A/N: Hello my fan fiction friends. This is a little idea that popped into my head. Probably a short multichapter. Please feel free to review and give me any ideas of what you think might happen.

Disclaimer: Don't have anything to do with Rookie Blue, its characters or its genius, have only borrowed them for my own enjoyment.

New York State of Mind

Chapter 1-The proposal

"Serve, protect and let's be careful out there." Best stated as he dismissed everyone from parade. Andy went to retrieve the equipment bag and make her way out to the squad car. Sam was leaning against the hood, two coffees in hand, talking to Oliver. As they saw McNally approaching, they said their good byes. Andy threw the bag in the back seat. Sam handed her a cup as she got in the passenger side of the car. She hadn't taken her first sip when her cell phone rang.

"This is Andy."

"Hey cuz, how are you?"

"Hey Jenna, I'm good. Fine. How about you? Are you all set for the wedding?"

"As set as I am going to get." She laughed "Andy, sorry to bother you, you're probably working but tomorrow I have to give the caterer the final numbers. I was wondering if you decided what you are going to do. Anything new with you and Luke, anything changed? How long has it been now?"

Andy really didn't want to have this conversation right now, especially in front of Sam. It had been five weeks since she had moved out. She had stayed a week with her dad and then found a new apartment. Sam had been really great. Asking her how she was without really pressing her for details and more importantly no "I told you so". She was grateful for that. She didn't really know how much he knew, but judging by the looks around the division, everyone knew something. The first couple of weeks had been difficult, but she buried herself in work and getting her apartment together. It seemed to keep her distracted. At first she was devastated and just plain sad. She should have known by the looks and the talks that Jo and Luke had something still between them. Then she realized, if Luke loved her, enough to marry her, it shouldn't matter what was between him and Jo. It never should have happened. Turns out, love was not enough to endure their relationship and his infidelity was unacceptable. There was no way they would recover from that. She would never allow it. During the following few weeks, her emotions included humiliation and embarrassment. Once again, she hadn't read the signs. Sam always told her you have to read people to know what they are saying and sometimes what they are "not" saying. So much for being intuitive, looks like she needed a refresher on that course. Finally, this last week, really only one emotion had coursed through her body. Indifference. She didn't care that they broke up. Obviously, they were not meant to be. It was time to move on with her life. What better time than her cousin's wedding? A long weekend in New York sounded fantastic about now. She wouldn't have to see Luke or Jo and she wouldn't have to be under the scrutiny of the watching eyes of pity. She had sent back her response to the wedding the week she got the invitation. That was almost 6 weeks ago. Before the break up, before the shit had hit the proverbial fan.

Jenna and Andy had always been close as kids. Their moms were sisters but that is where the connection ended. Jenna's mom, Aunt Peggy, was a wonderful, kind woman. She adored Andy and her heart broke when her sister left the poor girl. She was baffled then and even now, almost 15 years later, couldn't understand it. How could someone abandon their own child? She understood that marriages, relationships didn't always work out. She wasn't naïve, but she would never understand how her sister Carol could just walk out of Andy's life, never to see her again. It was unfathomable. After repeatedly trying to talk some sense into her, she stopped all communication. Over the years, she included Andy and Tommy in every family function. Tommy would usually decline. Too much heartache had passed over that bridge and being around his ex-wife's family was just another reminder that before he had failed Andy as a father, he had failed as a husband.

"Don't worry about it. We are just starting shift, me and my awesome partner; he won't mind us talking for a couple of minutes." Sam and Andy exchanged a smile. "Things are the same Jen. It's been about 5 weeks. Nothing more to report than what I told you the last time we talked. Nothing left to say anyway. We're done, time for the next chapter of my life. Put me down for one, I will be riding solo that weekend."

"You're sure? How about your partner? What's his name? Is he single? cute?"

"His name is Sam and very, on both accounts." Andy glanced over at Sam who gave her a questioning look and then went back to pretending to focus on the road.

"Really? Nice body?"

"You have no idea." Sam again looked over at Andy who seemed to be blushing as she quickly turned to face forward.

"Andy, girl, you have been holding out on me. You are driving around with a hot partner and you failed to fill me in?"

"Listen, Jen, I gotta go." She was giggling now. I will see you next weekend. My flight is Thursday night after shift. I arrive late so I will go right to the hotel and see you Friday morning."

"So excited to see you. If you decide to bring your hot partner give me call."

"You're hilarious." she deadpanned "Say hi to everyone, I'll see you next week."

"See you then."

Andy was speechless. What the hell was the matter with her, honestly, blushing over Sam? I mean yes he was cute, well not so much cute, but hot and yes his body was unbelievable, thanks to the night of the blackout she was well aware of that…but there was so much more to Sam. He has so many layers, it was almost frightening. The truth is there had always been something between them, acknowledged by both to themselves, admitted by neither. Two supposed adults who when it came to love acted like they were in junior high. However, the more she got to know him the more attracted she was to him. He was always supportive, funny, and sweet and somehow always knew exactly what to do and exactly what to say in every situation. Without her realizing it, he had crept his way into her life, her world and her heart.

Things with Sam had always been complicated. He was her training officer, then there was her relationship with Luke but now…..Nothing stood between them…except maybe love.

"So, you were talking about me?" he chided, interrupting Andy's thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, that was my cousin Jenna. She is getting married next weekend and she just had to ask me something. When I told her we were working she asked what your name was, that's all."

"I see. So, where's the wedding? How long are you going for?"

"They live in New York, Long Island actually but the wedding and festivities are taking place at the Marquis Hotel in New York City. I fly in on Thursday and come home Sunday night. I am scheduled on shift Monday afternoon."

"I didn't know you had family in the states."

"Jenna is the daughter of my Aunt Peggy, my mother's sister. They moved from Toronto when I was six, my uncle had gotten transferred there with his job. My Aunt and my Uncle Don have always been so good to me. After my mom left, Aunt Peggy was furious. She tried to talk to her but my mom had already moved on. They stopped speaking after that. The summer after my mom disappeared, my aunt and uncle sent a plane ticket to me for my birthday, so when school finished for the year, I flew down and stayed for 2 weeks. Jenna and I are the same age and she has 3 brothers, Gavin, Tyler and Kevin. Jenna's whole family was so good to me and I had so much fun. After that summer, every year I would get that ticket for my birthday and every year couldn't wait to make that trip. I haven't been back in about a year and a half, with the academy and probation but I talk to them almost every week."

"I'm glad you have them. I know you haven't had it easy. Bet you're really looking forward to the trip." He smiled.

"Yeah,... I was...I am. They were finally going to meet Luke. Probably better off, imagine if there was an unattached bridesmaid, the temptation would have probably been too much for him." She was talking quietly almost to herself and had completely zoned out.

"Andy, don't."

Crap, I said that out loud. Andy clapped her hand over her mouth.

Sam pulled the car over to the side of the road and turned to face her.

"Listen, I don't know what happened between you two exactly, and you don't have to tell me, but I do know that you shouldn't beat yourself up over it... Andy, you are a smart, funny, gorgeous woman who has the world at her disposal. Don't get depressed over some jackass who was too stupid to realize that he had the best of everything and threw it all away."

It took Andy a moment to register his words before a small smile came over her face and tears came to her eyes.

"You think I'm gorgeous?"

He grinned as his hands rested on the steering wheel and he looked out the window a slight blush on his face. "Yeah, you're not bad."

She let out a small laugh and dabbed the tears with her shirt sleeve. Sam happy to have lifted her spirits, started to pull away from the curb.

"Not bad? I'm freaking adorable Swarek."

"That you are, McNally. That you are." They exchanged glances. Andy contemplated what had been running through her head since her phone call with Jenna.

Why not? Now or never Andy, what's the worst he could say…No? Don't chicken out.

Suddenly the radio crackled to life, M1519, please respond to a multivehicle accident at Thompson and Bentley, EMS and fire are en route.

"10-4 dispatch, M1519 mark us en route.

And that was the end of that. Chicken shit.

The accident scene was complete chaos. Four cars, multiple passengers, kids crying and lots of yelling. Shaw and Nash were also on scene. They were tied up for hours. Finally, medical needs were tended to, vehicles towed, reports written; Sam and Andy decided to take meal break.

"McNally, what do you feel like eating?"


"You got it, Little Joe's it is."

The small pizzeria was crowded, as usual, but Sam managed to maneuver a small booth in the back right of the dining room. Andy took a seat while Sam ordered slices and iced teas for the two of them.

As he paid for the food and headed for the table he noticed Andy talking to two little boys who had apparently asked about her gun. The mother flashed an apologetic smile, but Andy waved it off, she loved kids and it brought a smile to her face that they thought she was so cool. They shook her hand and left.

Sam slid into the booth across from her.

"More fans of yours?"

"Yeah, you know me; I'm just irresistible to men of all ages." She laughed and bit into her slice.

God, she really has no idea.

Sam bit into his slice, contemplating any way he could broach the subject of the wedding. He decided to go with the dimples…

"So, you leave next Thursday? Do you need anything? I could give you a ride to the airport, water your plants, take in your mail", he paused …go with you?" (Full dimples here)

As Andy sipped her tea she started to cough and sprayed the contents all over her vest. Did he just say what I think he said?

"Sorry?" she got out as she tried to wipe the tea off the bulky Kevlar.

"I was just thinking that you have had a lot going on lately ….and maybe….. you might want some company on your trip. I have the same days off this month. It could be fun. You and I always have a good time at work and …." He looked over to see her wide-eyed expression and started to back track. "Andy it's fine, I get it, I had nothing going on, I just thought maybe…." He was stammering now.

"Yes. Yes, Sam, I would love for you to be my date." She interrupted him. She couldn't believe that his thoughts had mirrored her own.

He swallowed thickly, not quite sure if he could handle Andy McNally for a whole weekend but he was certainly willing to try.


"Sam, yes seriously. Didn't you just ask me?"

"I did… I guess I'm just shocked that you said yes."

"Why? You and I are partners, friends…" She saw what appeared to be disappointment in his eyes. … "Close friends. I think it would be fun for us to spend time outside of work, outside of the Penny, no pressure… but you have to let me pay your way."

"No way McNally, I offered to come and I am quite capable of paying my own way."

"Sam, I know you are trying to do this for me but you have to let me pay your expenses…..and you have to call me Andy…the whole time."

He took a swig from his cup while still staring at her, contemplating her wishes and trying to think of a clever response. The truth was, he was bursting at the seams at the thought of spending 4 days with Andy. No perps, no uniforms no Callaghan. Maybe a chance for Andy to see how good they could be together.

"Alright McNally, I'll agree to your terms." He paused and then leaned in closer across the table, "But don't think for one minute, that I am doing this just for you." He winked and got up to dump their trash. Andy watched his perfectly filled out uniform pants walk toward the exit.

Oh boy.

A/N: I figure these two could get in some fun situations over a weekend. Let me know your thoughts.
