Disclaimer- I don't own maximum ride, but I might own James Patterson o.O. jk

Take what you need while there's time
The city will be earth in a short while
If I'm not mistaken it's been in flames
You and I will escape to the seaside

There is a storm in the distance
The wind breathing warning of its imminence
There is a lighthouse five hundred yards down
You and I will be safe there

The Hush Sound~ Lighthouse


I turned around quickly; making sure Fang was still covering my back, and faced forward. I had broken into the School, because an anonymous tip had come in the mail that he had been captured and was being held there. I had busted him out and we got to the point we were at now.

We fought hard and made it through, escaping out a window. Fang was back again. I would never let him go again. Dylan could not interfere with our relationship. We landed and Fang held me.

"I'm an idiot," he told me.

"True chiz," I replied, and smiled up at him. "But I understand why you thought you had to leave. I'm actually doing worse without you."

And for some reason, I stopped talking, and just looked into his eyes, which had been staring down at me. He leaned down to kiss me, and I stretched up on my toes.

But when our lips were supposed to meet, I felt nothing. I looked up again and Fang was gone. "Nice disappearing act Fang," I said jokingly, but then started to worry. "Fang?" I asked uneasily.

I started glancing around and noticed my surroundings were fading also. I was falling into a black nothing, and I couldn't even pull out my wings.

"Fang!" I shouted into the nothingness.

Third Person Max POV

Max shot up in bed, breathing heavily, and started to cry. She cried because Fang had screwed her over, finally making her believe she loved him, and then left her in the dust.

She felt the pocket knife strapped to her leg, and got an idea. I can't believe that I've been teasing Fang about this for so long. She slit her wrist, and felt the blood start coming out, but it made her feel so much better. The physical pain. It distracted from the emotional turmoil he had left her with.

She carved the word LOVE into her arm, and used just that blood to write LIES on her white sheets. She then leaned back into the pillows of her bed, and allowed herself to fall into the darkness, just like in her dream. It didn't scare her this time.

The last thing she saw was a shadow fly into the window. Fang? She asked in her head, but shook it off as she fell further into the darkness, dismissing it as yet another false hope.

Third Person Fang POV

He flew in through her window, doing his nightly watch-her-sleep routine. He would sneak in through her window and hold her hand in her sleep. But he sensed something wrong.

Fang turned on the lights, and looked down at the love of his life. She was lying there lifelessly. Her eyes were opened to slits, and there was blood everywhere. He saw the word LIES written on her bed, and when he examined her bloody arm, he found the word LOVE. Fang closed his eyes in frustration, and then turned around and punched a hole in the wall.

He sank to the ground in tears, the first time in years. This can't have happened, me leaving was to help her, this has to be a dream, he thought. But it was completely real, unlike Max's false hopes.

The rest of the flock, Dr. M, and Ella ran in. The sound of Fang's fist hitting the drywall had awakened them. They saw Max, and then saw Fang, a small ball on the floor, shuddering and shivering as he cried.

They all thought they were in some kind of dream land.

Just another false hope.