Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

A/N: Thank you to all of those who have read and reviewed my story and helped me make the final decisions on how to proceed. I have decided to write and extended epilogue. If I do decided to revamp and finish the story (which it looks like there is a good possibility for this to happen, then a "chapter" will be posted to this story (as well as an update on my profile) to inform you, the readers, of this decision). Enjoy!

Chapter 16: A Wrap (Extended Epilogue)

Summer 1995; London, England

Hermione found that therapy truly helped her and that she was not the only witch to be enrolled in the program. Surprisingly, Clara Jane "CJ" Santini, age 16 turning 17, the daughter of Dimas Santini, the Spanish Quidditch player, was involved in the program too. Their friendship quickly spiraled into a romance that all their close friends supported, even if Fred Weasley still held hope he would one day be able to call Hermione his and hold her as he had when he had rescued her.

The Inheritance Tests were completed by the end of the summer, thanks to Gringott's speedy actions and the lack of government response. Of those students who were able to take the inheritance tests, many found themselves receiving Lordship status. Most of Hogwarts students found they were ascended and Hogwarts soon found that a new class for these new leaders needed to be implemented. Lady Zabini was quickly hired, much to Albus Dumbledore's chagrin, and the changes in the Wizarding World would soon be made.

Hermione Jean Granger of Gryffindor became Lady Dagworth-Granger, taking up her seat and vote from the Dagworth-Granger proxy, Albus Dumbledore.

Ginevra "Ginny" Molly Weasley of Gryffindor was found to actually be the daughter of Gideon Prewett and his fiancé Talitha Quirke. When the information came to light, Ginny dissolved her relationship with her "mother" who she had discovered might have orchestrated her biological mother's death so she could have a daughter of her own, and had fled to Malfoy Manor, where Draco helped her regain her confidence. The two declared they were dating when they returned to Hogwarts in September; something everyone had suspected was a long time coming.

Luna Lovegood of Ravenclaw inherited the Lovegood Ladyship title from her second uncle, Tiberius Lovegood, a bigoted man who had no love for his family. With the Ladyship and Wizengamot's seat hers, Luna attached herself to George Weasley and helped he and his twin, Fred, become emancipated and out from their controlling mother's grasps.

Alair Fawcett-Prewett of Ravenclaw ascended to his Lordship and took his seat on the Wizengamot's early due to the test, taking the seat and vote away from the proxy, Albus Dumbledore.

Seamus Finnegan of Gryffindor was found to be a descendant from the distinct house of Oliphant, and ascended to Lord Oliphant, taking the vote and seat away from the proxy, Albus Dumbledore.

Dean Thomas of Gryffindor was found to be the son of the only surviving member of the house of Shafiq, Auror Malik Shafiq (deceased January 29, 1980). He ascended to Lord Shafiq and took the seat and vote away from the Shafiq proxy, Albus Dumbledore.

Kevin Entwhistle of Ravenclaw was discovered to be the missing son of Miles McKinnon (deceased August 1, 1981) and ascended to Lord McKinnon, claiming his seat and vote from the McKinnon proxy, Albus Dumbledore.

Wayne Hopkins of Hufflepuff was discovered to be the son of Dorcas Meadows and her lover, Hopkins Macmillan (both deceased June 30, 1981). The orphanage that found him in his bassinet had only been able to make out part of the announcement letter found on his person "Wayne Darren son of Dorcas and Hopkins" and had names him Wayne Darren Hopkins. He ascended to Lord Meadowes and took over his seat and vote, claiming them from the Meadowes proxy, Albus Dumbledore.

Ernie Macmillan of Hufflepuff ascended to Lord Macmillan, throwing his great uncle out of the Lordship seat and claiming his Wizengamot's spot. Lord Humphrey Macmillan took this gracefully, having time to come to terms with the end of his position.

Anthony Goldstein of Ravenclaw ascended to Lord Goldstein, taking the title from his aging Grandfather, Andrew Goldstein.

Zacharias Smith of Hufflepuff was passed up for the Lordship of the Houses of Smith and Hufflepuff, passing on to his younger cousin Ezekiel Smith (age 14) of Hufflepuff. The young Lord declared his father, Matthew Smith (age 49) to be his proxy until his coming of age in three years.

Harry Potter claimed his seats and votes as Lord Potter, Lord Greengrass, Lord Slytheirn and Lord Gryffindor with the proxy seat of Lady LeFey. He appointed Lord Marius Greengrass to vote the Lord Greengrass seat as well as the rest of the seats, taking the votes away from their proxy, Albus Dumbledore. His return to the Wizarding World was splashed all over the Daily Prophet and other international news sources. His return also prompted the declaration of a trial for Sirius Black's innocence as well as the capture of Peter Pettigrew, who was put to death, and the spotting of Barty Crouch, Jr., which placed Barty Crouch Sr. in a very bad position.

Sirius Black was able to claim the Lord Black title, seat and vote, taking it away from its proxy, Albus Dumbledore.

Michael Corner of Ravenclaw was passed over for his Lordship, passing to his younger cousin, Sebastian Corner (age 13) of Ravenclaw. Sebastian appointed his Grandfather, Marcus Corner to continue to vote the seat as proxy until he came of age.

Blaise Zabini of Slytheirn ascended to Lord Zabini and Lord Sanzone. His first act was to combine both houses. He appointed his mother to vote proxy for the seat, now holding two votes,

Draco Malfoy of Slytherin ascended to Lord Malfoy and immediately took the seat and vote. He appointed his mother, Narcissa Malfoy nee Black, to vote the seat in lieu of his father when he was in school, and they announced to the press that Lucius had fallen ill. The plan was to have him die (again) within the year.

Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley and Percy Weasley all discussed going but deemed the Weasley Lordship unimportant and lacking. There were no perks from it that they could not get on their own and thus, disbanded the seat and vote from the Wizengamots, disowning themselves as well as Fred and George in the process. The five decided it would be best to take the surnames of their wives and continue their wives' family names. The name Weasley would die with Ron, who had attempted to claim Lordship over the Weasley family, only to find there was no title and that he was not even eligible for a minor inheritance from his mother's side, the Prewett family.

Morag and Katherine MacDougal of Ravenclaw were declared joint Ladyship over the MacDougal family, and appointed their father to remain on as proxy for the seat and vote in the Wizengamots. The discovering that they would inherit and not their brother caused enough commotion to seek new friends, and they turned to Ginny Weasley and Padma Patil. They were soon welcomed into the larger group, adding to the support system that had been set up for Hermione and teaching their fellow Ladies the ins and outs of the Wizengamots.

Stephen Cornfoot of Ravenclaw ascended to be Lord Cornfoot but allowed his Grandfather to keep the Wizengamots seat until his younger brother was of age, having decided he did not want the political power. His younger brother, Samuel (age 11) was shocked but knew his brother would prepare him in the next 7 years to ascend to the title of Lord Cornfoot and all that it meant.

Sarah Fawcett of Ravenclaw ascended to be Lady Fawcett and accepted with dignity. She assigned her proxy to be her great-grandfather, Lord Barnabas Fawcett, to vote in her stead until such as time that she was ready and prepared to vote and make her own decisions on political matters. But she knew as long as Stephen Cornfoot was by her side that she could do it. She felt bad that he had given up his own standing but knew that it had been his own choice. They would raise their family to be Fawcetts, and would continue her family line when the rest of the line could not (seeing as they were all dead).

Miles Bletchley, Terrence Higgs, Justus Urquhart, Peter Vaisey, Lucas Bradley, Eric Bole, Jonah Derrick, Liam Montague, Adrian Pucey, Cameron Warrington, Tracey Davis, Jakob Harper, Malcolm Baddock and Graham Pritchard all of Slytherin House ascended to their own Lordships (or Ladyship) and appointed their own proxy's within their families. They all joined up with the ideas being pushed by Lord Malfoy, Lord Black and Lord Potter for the new laws in the Wizengamots, signing alliance treaties so they themselves would not be harmed when their families made the mistake of joining the Dark Lord.

School soon became more politically charged than it had been since the last "Wizengamots Coup" as it had been called. Albus Dumbledore particularly was in a bad mood. Fifth years also saw their first maturity in the form of Ron Weasley, who started to multiply the amount of food on his plate and had seemingly grown half a foot over night. This served to make him more unattractive to everyone but a small percentage of blood purists.

Winter 1995; London, England

Belladonna Zabini quietly remarried between Christmas and New Years to a foreign Wizard with a grown son and young daughter of his own. Chancellor Gerhardt von Wolff, Minister for Magic in Germany was in his early 60's and had been lonely since his wife dies in labor with his daughter, Ana. That had been 16 years previous, around the same time Belladonna had been widowed. The two quietly exchanged vows in the opulent garden at Grimmauld Place.

Ana, the group of teens discovered, was an artist and had no love of academics. She was a fifth year at Beauxbatons, studying only for her 6th year tests before leaving to pursue an apprenticeship with a master artists. Her older brother, Johann, was in their equivalent of the Department of Mysteries and working his way through the ranks. At 24, he was the youngest deputy Administrator, just under the Administrator, Deputy Head and Head of the Department. His fiancé, Karla Müller, working in their equivalent of the Control and Regulation of Magical Creatures department, making fairer laws for all magical creatures, something Hermione immediately questioned, making noted for her proxy to bring up in the next Wizengamot's session.

Belladonna and Gerhardt left on their honeymoon, leaving Blaise and Ana to get to know one another better in the confines of Grimmauld Place.

Winter 1996; London, England

The Trial for Sirius Black was started and finished within 15 minutes, a record if there ever had been one for the shortest criminal trial. Accompanying his official pardon was Elizabeth going into heavy labor and delivering their first daughter; Adhara Lynx was born on January 15 at 6 pounds (2.7 kg). Phoenix and Leo both screaming in joy when they met their litter sister, prompting her to wake up screaming. Both parents took this as a sign of what was to come when the three entered their Hogwarts years.

Daphne and Harry both held Adhara and wondered aloud what their children would be like, prompting Sirius to tease them mercilessly until Narcissa and Andromeda slapped him upside the head for a sleeping Elizabeth.

Remus took that moment in the quiet hospital room while Nymphadora was sitting holding the baby to propose. In her excitement, Dora almost dropped Adhara but quickly passed her off to her mother so she could tackle her new fiancé. The wedding, they hoped, would take place in late June. Everyone congratulated the pair and told them to count on their help to plan the wedding in less than six months.

February 14, 1996; United Kingdom

Voldemort chose the one-day everyone would let his or her guard down to come out. Luckily it was a Wednesday, so Hogwarts students were not in the village celebrating but many people lost their lives. Several of the new Lords and Ladies had to appoint new proxies as theirs had either been killed or badly injured.

Fred and George, with help from Harry as their financial backer, set up their joke shop, Witch and Wizard Wheezes or WWW for short. Their original name had been Weasley's Wizard Wheezes but the falling out with their family had had them reconsidering the name. With their owl order forms complete, the students of Hogwarts were given a new means to terrify each other and their professors, lightening the moods of everyone in the castle.

In London, Amelia Bones and Emmeline Vance straightened out their departments and got ready to help the Ministry fight the new threat. With the Wizengamots on the side of the people and not the ignorant minsters and puppet officials, they were able to weed out the death eaters that worked in the ministry before budgeting for more Aurors, Healers and Warders to protect the government and the people.

Harry Potter also started his NEWTS, taking the first three (Transfigurations, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and Charms) in February with the next three (Potions, Herbology and History) to be completed in March and his last two (Arithmancy and Ancient Runes) in April.

Spring and Summer 1996; London, England

Unfortunately, many Aurors and muggles and magical families caught in the crossfire died. Azkaban was raided and all of Voldemort's faithful servants were returned to his side. The Chaos caused by his return was astounding. Harry, who had only heard stories of Voldemort's first reign of terror, was shocked by how true the stories had been. Most people (with money) chose to go abroad for the "conflict". The Muggleborns were unfortunately easy to pick off, the Creevey brothers of Gryffindor and their family was decimated when school let out, as well as Jack Sloper of Gryffindor, Patricia Stimpson a recent graduate of Gryffindor, Carter Stebbins a graduate of Hufflepuff, a young Kevin Whitby of Hufflepuff, Amanda "Mandy" Brocklehurst of Ravenclaw, and Eddie Carmichael of Ravenclaw.

Three would-be first years and their families were also killed, Alexander Foster, Gulliver Thomas (of no relation to Dean Thomas' muggle family), and Christina Abrahams. They each had a younger siblings who were not magical.

Nymphadora Tonks was wounded in actions and had to spend all of April in St. Mungos. Luckily, the Wizengamots had pushed through a bigger budget for the hospital so it was now warded so no one causing ill will or bodily harm towards the patients could enter the premise.

Remus had been over come with worry until Tonks had woken up and proclaimed she had killed Bellatrix before her brother-in-law had knocked her out. That was one of the best victories had since Voldemort had made his return.

In the chaos

June 30, 1996

Nymphadora Tonks walked down the aisle with a slight limp (thanks to Rabastan Lestrange) to her future husband, Remus Lupin. This wouldn't have been possible without everyone pitching in to plan it and the Wizengamot's repealing the anti-Werewolf legislation that had restricted so many kind people for so long. Now the government funded the Wolfsbane potion so they could hold government jobs and they were allowed to get married and have kids.

Tonks tripped slightly towards the end causing the attendees to laugh. The garden of Grimmauld Place was truly spectacular and Tonks couldn't have imagined her wedding better.

The two exchanged short but heartfelt vows before heading into the ballroom for the reception. Tonks knew that even if one of them died tomorrow, she would never regret this day.

July 31, 1996; London, England

The final battle. Harry couldn't believe it was finally over. His 16th birthday was also the date that the darkest wizard in modern times was officially defeated. Unfortunately, Ted Tonks had lost his life defending his wife from his crazy brother-in-law, Andromeda had killed Rodolphus before collapsing in an inconsolable heap. He wouldn't tell anyone the exact spells or runes he had used to do it, but Voldemort and all those who had been completely loyal to him were dead. Those who had the mark but were not truly loyal to Voldemort had been spared. Their trials (including the trial od Severus Snape) were to start in the middle of August, once everything had been reconstructed. For the time, the prisoners were being held in a secret room in the Department of Mysteries that could only be accessed and given clearance by the Head Unspeakable Algernon Croaker (also known as Uncle Algie to one Neville Longbottom).

Harry and Daphne celebrated in a way that was almost too sinful, but stopped before things got too out of hand. Daphne still had two years of school and Harry wanted to complete an apprenticeship before their wedding, scheduled for June 21, 1998.

Late Summer and Early Fall, 1996

The trial of Severus Snape revealed more about the character of Albus Dumbledore than was previously realized. His manipulations of everything and everyone around him became blatantly obvious. It was chocked up to old age and the man was stripped of all his titles and positions and forced into an early retirement, where he spent the rest of his days (a total of 5 years) serving Fire Whiskey at the Hogshead. Unfortunately for Aberforth, those five years would be the worst years as he would not make any money but pocket change, because everyone hated who worked at the establishment. Albus' funeral was attending by exactly five wizards and two witches. Who though, no one would ever say that they had attended as they had used masking charms to hide their identities. Even the minister who presided over the funeral masked his identity.

Severus Snape himself was sentenced to five years in the newly redone Azkaban for attempted mind rape on several of his previous students as well as an additional 10 years for carrying the dark mark and 3 years for all the years he was a faithful servant of the dark lord, Voldemort. Hermione had pushed for the full 20 (anytime the word "rape" came up she wanted full punishment for the offender) but the court was lenient as he had turned traitor and helped the winning side in the end.

All of the members of the surviving inner circle, as well as the more fanatic followers, were put to death, their crimes so numerous that several life sentences seemed lenient.

Early Fall-Winter 1996

Harry Potter was an official apprentice in Ancient Runes and Wards, with a possible job offer to be a Curse Breaker, should be want to do something other than politics, after his apprenticeship was finished. His master, William Arthur Weasley ("Just Bill, please, I disowned myself along with the majority of mu brothers when what was going on in our family came to light. Our father is a puppet for our mother and that will never change so long as she is alive."). The two got along well, and it was revealed that Bill had a massive crush on Fleur, who was also working at Gringotts. Harry set the two up on a blind date and they never looked back. Apolline was secretly planning the wedding while Gabrielle sulked a bit before Astoria snapped her out of it over Winter Break.

Harry found himself progressing at an accelerated rate, thanks to his extensive time studying more advanced Runes than what Hogwarts would have offered and so, he and Bill decided to tack on an Arithmancy mastery, which would only take an extra sixth months if Harry worked diligently. This would mean that he would have to finish his apprenticeship after his wedding instead of finishing it a few months before.

March 1997

"SIRIUS BLACK YOU DID IT AGAIN!" Screamed Elizabeth throwing a plastic stick at said man. The red plus sign on said stick let Sirius know exactly what he had down and he ran out the door and towards the nearest pub, most likely to Floo to the Lupin's to escape his wife's wrath.

Luckily, Adhara had been a calm baby, but the twins, despite being almost four, were still not out of their terrible two's. Elizabeth hoped for another girl but knew she couldn't be that lucky.

September 1, 1997

Harry Potter kissed his betrothed good-bye one last time as she headed to the train for her last year of school. There had been one full year of peace, today marking the last day that the Aurors had caught the last Death Eater. Voldemort had surprised Harry by not spending more time recruiting. Harry felt that Voldemort must not have been at his full power and had hoped catching everyone off guard would secure his victory. That had not been the case and Harry was thankful that so many lives had been spared because they were not pressganged into joining a madman. Harry still mourned his fallen relatives, housemates and those who were muggleborn and had not been able to protect themselves. Since then, legislation to allow muggles to have their homes warder with standard wards (anti-theft and do-not-harm lines) to be tied into a muggle-like security systems, one that had been invented by Harry himself, Secure.

While the name was unoriginal it served its purpose. Harry had purchased part of a alarm company and had set up a muggle-wizard system to be sold to witches and wizards living in muggle areas. The more wards added in, the more expensive but the base set started at 20 Galleons. Cheap but with the amount of people wanting the systems, the profit was enormous. Harry did most of the warding himself, as part of his completed mastery. The only parts of his mastery he had to finish were Ancient Runes (one last paper) and Arithmancy (a full year left). It was lucky he had chosen the shortest apprenticeships available or he knew he wouldn't be getting married when his betrothed returned from school for good and then he would have one irate bride.

Returning home to Grimmauld Place found Harry seated at the dining room table for a family announcement. Remus and Tonks were expecting, due at the end of April. If the baby was a girl, they would name her Rhea Andromeda, if it was a boy, they planned to name him Ted Remus Lupin, or Teddy, something that brought tears of joy and sadness of Andromeda and everyone else' eyes.

December 21, 1997; London, England

Baby Cepheus Alphard Black was the quietest Black baby born to date. He didn't fuss when his twin brothers shook the bed when they crawled up to meet him, and he didn't wail when Adhara cried because she was hungry. With two small children, a baby and an infant, Elizabeth declared herself done having children. Sirius was secretly upset, as he loved when his wife was pregnant with his children. It must have been a guy thing because he remembered James saying something similar about Lily when she was pregnant. Had they survived, Sirius knew Harry would have had more brothers and sisters than he knew what to do with. What Sirius, James and Lily hadn't know and would never know (at least Sirius wouldn't until he died) was that Lily had been seven weeks pregnant with a baby girl that they would have names Rose Charlotte.

April 22, 1998; London, England

"AHHHH!" Tonks screamed as she gave one last push and her first child graced everyone with his presence.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Lupin-" the Healer started before he was cut off.

"That's Auror Lupin to you, Buddy," Tonks bit out as she tried to control her temper. All she wanted to do was hold her child but the nurses had taken him or her away to get cleaned up.

"Yes, well, Auror Lupin, Congratulations you have a baby boy!" She stated as she handed the blue bundle to the expectant mother. Remus quietly apologized to the Healer (Maura Thompson) who shrugged it off stating most witches who had their first child were a bit touchy due to something magical that went over Remus' head. He nodded before turning back to his wife, smiling at the sight. His son.

"Ted Remus Lupin," Tonks proclaimed smiling up at her husband. Remus caught her lips in a chaste kiss before they turned back to the now pink-eyed baby. Shocked at what they had thought were blue eyes but were not pink, green, brown-

"Oh, Teddy! You're a metamorphmagus just like mummy!" Tonks exclaimed.

"Hello Teddy, I'm you're daddy. You're mummy and I love you very much," Remus spoke softly so the baby could hear, hoping to understand that his crying mother was not, in fact, crazy like most of the Black family. Although, Remus did have his doubts sometimes.

The rest of the family entered and met the newest addition, Teddy the metamorphmagus. Everyone cooed just as they had over all of the Black children before him.

"Hey!" Sirius exclaimed, "We have kids the same age! Hopefully they form the next generation of Marauders!" Everyone shook his or her head but Remus silently wondered if that would happen. He hoped not, if only for Minerva's sake.

June 1998; Hogwarts Castle, Hogsmeade, Scotland

"Congratulations Hogwarts Class of 1998," Hermione and Draco spoke together as Head Girl and Boy, "We did it!" There were cheers and cries and even Headmistress McGonagall dabbed her eyes as the recent graduates celebrated their freedom as well as their inevitable steps into adulthood and responsibility.

In the crowd, CJ smiled at her girlfriend, Hermione and promptly gave her a large kiss when said witch approached her. Ginny wrapped her arms around Draco and pepper his face with kisses. She had just been informed that she would be Head Girl next year and knew that Draco could easily sneak into her rooms for the night. Daphne and Harry shared a long embraced that was photographed by many magazine reporters that had shown up to report on both the Man-Who-Conquered s betrothed graduation as well as the graduation of the girlfriend of the Spanish Quidditch, Dimas Santini, star's daughter.

Next week, Harry and Daphne would marry and go on their honeymoon, and neither could wait.

June 21, 1998; London, England

Daphne was a vision in white, floating down the aisle to her beloved. They spoke their long, tear-jerking vows before sealing their union with a passionate kiss. The wedding, the fourth held a Grimmauld Place, was just as fantastic, if not more so, than the rest. The only representatives from any magazines or papers were Lady Luna Lovegood of the Quibbler, Lavender Brown, recently hired WitchWeekly correspondent, and Hannah Abbott, Daily Prophet correspondent of six months (having gotten the job back in December).

The couple was in their own bubble, eating, drinking and dancing the night away before taking a Portkey to a Potter private island in the Aegean Sea. They spent three weeks there before deciding to come home early. Daphne was preparations to make for Bill and Fleur's wedding in France and Harry wanted to finish his apprenticeship before August 21, Bill and Fleur's wedding.

August 21, 1998; Cannes, France

The wedding at the beachside estate of the Delacour family was opulent and intimate. The Bride and Groom, not officially Lord and Lady Delacour, were glowing as they walked hand in hand down the surf towards the reception. The weather was gorgeous, not a dark cloud in the sky, and the champagne was continuously flowing.

Harry had indeed completed his apprenticeship, with only minimum rushing and three all nighters, the day before the wedding, right after Bill's stag night. Harry could safely say that he would not ever recommend anyone undertake any part of his or her apprenticeship hungover. It was not a pleasant thing.

Later that night, while Harry was in bed reflecting on the reception, he realized his wife of one month had not had a drop of wine; he wondered why and asked her so.

"I'm pregnant," was her soft response as she drifted off to sleep. If you had asked Harry five years ago how his life would have gone, this would not have been his answer. But strangely, Harry was ready for this baby; he was ready to be a father. Everything in his life he had done so he could live to see a world where his children would be safe and happy, and he was ready to make that a reality. Smiling, he too drifted off into the land of dreams where he and Daphne and their five to seven children were all smiling, together.

The End.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed it! If you scroll down you can see what I had planned, when I contemplated a sequel, for the families and their children. Hope you all enjoyed the ending!


Black Family:

Sirius Black (Gryffindor) [October 19, 1959] and Elizabeth Gray (Ravenclaw) [January 5, 1960]

Phoenix Gemini and Leo Gemini (June 12 1993)-Gryffindors

Adhara Lynx (January 15 1996)-Ravenclaw

Cepheus Alphard (December 21 1997)-Ravenclaw

Polaris Regulus and Mira Vulpecula (July 7 2004)-Gryffindor and Ravenclaw respectively

Phoenix Black (Gryffindor) [June 12 1993] and Sybella Scamander (Ravenclaw) [January 3, 1997]

Perseus Sirius and Sagittarius Phoenix Black (January 14, 2017)-Gryffindor

Alphecca Alexia Black (June 24, 2020)-Ravenclaw

Capella Carina Black (July 2, 2025)-Ravenclaw

Leo Black (Gryffindor) [June 12 1993] and Lilac Patience Oliphant (Gryffindor) [August 1, 1999]

Rasalas Sirius and Procyon Leo Black (April 9, 2022) -Gryffindor

Chara Melody Black (July 18, 2025) -Gryffindor

Cepheus Black (Ravenclaw) [December 21 1997] and Rose Dagworth-Granger (Gryffindor) [March 25, 2001]

Elizabeth Situla "Lizzie" Black (July 25, 2025)-Ravenclaw

Cygnus Nigellus Black Ravenclaw (August 8, 2030)-Ravenclaw

Nigella Aludra Black Ravenclaw (March 2, 2033)-Gryffindor

Polaris Black (Gryffindor) [July 7 2004] and Lorna Kathleen Wood (Gryffindor) [January 8, 2007]

Sirrah Polaris Black (January 14, 2030)-Gryffindor

Lacerta Katherine and Lynx Elizabeth Black (October 9, 2033)-Ravenclaws

Potter Family:

Harry Potter (Gryffindor) [July 31, 1980] and Daphne Greengrass (Slytherin) [June 22, 1980]

James Sirius Potter (April 2, 1999)-Gryffindors

Marius Remus Potter-Greengrass (July 1, 2001)-Slytherin

William Nathaniel Potter (Gryffindor) (January 31, 2004)-Gryffindors

Silas Caleb Potter (Slytherin) (August, 31, 2006)-Slytherin

Lily Katherine Morgan Sophie and Dawn Marianne Azalea Elizabeth Potter-LeFey (May 1, 2008)-Ravenclaw

James Potter (Gryffindor) [April 2, 1999] and Lyra Malfoy (Slytherin) [July 5, 2001]

Charlus Lucian Potter (January 4, 2023)-Gryffindor

Daisy Alexia and Dahlia Aimee Potter (September 17, 2025)-Ravenclaw

Jasper Harry Potter (April 28, 2028)-Gryffindor

Holly Willow Potter (May 31, 2032)-Slytherin

Marius Potter-Greengrass [July 1, 2001] (Slytherin) and Rhea Lupin (Hufflepuff) [March 30, 2001]

Phoebe Anne Potter-Greengrass (July 3, 2021)-Slytherin

Theia Grace Potter-Greengrass (October 5, 2022)-Hufflepuff

Koios Cyrus Potter-Greengrass (August 4, 2026)-Slytherin

William Potter [Lord Gryffindor] (Gryffindor) [January 31, 2004] and Mira Black [July 7 2004] (Ravenclaw)

Hera Pleione and Juno Electra Potter [Gryffindor] (June 4, 2025)-Gryffindors

Jupiter Orion Potter [Gryffindor] (April 19, 2028)-Gryffindor

Athena Alcyone Potter [Gryffindor] (December 30, 2030)-Ravenclaw

Silas Potter [Lord Slytherin] (Slytherin) [August, 31, 2006] and Imogen Scamander (Ravenclaw) [September 22, 2005]

Elmira Veronica Potter (March 4, 2029)-Slytherin

Vanessa Elizabeth Potter (April 18, 2031)-Ravenclaw

Damian Silas Potter (June 24, 2034)-Slytherin

Jack Henry Potter (December 30, 2035)-Ravenclaw

Lily Potter-LeFey (Ravenclaw) [May 1, 2008] and Howard Gordon "Howie" Wood (Gryffindor) [August 20, 2005]

Fern Flora and Fauna Fleur Potter-LeFey (May 7, 2032)-Ravenclaws

Hazel Magnolia and Holly Wisteria Potter-LeFey (April 7, 2035)-Ravenclaws

Cedar Water, Ash Earth, and Oak Sky Potter-LeFey (June 7, 2040)-Gryffindors

Dawn Potter-LeFey (Ravenclaw) [May 1, 2008] and Philip Santini (Ravenclaw) [July 20, 2008]

Helena Piper and Morgana Paige Potter-LeFey (June 1, 2032)-Ravenclaw

Serena Prudence Potter-LeFey (April 29, 2035)-Ravenclaw

Basil Hadrian Potter-LeFey (October 31, 2040)-Ravenclaw

Lupin Family:

Remus Lupin (Gryffindor) [March 10, 1960] and Nymphadora Tonks (Hufflepuff) [June 19, 1973]

Ted "Teddy" Remus (April, 22, 1998)-Gryffindor

Rhea Andromeda (March 30, 2001)-Hufflepuff

Cassiopeia Jayne and Capricorn Iago (January 17, 2004)-Hufflepuff and Gryffindor respectively

Teddy Lupin (Gryffindor) [April, 22, 1998] and Victoire Delacour (Ravenclaw) [May 2, 2000]

Moira Giselle (December 1, 2020)-Ravenclaw

Avril Nymphadora (April 2, 2023)-Hufflepuff

Diodore Jon (March 12, 2025)-Gryffindor

Toussaint William (May 11, 2028)-Gryffindor

Capricorn Lupin (Gryffindor) [January 17, 2004] and Hilda Ana Prewett (Ravenclaw) [May 5, 2007]

Jessa Kayla Lupin (March 14, 2031)-Ravenclaw

Caspian Horus and Horatio Capricorn Lupin (June 28, 2034)-Gryffindors

Kyra Juliana Lupin (September 2, 2038)-Ravenclaw

Malfoy Family:

Draco Malfoy (Slytherin) [June 5, 1980] and Ginevra Prewett (Gryffindor) [August 11, 1981]

Lyra Cassiopeia Malfoy (July 5, 2001)-Slytherin

Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy (April 8, 2004)-Slytherin

Euphemia "Effie" Narcissa Malfoy (February 15, 2006)-Ravenclaw

Gideon Aquarius Malfoy (March 1, 2008)-Gryffindor

Scorpius Malfoy (Slytherin)[April 8, 2004] and Margaret Lovegood (Ravenclaw) [March 2, 2004]

Caelum Lucian Malfoy (January 20, 2025)-Slytherin

Ara Melania Malfoy (May, 17, 2027)-Ravenclaw

Betelgeuse Gemma "Gemma" Malfoy (April 12, 2030)-Slytherin

Draco Lucius Malfoy II (February 1, 2034)-Slytherin

Gideon Malfoy (Gryffindor) [March 1, 2008] and Teresa Zabini (Slytherin) [June 1, 2009]

Rosa Jade Malfoy (July 24, 2032)-Slytherin

Ginevra Florence Malfoy (August 16, 2034)-Gryffindor

Terrence Nicholas Malfoy (March 9, 2039)-Slytherin

Delacour (Weasley) Family:

Fleur Delacour (Beauxbatons) [June 11, 1977] and William Arthur (Gryffindor) [November 29, 1970]

Victoire Antoinette Delacour (May 2, 2000)-Gryffindor

Dominique Sophie Delacour (August 21, 2001)-Gryffindor

Louis Guillaume Delacour (January 5, 2004)-Gryffindor

Louis Delacour (Gryffindor) [January 5, 2004] and Winifred Lovegood (Gryffindor) [March 2, 200]

Marie Fleur Delacour (July 6, 2029)-Ravenclaw

Jeanne Chloe Delacour (January 27, 2032)-Ravenclaw

Guillaume Maarten Delacour (June 12, 2037)-Gryffindor

Bones (Weasley) Family:

Susan Bones (Hufflepuff) [April 5, 1980] and Charlus Septimus (Gryffindor) [December 12, 1972]

Edgar Charlus "Eddie" Bones (May 12, 2002)-Hufflepuff

Emmeline Amelia "Emmy" Bones (January 9, 2004)-Hufflepuff

Felicity Galatea Bones (October 22, 2005)-Hufflepuff

Edgar Bones (Hufflepuff) [May 12, 2002] and Cassiopeia Lupin (Hufflepuff) [January 17, 2004]

Darren Charlie Bones (March 17, 2027)

Eloise Susan and Emmanuelle Sabrina Bones (July 5, 2031)

Lovegood (Weasley) Family:

George Gideon (Gryffindor) [April 1, 1978] and Luna Lovegood (Ravenclaw) [April 2, 1981]

Margaret Roxanne and Winifred Jewel Lovegood (March 2, 2004)-Ravenclaw and Gryffindor respectively

Lorcan Xenophilius and Lysander George Lovegood (October 12, 2008)-Ravenclaws

Selena Primrose Lovegood (May 1, 2015)-Ravenclaw

Lorcan Lovegood (Ravenclaw) [October 12, 2008] and Valentina Scamander (Ravenclaw) [February 14, 2009]

Lydia Selene and Lacey Serene Lovegood (March 25, 2034)-Ravenclaw

Vance George Rolf Lovegood (April 26, 2037)-Ravenclaw

Lysander Lovegood (Ravenclaw) [October 12, 2008] and Alice Longbottom (Gryffindor) [October 5, 2009]

Sanders Neville Lovegood (June 28, 2034)

Mariposa Luna Lovegood (May 6, 2037)

Longbottom Family:

Neville Longbottom (Gryffindor) [July 30, 1980] and Hannah Abbott (Hufflepuff) [June 29, 1980]

Abigail Grace Longbottom (March 3, 2005)-Hufflepuff

Frank Harfang Longbottom II (June 17, 2007)-Gryffindor

Alice Maria Longbottom (October 5, 2009)-Gryffindor

Frank Longbottom (Gryffindor) [June 17, 2007] and Olivia Nott (Beauxbatons) [December 14, 2007]

Marie Grace Longbottom (February 26, 2028)-Beauxbatons

Celine Francine Longbottom (May 3, 2032)-Beauxbatons

Algernon Neville Longbottom (June 30, 2035)-Gryffindor

Nott Family:

Theodore Nott (Slytherin) [May 18, 1980] and Gabrielle Delacour (Beauxbatons) [May 1, 1986]

Olivia Sophie Nott (December 14, 2007)-Beauxbatons

Theobald Pierre Nott (September 20, 2011)-Slytherin

Theobald Nott (Slytherin) [September 20, 2011] and Selena Lovegood (Ravenclaw) [May 1, 2015]

Theodora Selena Nott (September 6, 2038)-Ravenclaw

Stefan Torrance Nott (May 17, 2042)-Slytherin

Zabini Family:

Blaise Zabini (Slytherin) [February 23, 1980] and Astoria Greengrass (Slytherin) [March 25, 1982]

Francesco Marius Zabini (March 16, 2002)-Slytherin

Teresa Rosa Belladonna Zabini (June 1, 2009)-Slytherin

Francesco Zabini (Slytherin) [March 16, 2002] and Emmeline "Emmy" Bones (Hufflepuff) [January 9, 2004]

Kendall Giada Zabini (April 23, 2022)-Slytherin

Marco Francesco Zabini (August 6, 2026)-Slytherin

Scamander Family:

Rolf Scamander (Ravenclaw) [September 15, 1970] and Keira McCourt (Ravenclaw) [March 11, 1971]

Sybella Harmony Scamander (January 3, 1997)-Ravenclaw

Malakai Dawson and Maestro Derek Scamander (November 30, 2000)-Ravenclaw

Imogen Tatiana Scamander (September 22, 2005)-Ravenclaw

Valentina Louise Scamander (February 14, 2009)-Ravenclaw

Malakai Scamander (Ravenclaw) [November 30, 2000] and Dominique Delacour (Gryffindor) [August 21, 2001]

Juliette Renee Scamander (September 4, 2024)-Gryffindor

Henri Michel Scamander (October 11, 2027)-Ravenclaw

Maestro Scamander (Ravenclaw) [November 30, 2000] and Lucy McTavish (Hufflepuff) [October 25, 2000]

Cornwall Devon Scamander (July 5, 2023)-Ravenclaw

Kirsten Audrey Scamander (May 28, 2027)-Hufflepuff

Prewett Family:

Alair Prewett (Ravenclaw) [January 6, 1978] and Ana von Wolff (Beauxbatons) [August 17, 1979]

Gerhardt Arnold Prewett (May 31, 2003)-Ravenclaw

Kurt Luther Prewett (November 14, 2005)-Ravenclaw

Hilda Ana Prewett (May 5, 2007)-Ravenclaw

Gerhardt Prewett (Ravenclaw) [May 31, 2003] and Abigail Longbottom (Hufflepuff) [March 3, 2005]

Wolff Max Prewett (July 18, 2026)-Ravenclaw

Alyssa Reese Prewett (November 14, 2030)-Hufflepuff

Alexandra Hannah Prewett (April 29, 2034)-Hufflepuff

Arianna Gabriella Prewett (March 30, 2037)-Hufflepuff

Kurt Prewett (Ravenclaw) [November 14, 2005] and Felicity Bones (Hufflepuff) [October 22, 2005]

Galatea Francine Prewett (November 1, 2027)-Hufflepuff

Franz Kurt Prewett (March 24, 2034)-Ravenclaw

Wood Family:

Oliver Wood (Gryffindor) [February 3, 1976] and Katie Bell (Gryffindor) [August 2, 1979]

Xavier Alan Wood (January 2, 2000)-Gryffindor

Curtis Ewan Wood (September 7, 2002)-Gryffindor

Howard Gordon "Howie" Wood (August 20, 2005)-Gryffindor

Lorna Kathleen Wood (January 8, 2007)-Gryffindor

Angel Fiona Wood (June 21, 2010)-Gryffindor

Xavier Wood (Gryffindor) [January 2, 2000] and Blythe Santini (Ravenclaw) [April 3, 2004]

Fife Xavier Wood (July 16, 2032)-Gryffindor

Rhona Ainsley Wood (July 23, 2035)-Gryffindor

Duncan Richard Wood (July 9, 2037)-Gryffindor

Curtis Ewan Wood (Gryffindor) (Sept7'02) and Euphemia "Effie" Malfoy (Ravenclaw) [February 15, 2006]

Logan Cameron Wood (March 16, 2029)-Gryffindor

Narcissa Ginevra Wood (May 8, 2034)-Ravenclaw

Imago (Weasley) Family:

Fredrick Fabian (Gryffindor) [April 1, 1978] and Verity Peaches Imago (Hufflepuff) [September 8, 1975]

Marie Indigo Imago (October 12, 2006)-Hufflepuff

ArthurGeorge Imago (December 11, 2009)-Hufflepuff

Arthur Imago (Hufflepuff) [December 11, 2009] and Magenta Brahmin (Gryffindor) [October 20, 2008]

Derek Arthur Imago (April 5, 2032)-Gryffindor

Patricia Pink and Paige Purple Image (November 12, 2036)-Hufflepuff

Dagworth-Granger-Santini (Weasley) Family:

Fred becomes Hermione and CJ's sperm donor when they are ready for kids: Fredrick Fabian (April 1, 1978)

Hermione Jean Dagworth-Granger

Rose Marie Dagworth-Granger (March 25, 2001)-Gryffindor

Charlotte "Charlie" Lucy Dagworth-Granger (August 10, 2004)-Gryffindor

Hector Maurice Dagworth-Granger II (November 5, 2006)-Ravenclaw

Sarah May Dagworth-Granger (stillborn November 1, 2011)

CJ Santini

Blythe Eleanor Santini (April 3, 2004)-Ravenclaw

Philip James and Rhys David Santini (July 20, 2008)-Ravenclaw and Gryffindor respectively

Hector Dagworth-Granger (Ravenclaw) [November 5, 2006] and Fa Mulan (Ravenclaw) [November 12, 2007]

Cooper Herman Dagworth-Granger (July 17, 2034)-Ravenclaw

Li Hermione Dagworth-Granger (January 14, 2040)-Ravenclaw

Rhys Santini (Gryffindor) [July 20, 2008] and Angel Wood (Gryffindor) [June 21, 2010]

Leila Jane Santini (October 24, 2032)-Gryffindor

Rachel Clara Santini (December 11, 2035)-Gryffindor

Beth Angel Santini (February 6, 2038)-Gryffindor

Gavin Rhys Santini (April 30, 2042)-Gryffindor

Brahmin Family:

Shalya Brahmin (October 3, 1975) and Padma Patil (January 28, 1980) [Ravenclaw]

Saraswati and Shakti [f] (January 22, 2003)-India Magic School

Pranav [m] (August 16, 2007)-Ravenclaw

Shalwa Brahmin (October 3, 1975) and Parvati Patil (January 28, 1980) [Gryffindor]

Lakshmi [f] (September 3, 2002)-India Magic School

Pankaja [m] (November 12, 2004)-India Magic School

Magenta [f] (October 20, 2008)-Gryffindor

Pranav Brahmin (Ravenclaw) [August 16, 2007] and Fa Mulan (Ravenclaw) [November 12, 2007]

Peaches and Penelope Brahmin (June 5, 2031)-Ravenclaw

Caspar Brahmin (October 16, 2034)-Ravenclaw

Fa Family:

Fa Longwei (April 17, 1975) and Su Li (January 6, 1980) [Ravenclaw]

Fa Zhou (June 29, 2005)-Ravenclaw

Fa Mulan (November 12, 2007)-Ravenclaw

Fa Zhou (Ravenclaw) [June 29, 2005] andMarie Indigo Imago (Hufflepuff) [October 12, 2006]

Fa Shang (April 8, 2029)-Ravenclaw

Fa Su (August 29, 2032)-Hufflepuff

Fa Dane (September 17, 2037)-Ravenclaw

Shafiq (Thomas) Family:

Dean Shafiq (August 14, 1980) [Gryffindor] and Mona Ross (November 1, 1980) [Gryffindor]

Katherine Mona (Sept23'02),

Kato Dean (October 18, 2010)

Kato Shafiq (October 18, 2010) [Gryffindor] and Amber Oliphant (April 8, 2011) [Gryffindor]

Kimberly Amber Shafiq (June 12, 2036)-Gryffindor

Adam Kent Shafiq (April 9, 2040)-Gryffindor

Kelsey Ashley Shafiq (March 29, 2043)-Gryffindor

Oliphant (Finnegan) Family:

Seamus Aidan (March 31, 1980) [Gryffindor] and Lavender Brown (May 18, 1980) [Gryffindor]

Lilac Patience Oliphant (August 1, 1999)-Gryffindor

Sterling Flame (December 22, 2003)-Gryffindor

Amber Leigh (April 8, 2011)-Gryffindor

Sterling Oliphant (December 22, 2003) [Gryffindor] and Charlotte "Charlie" Dagworth-Granger (August 10, 2004) [Gryffindor]

Hunter Seamus Oliphant (May 5, 2028)-Gryffindor

Mauve Lavender Oliphant (July 27, 2031)-Gryffindor

Periwinkle Hermione Oliphant (August 19, 2034)-Gryffindor

Pink Clara-Jane Oliphant (February 12, 2038)-Gryffindor

Jordan Family:

Lee Jordan (February 22, 1978) and Angelina Johnson (October 30, 1977)

Geraldine May Jordan (May 9, 2004)-Gryffindor

Roxanne Marie Jordan (June 23, 2008)-Gryffindor

Lionel Lee Jordan (January 7, 2010)-Gryffindor

Lionel Jordan (January 7, 2010) [Gryffindor] and Katherine Mona Shafiq (October 18, 2010) [Gryffindor]

Lucas Shafiq Jordan (April 30, 2034)-Gryffindor

Karen Shafiq Jordan (August 5, 2037)-Gryffindor

Krum Family:

Viktor Krum (January 23, 1977) and Adrianna Poliakof (August 8, 1977) [Durmstrang]

Dmitri Krum (August 29, 1996)-Durmstrang

Katrina Krum (December 15, 2003)-Beauxbatons

Dmitri Krum (Durmstrang) [August 29, 1996) and Adhara Black (Ravenclaw) [January 15 1996]

Vega Adrianna Krum (July 17, 2019)-Ravenclaw

Stefan Vladimir Krum (January 20, 2023)-Durmstrang

Dmitri Victor Krum, jr. (June 12, 2027)-Durmstrang

McTavish (Weasley) Family:

Percy Ignatius (August 22, 1976) [Gryffindor] and Audrey McTavish [Hufflepuff] (October 30, 1976)

Lucy Eliza McTavish (October 25, 2000)-Hufflepuff

Ignatius Hermes McTavish (September 15, 2007)-Gryffindor

Ignatius McTavish (Gryffindor) [September 15, 2007] and Roxanne Jordan (Gryffindor) [June 23, 2008]

Percival Dustan McTavish (June 19, 2035)-Gryffindor

Laura-Ann McTavish (January 26, 2038)-Gryffindor

Davies Family:

Roger Charles Davies (January 27, 1978) and Mira Jamie Black (July 22, 78) [Ravenclaw, Beauxbatons]

Roger Charles Davis jr (June 24, 2003)-Ravenclaw

Roger Davies, jr (Ravenclaw) [June 24, 2003) and Geraldine Jordan (Gryffindor)[May 9, 2004]

Peter Roger Davies (April 5, 2026)-Ravenclaw

Charles Jordan Davies (August 7, 2027)-Ravenclaw

May Eliza Davies (January 24, 2029)-Gryffindor