya' about the spy we've been keepin'..."