Hello everyone! I do apologize for the extremely long wait. There has been a lot of things and changes going on in my life that could not have been helped, and it so I haven't posted anything in a while because of that. But things have resolved for now, and now I'm back to finish what I started. I'm really grateful for those of you that have stuck it out this far to the end, and I really hope you enjoy the last few chapters. Here's the next in line to Hey Helga. Enjoy! :)

Chapter 18

"Class of P.S.121"

Arnold sat there frozen, unable to comprehend any of the events that just unfolded in front of him. Parts of him, (big parts of him) were terrified at this every moment. But the other part, (the much smaller part of him) felt…different…almost as if he knew this whole time, but never really acknowledged it…never saw it at it's true face value for what it really was…

Row by row, Principal Wartz called up the names on to the stage. Each student walked across the stage, and shook hands with their right hand, as they received their diploma with their left. When Arnold's row came up, he walked past Helga and her row, who, at a quick glance, looked…expressionless. He didn't blame her. He was just as confused as she was…he was too busy worrying about the current situation, he almost didn't hear Principal Wartz call his name.

"Arnold, …uh…hmm. Ink must have smudged, I cant read this last name.." Principal Wartz said bewildered, as he motioned Arnold to continue to move forward. Arnold took his steps into becoming a high school graduate, as she reached Principal Wartz at the podium. Arnold's grandparents practically bellowed his name relentlessly as they watched their grandson walk across the stage. Arnold shook the principals hand as he reached for his diploma.

"I knew you didn't do it, Arnold." Principal Wartz said quietly to the boy.

"I'm sorry she confessed, Principal Wartz, but the truth is, I really did do it." Arnold reinstated his story.

"It's ok, Arnold. I'm still proud of you." He smiled at him, as he stepped aside to let him pass. He did it. Arnold has just graduated from P.S. 121. Now that, that was over with, there was one more thing he had to accomplish…

"Students, teachers, family and friends, I give you, the graduating class, of P.S.121!" The principal shouted out to the auditorium as everyone returned to their seat after all of the names had been called. As if the old man's words were a green light, this signaled the entire class to throw up their caps in the air, like the tradition had always been.

In every which way and direction, each hat chose a different path to fall. The biggest part of their lives had finally arrived. Now, it was time for the celebration.

"All students and family can meet in the gym for drinks, food, music, and more. It's time to celebrate!" Principal Wartz announced as the entire class cheered.

Arnold zigzagged through his peers, until he met up with grandparents. Grandpa Phil practically swept Arnold off his feet, and into a bone crushing hug in his arms.

"I'm so proud of you, Arnold!" his grandfather yelled.

"Oh, let the boy breathe, Phil!" Grandma exclaimed waiting in turn for her own hug.

"Sorry Shortman, I'm just so darn proud of ya! You're finally a man." He placed both elderly hands on Arnold's shoulders.

"Thanks Grandpa, Grandma." Grandma wrapped her arms around her grandson tightly.

"Hey, Arnold!" his head turned to see his best friend sprinting in his direction, his hat clutched in his right hand.

"Congratulations, man." Gerald put up his left hand at him, as he and Arnold exchanged their handshake.

"Thanks, Gerald. You too." He smiled for the first time in what seemed like and hour.

"Yeah, thanks. So…" He hesitated asking his friend the question of circumstance.

"Some speech Helga gave, huh?" he looked away trying not to laugh at his best friends expense.

"Gerald…that wasn't the speech I was talking about…" Arnold rolled his eyes in annoyance, feeling the hot blush rise to his cheeks.

"Oh, that's right Arnold! Where's ya little girlfriend? She showed you up there, huh?" Grandpa Phil winked, nudging his elbow playfully in Arnold's side.

"Grandpa, she's not my—."

"Not yet." Gerald chuckled.

"Gerald!" he whipped around at his friend in embarrassment. Not that he had totally forgotten about Helga's…speech. But he wasn't sure how to address the situation. There wasn't anything Arnold couldn't accomplish. He could save the neighborhood from an evil entrepreneur. He could help Stoop Kid off of his stoop. He showed Pigeon Man the good in people and Monkey Man there was more to life than being a super hero. He had helped each kid in the neighborhood (and a few of his neighbors) more times than he could count! But if he could do all of those things, then why did it seem like talking to Helga was the hardest thing for him to do right now? Every time her words echoed in his head…I love Arnold… another butterfly had multiplied in stomach.

"Sorry man, I couldn't resist. But you know, ya' gonna have to talk ta' old girl at some point." Gerald responded with concern in his voice.

"I know, I know…I just…uuughhh…why is this so difficult for me, Gerald?" Arnold asked with a slight whine to his tone.

"Like I told you man, you're in love with Helga G. Pataki!" Gerald held up his hands like it was a simple answer.

"Gerald," Arnold rolled his eyes for what felt like the millionth time.

"I already told you, I'm not—."

"Wilikers, Arnold!" Stinky approached Arnold and Gerald as the tall boy walked by.

"I reckon' you and Miss Helga need to have one heapin' of a heart to heart chat."

"Uh…thanks, Stinky." Words did not describe Arnold's embarrassment, as the crimson tint returned to his cheeks.

"I mean, I always knew Helga was crazy. Whoda' thought she was crazy fer you, Arnold. But I guess it just goes to show ya'. Ya' never judge a book by its cover. Well congrad-u-lations, fellers. Good luck, Arnold. Ill be seein' ya." Stinky patted Arnold on the back with a soft thud, leaving the blonde boy even more confused and inquisitive then ever.

Gerald waved goodbye to Stinky, as he turned back to his friend.

"So…whataya gonna do man?" Gerald questioned him with a slight grin. Arnold couldn't decipher whether Gerald was holding back laughter, or if he was genuinely trying to cheer him up. He could only assume it was the second choice, despite how it wasn't exactly working.

"Uh…" Arnold stood there unsure of himself. As he watched the auditorium slowly empty itself, his choice suddenly became harder and harder to make.

"I'll…be right back." Arnold finally said after a moment of silence, his heart catching in his throat. As he dismissed himself from Gerald and his on-looking Grandparents, he waved a quick goodbye and promised to meet them all in the gym in about twenty minutes, to join the party.

Arnold zigged and zagged and looped through the isles of seats, until he reached the other side of the auditorium. He took the same path he did the previous day, following his intuition of Helga's whereabouts. Arnold came to the door that led to the back room behind the stage. His palms became suddenly sweaty. So what? She wont be holding my hand, right? His throat was scratchy and dry. Well, at least she'll do most of the explaining…I guess…His stomach danced in knots. Ok…maybe I…ate something bad? Yeah, that's gotta be it

Before he had time to chicken out completely, he raised his hand to the door, and knocked softly three times.

No answer.

Arnold took another courage leap and decided to just open the door. His large head poked around the corner, to see just what he expected. There, in the same corner, in the same chair at the table of yesterday, was a distressed Helga. She must not have heard his entry, since she was reluctant to look up.

"Ahem…Helga?" Arnold tried his best not to let his voice crack.

Helga's eyes slowly reached his from across the room, and widened when she saw was speaking.

"What do you want, football head?" she asked solemnly.

"I…just wanted to check on you." He finally remembered to come all the way in, as he closed the door behind him. He approached her slowly, as if she were ready to attack him.

"Can I…sit down?" he braved himself.

"Sure. It's a free country." She retorted with her arms crossed looking down at the dusty floor.

"Thanks." Arnold pulled out a chair and basked in the awkward silence that was beginning to seep in around them.

"So…I guess…we have some, uh…stuff, to talk about, huh?" he choked out with a cough, as if he himself was too embarrassed to bring it up.

There was more silence.

If only she would tell me the truth…

"I don't know what you're talking about." She finally said simply.

"Oh come on, Helga, sure you do."

"Ya know, I'm kinda surprised you're not out there laughing wit the rest of them." Helga said quietly, still resisting his glance.

"Why would I be laughing at you? Besides, no one else was laughing."

"Oh, can-it, Arnold-o, I heard people laughing."

"Well, that was because Eugene tripped over his seat and knocked almost his entire row over, as everyone left. Not because of what…ya' know…you said…"

She still wouldn't look up at him.

"Helga, can I ask you a question?" he tried once more to get her attention. The blonde girl let out a long huffed sigh before answering.


"I know you think I would laugh but…actually…I think what you did was kinda…well, brave." Arnold's heart rate nearly tripled, as Helga finally looked up into his face at his last word.

"W-What? How could you possibly think that was brave?" she stammered.

"Because it was. I don't know, it's not everyday, you get up in front of the entire graduating class and tell them you…love…someone…" He could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks.

She was silent again.

"Helga…did you…do you…really…did you mean what you said? Out there?'

"Uh, w-well, Arnold. It was…I…I mean, it—."

"Wasn't 'heat of the moment', was it?" his eyebrows raised, as his chest throbbed waiting for her answer.

"I guess, uh…I mean, it wasn't so much…as, I mean, that is-."

"You did. You did mean it. Just like when you said it on top of that FTi building, all those years ago.." he stared at her. It was true. The girl that had tormented him for years to come, was in love with him, this whole time.

Helga closed her eyes. He didn't want to embarrass her. He just wanted answers.

You can do it, Helga…Tell me the truth…tell me…tell me…

"Y-yes." She finally squeaked out.

"I…I-I do. I do…I l-love…you, Arnold." He couldn't believe it. She looked so…ashamed.

"You do?"

"Doi! Whataya deaf, football head? I said it once, I'll say it again! Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!" She shot up from her chair and walked to the middle of the room, before she turned around to glare at him.

"Ok? Happy now? Yes, I love you! You know, the whole world knows, everyone knows! Yes, I, love, Arnold! Crimety!" Arnold couldn't help but giggle slightly at her frustration.

"Do you feel better?" Arnold asked trying to cheer her up.

"What do you mean, 'do I feel better'? No, I don't feel better!" She yelled as she stepped closer.

"Well, I don't understand. You told me the truth…I just figured you might—."

"You wana know why, football head? Huh? Do you really wana know why I don't feel better? The only way I could ever feel better is if…" she closed her eyes, as if she couldn't finish.

"If what? C'mon, Helga, just tell me. I promise I wont be upset." He stepped closer as if he tried to comfort her.

"If…" her eyes remained shut.

"If?" He prompted softly.

"If…If I knew…y-you…loved me…back."

Arnold's butterflies quadrupled in count. He was lost for words. His was open, ready to answer, but nothing could escape his lips. Helga finally revealed her sad eyes up at him to see his troubled expression.

"See? I knew it." She turned around to face the wall. He felt terrible. There she was practically laying her heart on the table, and Arnold couldn't say a word.

Maybe if I told her my thoughtsmaybe if Itold her…

"Helga," He put his hands softly on her shoulders as he turned her around to meet his glance once more.

"I have to be honest with you. I don't want you to think I don't care about you, because…I do. But the truth is…I've never been in…well…love, before. So…I actually wouldn't know what it feels like." He shrugged his shoulders as he let down his hands from her shoulders.

"Face it. We both know you could never like me period. At all. Point blank." Helga argued, her scowl returning to her face.

"Ya' know, its funny. All these years, you've tortured me and called me names, while I didn't exactly like it…I never really hated you. I've always still considered you my friend."

"Pttsh, ok." She rolled her eyes.

"No, let me finish. Lately, for these last couple of months, I've been doing a lot of thinking…and I've realized…you're not that bad. In fact, I think I've come to like you more than I thought. When we all hung out that day at the movies, I thought, 'wow, this cant be the same Helga. She's nice, and fun, and…beautiful'…" he trailed off with his face heating up.

Helga's eyes grew wide instantly at the sound of his compliment.

"Y-you think I'm, b-beautiful?" she stammered with a slight smirk forming at the base of her lips.

"Yes, I do." He laughed slightly.

"Helga, when I'm with you…I feel…different…like…I'm nervous, but happy at the same time…like, even when you push me around and call me names…sure I get mad, but…I don't know. I just know you're not as mean as you say…" he paused.

"I guess, what I'm trying to say…is…I really liked being with you that day and, I know deep down you're a really good person. And…that's the Helga that I like being around." He smiled warmly at her.

You're half way there, tell her the rest!

"So…uh, I guess…even though, I can't say…it back right now…maybe one day, I will. I know it's not anything close to what you…said to me. But…I want you to know, that I do care for you. And I think…I…like you, like you."

Tears swelled up in Helga's eyes as Arnold finished his thoughts aloud.

"Helga, what's wrong?" he brought his hands up to her shoulders once more.

"Nothing…" she laughed out her tears. She was so vulnerable, yet gentle. This had to be one of the only times he had ever seen her really let her guard down.

"I just…never thought I would ever see the day, where you told me how you felt about me." She smiled widely, as she threw her arms around his neck in a tight hug. Arnold was taken back by her sudden gesture. He returned her hug, as he wrapped his arms around her back. The hug lasted for so long, he found himself not wanting to let go.

This feels…right, Arnold finally concluded. Does this mean Gerald was right? Do I?…

Gerald! He remembered.

"Uh, hey. We better get back to that party before someone comes looking for us." He recalled to her as they broke apart from the hug.

"Yeah, I guess we better go huh, football head?" she chuckled in agreement.

"I don't believe it. You tell me you love me, and you still call me football head? Really?" he asked bewildered with a smile.

"Eh, what can I say, some habits never die." She patted him on the shoulder playfully with a smirk.

"Whatever you say, Helga." He chuckled at her as they both turned to leave the room.

"Oh wait, there's one more thing that I forgot to do." Before she had time to ask what, Arnold turned to face her, bent his head down, and softly touched his lips to hers.

Hoped you guys liked it! The next chapter is the end final chapter to our story. What happens next? Find out! You know what you have to do…

Read and Review!

By the way, I wasn't planning writing a sequel to this only because this story line was pretty much completed…I thought about writing a short epilogue but I haven't decided yet. If you guys have any ideas for a sequel, I'll be happy to listen. :)

Thanks for reading! Til next time!