Disclaimer: I own nothing of Maximum Ride. I looked at the mirror and I still don't see an old man looking back at me. -stares- Nope, still a girl at the age of fourteen.

Background check: If you haven't read the Maximum Ride books, you won't understand this story. If you have read them, please, cross your fingers and hope for a great ending for the series.

I am an experiment. However, I am not part of Max's team. Nope, I was part 2% cat. Instead of wings, I had retractable claws. Thankfully, I don't have a tail except when I'm hunting. My agility and balance is very high. Scientist tells me that I could survive a 20-story building drop without a scratch. I was placed in the same room as the birdkids. At first, I was astonished that I was placed with birds. There was a girl that always screamed at the whitecoats, an unemotional boy, a blind kid, a chatterbox, a mischievous boy that had some issues, and a 1-year old baby. The girl was the leader. I didn't have to be smart to notice that. When I was put in the cage, I have gone to the eraser field, so I was mangled. They were suspicious of me first, but soon they told me tat I was part of their team. I was family to them. We would defend and encourage each other. They even decided a name for me, Yatlou.

I am one year younger than Max, which means that I'm 8 years old. I am a girl with dark brown hair with golden eyes and cream skin. (I know this because for some reason they like to polish the floors. If you haven't figured it out, the floor reflects my image.) I had no powers like the rest of the team. You are probably wondering how I know about reflection and if you aren't, well, I will still explain. I was created for I.Q. purposes. I am one of their many experiments that they torture mentally. They instigate our breakdowns, our intelligence level, and our survival. My torture was horrible. I don't know if feeling an eraser's claws in you stomach is painful, or the feeling of being ripped to shreds. But, I feel like mental scarring is more horrible than that. The scientist would show me videos of dying experiments. The video would show an experiment lying in their cage, lifting a hand for assistance, for a rescuer. I felt my mind memorize the position the experiment was in, the scratches, the twist of broken legs/arms, and the scientist left a heart monitor beeping. I had to hear the beeping slow down with each passing second. I had to watch the light fade from of their eyes. I trembled and wanted to close my eyes, but they wouldn't close. I had to hold a death with me each week. They would show me beating methods. They showed erasers sink their claws in their skin. They wouldn't stop. The whip would come across their back with no hesitation. The experiment would try to escape but that just earn another eraser to come and sink their claws into the experiment's wrists. I didn't even try to move. I knew it was worthless, in here you could do nothing. Another way, they would torture me was by insulting me. You must think that I'm weak for caring about what the scientist say, but it hurts when they disguise their voices as my friends' voices. My mind could not register that I was failing to keep control. Many experiments have been broken and committed suicide. I was one of the lasting experiments, but I knew that I would break. Soon.

Nevertheless, I didn't expect to break in front in my family. After being with Max for 6 months, I knew that she like to insult the whitecoats. I would always block it out. I didn't like the comebacks she used. However, she used a comeback that the whitecoats would use to break me. She screamed with hatred, "You have no meaning in this world, I bet you could die and no one would care." My mind registered the phrase and went on instinct. I couldn't control my actions. I knew I was broken I watched myself cry and pleaded to Max to stop, to stop being so mean. Her face hardened and her eyes showed disgust. The rest would watch astonished at my behavior. I was the calmest, other than the unemotional boy, out of the whole group. I guess the scientist left to inform the rest of the scientist about my breakdown. But, I didn't stop. I sobbed until I passed out of exhaustion.

When I woke up, I found my family whispering. I drew near to hear them, but the turned to send death glares at me. At first, I was confused, but I made the conclusion that the scientist put the goggles on me when I was sleeping. I smiled and waited but I found out I moved! I made a smile…then a frown. They looked confused but they composed themselves when I frowned. If it was possible, they looked ready to kill me. They smirked because they saw the fear in my eyes. But, I didn't care. I was too busy analyzing the fact that they hated me. They hated me. It was real.

For 4 months, I was ignored in the group. I didn't care as long as I had their company. They would sneak glares at me. I would feel defeated and left out, but at least they noticed my presence. I would appreciate at least that. I would listen to them breath and listen to their casual conversations. But, one day a scientist came at the middle of the night. I remembered him, he was the one that would give extra food or help once in a while. He released the smallest one and Max. He handed the bundle to Max and quickly opened the cages. He missed mine, so I hissed, "Max, can you help me?"

She smiled, "Nope, you are a worthless experiment that should have never been a part of this family. What was I thinking? You are a cat. A traitor. A weak, pathetic fool that can stand anything. You have never been thrown to the erasers. You always came back with not one scratch. A stupid piece of crap. You are should have never been created. You don't belong with us, so you can rot in here with your sappy, nice feelings. You wouldn't last." She finished with a kick at my cage and walked away. She was taking her sweet time.

I felt empty, hollow. They were gone.

That's it. This is an actual story. There will be chapters later. But for now….Review? (Points repeatedly at button.)