A/N: A year ago today I posted the first chapter of this story. Today I'm posting the last. Isn't that neat? :)

Thank you all, SO MUCH for reading it, for supporting me through favorites, for encouraging me through alerts and most of all for all the reveiws. You made posting it here worth while. ILU. *GROUP HUG*



It was Danny's task to talk to all the middle-aged and older ladies. Steve just couldn't handle it. He would mock them, or piss them off - even if most of the time they thought he was cute and their compassion would exceed all reasonable limits. Actually, Steve getting pissed at their compassion - that Danny could understand. And that's why he agreed to talk to all the ladies - middle-aged and otherwise. And most men. And actually all the customers that came to their office. Steve would usually sneak out through the French door when Danny went to open the door and signaled it was such a customer.

That's what happened this time, except that this middle-aged lady - very distinguished and strangely familiar - asked to speak specifically to Steve McGarrett.

"I used to know his father," she said with a soft smile and that's when Danny realized who she was and where he saw her last.

"Mrs Jameson-" he choked out. "Governor. Yes, sir. I mean ma'am. I'll ask him right away. Please, take a seat. I'll go find Steve."

Governor Jameson kept smiling that soft, forgiving smile of hers and Danny felt a little like a fool. He caught Steve at the far end of his private beach and told him who came to see him.

"She knew my father?"

"She was at his funeral. You didn't know?"

Steve didn't. He was as shocked and as awkward in front of the Governor as Danny was and that made him feel a little less like a fool. The lady was very nice though and she managed to defuse the tension quite deftly.

"I wanted to pay my condolences," she said, formally at first, shaking Steve's hand. "I wanted to do it in person, but you weren't at the funeral. Due to health reasons I understand?"

"Indeed," Steve responded curtly.

"I hope you are doing better now?" she smiled again. She was warm, mother-like. "I heard about your success in assisting police with Drago Zankovic arrest and then helping with the Samoan gangs. Would you be so kind as to tell me more about how you're faring?"

"Of course!" Steve agreed. "Please, take a seat, would you like something to drink, water maybe, or tea?"

They sat and talked for almost an hour. First they remembered Steve's father, then talked about Steve's plans for the future. He confided in her that Jack McGarrett was investigating some people in the Force, who may have had something to do with his mother's death. Governor Jameson was surprised that she had not died in a car accident but apparently she hadn't followed the McGarrett history closely enough and when Steve told her that it wasn't so clear, she didn't dwell any further.

"If you ever need my help, Steve," she told him upon leaving and handed him her card. "Don't hesitate to call me. I will be keeping tabs on you, young man," she promised.

When she left, Danny rolled his eyes a little but in truth, it felt nice to have such an important figure in their corner. 'Five-0' had the Governor's blessing. Who could stop them now?

The end.