Hello to everyone reading this story. If you've read my stories before, you should sort of know a thing or two about me. If you're just tuning in…well you'll figure it out as we go along. I'm attempting to make this story a real long one. If for some reason it is not, what can I do? I will however, make it the best it can be. In this story, there will be many characters from the Animaniacs cast which I do not own in any shape or form. There will also be a character that I do own. Val. For everyone that has read about Val, I am making it very clear now that this story does not tie to Royal Pains in any way. So that means that any events that occurred have not occurred in this story. So just picture my character and a whole new adventure. Okay, now that we've cleared this up, enjoy, review, and don't feed the animals…unless they beg. Happy reading.

Animaniacs Go Animal : Prologue

They're gone. Everyone gone! I can't believe I didn't see who it was before! The clues, the signs. They all pointed to one person! Yakko ran through the jungle growth, his body consumed by fear. How is it someone could do this? Only a monster could do this. A monster. Yakko suddenly dropped to the ground, the fear all but having eaten him alive. A monster is alive. A monster is hiding, taking away everyone important to me. A monster is coming for me. Yakko dragged himself forward, shaking in terror. The trees around him morphed into one giant creature, too horrible to describe. In his present sanity, Yakko couldn't tell what was enemy or friend anymore. Alive or not. He was utterly alone, everything leading him to the monster. How could I have not known? Yakko forced himself to his feet. I didn't have a clue. But I won't forget ever again. Yakko felt something surge up inside him. I will never forget this wretched beast. I will never stop trying to kill it. And now that I know it's identity, I will never forget. Never. Because I know now, more than anything, who the monster is. And he is-

Do you hate me yet? Don't worry. I hope this little taste is enough to keep you all reading on. Enjoy. And review too.