"numbuh 4 is hiding something, i bet you he is betraying us" numbuh 1 said an numbuhs 5 and 2 agreed.

"come on, he wouldnt do that, hes our friend" numbuh 3 said as numbuh 4 walked in.

"hey guys, whats up" numbuh 4 said.

"uh we were descussing whos house we will have a sleep over at, wait how about yours" numnbuh1 said quikly and with a smirk on his face.

"uh my house i..." numbuh 4 said before beeing cut off by numbuh 1.

"is that a promblem" numbuh 1 asked keeping his smirk.

"no, go pack your guys stuff and will go" numnbuh 4 said as he tried to calmn down.

"ok, ya we never get to go to your house ya, I cant wait to see it" numbuh 3 said as she ran to her room to go pack her stuff, and the others walked to there rooms to go pack there stuff.

at wallys house

"ok this is my house, are you guys sure you want to stay" wally asked.

"yes" they all said.

"ok" wally said as he opened his door.

"mom, dad im home, can my friends stay over" wally asked as his mom and dad came out from the secreat room, its ware all the magic supplies gos.

"of course, they can, wait who are these kids, i never meet them, before, i met all your other friends" his mom asked confused.

"well there diffrent" wally said, trying to drop hints, his parents got it.

"oh, right then,. lets go eat, you kids hingery we got lots of..." his mom was saying but caught off when the jessy flew down on a broom, the kids were shocked, and scared at the same time, but couldnt move.

so what you all think