Reviews for When The Truth Comes Out
Bronze chapter 9 . 6/25
Well there goes hiding out at Grimmauld Place! Fumblemort will be sure to allow Harry's name to be placed in the Goblet of Fire to force him to participate in the tournament. Anything and everything is fair game to get Harry once more under his control.
Bronze chapter 5 . 6/24
Much as I hate to say it this is gonna so piss off that great old meddler Fumblemort. He would crash it just to get Harry back under his control. Of course throwing Sirius back into prison and destroying any hope Harry might have of getting a loving family would be all gravy.
Ricardo chapter 1 . 6/20
Honestly can’t read they treat woman like breeding factories, all this marriage contract talks are barbaric and forced. Telling daphne having 5 children isn’t unreasonable. The men aren’t the ones getting pregnant and having to deal with the effects of pregnancy. Women are more than pretty housewives can’t read this story since it’s so downgrading to women.
SpreadingTheLove chapter 1 . 6/13
i havent read it yet but i wanna say im super excited to read this fic :)
RyanMK666 chapter 11 . 5/1
er just saying but your AN is wrong, she's a black by marriage not birth, the woman you're talking about was born 1654. almost a full 300 years before another woman of the same name married in... so saying to someone to 'check their facts' when you're the one who is, quite obviously actually, in the wrong.
Tenjo chapter 2 . 1/19
This one isn’t so much a tip but a personal preference that I’m giving as the reason for me not reading any further. Prophecies, gods and deities ruin stories. Having this nonsense ‘true seer’ being one of the prominent characters makes this too hard to read.
Tenjo chapter 2 . 1/19
Solid tip; NEVER include abilities they have, or that they can ‘unlock’ unless they are special abilities identifiable by blood. Animagus transformations, illusion magic, duelling championships (seriously?), transfiguration, charms and DADA aren’t such abilities. They’re things anyone can learn or get better at through practice. And really? Gray Mage? I’ll ignore the whole Lord and Lady business (not canon) and ignore the amount of families you’ve made him head ofthose tropes are overdone but normal at this point, but the ability thing just makes me cringe.
BillBrink chapter 15 . 1/6
Thank you for sharing this entertaining and enjoyable story.
Hardy chapter 16 . 12/21/2019
I know that this is rather late

I very much enjoyed the story

I had to laugh my head off when counting all the children

And just think the women wanted to stop at two or three
BillBrink chapter 16 . 8/25/2019
Thanks for sharing this work.
Tenjo chapter 1 . 8/11/2019
Can you flag people who leave troll reviews? SomeoneWithTasteDoA has left insults on literally every story I’ve read the reviews for (eight stories), none of which are constructive criticism and all of which seem to indicate they didn’t actually read the story.
SomeoneWithTasteDoA chapter 16 . 7/29/2019
So glad you stopped writing on this website. You're way too stupid to be able to post here.
SomeoneWithTasteDoA chapter 5 . 7/29/2019
Not only is this story garbage, but your writing makes me want to off myself. Holy fuck.
Guest chapter 16 . 7/23/2019
My input, too many dates,but and extra information, made this hard to read.
Guest chapter 16 . 6/29/2019
I wish to know more about Molly and Ron weasley. Did Ron ever get anyone to marry him. Did he have kids. Did he get his n.e.w.t.s. and was Molly ever arrested or anything for kidnapping her niece and probably killing her sister in-law.
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